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Rabid 1977

Meh...Just another zombie apocalypse movie, only this one was made back in the 70s and had a porn star for the leading role. If you want several shots of Marilyn Chambers' boobs without running the risk of your mom catching you with a porn flick, this is the film for you. Apart from that, there is NOTHING memorable about this and the whole thing was dull and lifeless. A vagina (with a razor-sharp proboscis emanating from it, no less!) develops in this chick's armpit, and suddenly the world is awash with blood-sucking, frothing-at-the-mouth rabid humanoids. The whole story was poorly developed, poorly written, and poorly acted. If there was ANY "upside" to this, it was simply seeing those wild 70's scenes: bell-bottom pants, burnt orange carpeting, gold drapes, paisley wallpaper. So much to roll your eyes and dislike here, I would recommend giving this one a pass even to hardcore fans of Cronenberg. Just not worth wasting an hour and a half on.

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Streamed via HBO Max

Pretty entertaining vampire & zombie hybrid flick. Rabid is Cronenberg's early work that doesn't really stand out to me. It isn't bad or great either. It certainly has its moments but I think the problem is in how it builds up and I don't like how it ends abruptly. It does feel unique and different from other vampire films because of Cronenberg's signature thrown into this film. Watching it during this time is quite fitting and it really adds the horror. Worth a watch!

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If you like 1977, horror and David Cronenberg, Rabid is your jam. If you only like two of those things, you'll get a kick out of this. If you only like one of those things, meh. :person_shrugging_tone3::male_sign:

A surprisingly prescient film for the coronavirus, in which Marilyn Chambers (hot off her success as a porn chic starlette) is the carrier for a type of rabies that forces Canada into a national lockdown complete with supermarket lines and armed patrols.

True to form, Cronenberg adds a his trademark sexual touch with a disease that spreads when a vagina-like cavity under the arm opens to disgorge a long nipple with a needle at its tip.

It's not earth shattering, but it is David Cronenberg horror from 1977.

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Shout by Chris

“Please hold me. I’m dying of the cold.”
- Rose

Cronenberg at his best. Love his early work. This was a great follow up to “Shivers” his directorial feature debut.
:dart: :zombie::male_sign:

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Poor Santa Claus, getting shot for no reason! That guy's aim was so off. Anyway I learned loads of new things about Montreal and Rabid thanks to Mr. Joe Bob. That is what I like so much about the Last-Drive In, so many tiny tidbits.

Anyway Rabid is still an effective body horror film. I like the Canadian setting, the way things go, the ending, Marilyn Chambers, the Arm Pit Stinger, the car crashes, martial law and the ending. So casual.

I do think Rabid is kind of a must watch for horror fans, it is just the way Cronenberg sees things and expands on it. Every film of David Cronenberg has something that you'll enjoy. And he is one of the best body horror directors out there!

Conclusion? Rabid is a solid film!

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An evolution in quality from Cronenberg. It's glossier than Shivers, but it borrows a lot of the same themes and tries to expand on them. It loses the claustrophobia, but the scenes of mass hysteria are good.

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Interesting twist on the outbreak genre. Not sure I would consider this a zombie movie though as it's more about the attacks.

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