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Rampage 2018


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-04-23T20:17:59Z— updated 2021-01-26T21:09:13Z

Entertaining and likable popcorn movie. That is better than it has a right to be. I mean when playing the arcade at like 11 yrs old there wasn't much to it. Just creatures destroying buildings. Yet they managed to make it a decent movie. Dwayne Johnson and Jeffrey Dean Morgan "in Negan form without Luchile or zombies" helped make the film fun.
The rich snobby villains who helped create what makes the animals giant felt out of place almost though. Like they belonged in a soap opera or an episode of Supergirl. Malin Akerman was better in the Final Girls, here she's not that great. Jake Lacy as her brother is even worse.
Johnson seeming to forget his character has a gun shot wound was also silly. Otherwise Rampage, like the Tomb Raider reboot is one of the better video game movies.

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Great fun movie, one for the popcorn viewers. The sound and bass is spectacular and the two hours flies by. Definitely worth watching but it has The Rock - so you know what to expect - you won't be disappointed!

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Terrible!!!! It was really painful to see.

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Token humour, token action, token special effects all earn a token rating.

Admittedly, Rampage was better then I'd feared (and I feared quite a lot--after all, I've seen Geostorm) but despite having enough action to keep me awake it never succeeds in rising above the mediocre in any area. A for effort, but 5 for a score.

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it whas a good movie to see. i recome t this one

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Shout by Deleted

Under what circumstances did "that" hand sign enter Davis' and George's conversation? There's more to that relationship than meets the eye.

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A straight forward action movie where three animals become genetically engineered by accident and how they battle it out. Do not expect rich story in this movie, but the movie will remind you on movies like King Kong, Godzilla and other creature / monster movies. Rock did his part well. Watch this movie without considering logic, as it would be more fun. Check out the building climbing crocodile and also the flying fox! It was fun, simple said. 7/10

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There's a reason that Sy Fy Channel comes up with 35 giant animal movies a year. They are fun. Here's one with good effects, A List talent and a budget. Don't expect smarter...expect bigger! Chicago takes a beating in this that's a bonus! Sit back, turn brain into "off" position and enjoy the ride. Certainly lived up to expectations...just didn't exceed them. 7/10

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It was painful to watch omg

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It's boring after 30 minutes of watching it. The acting is garbage, after seeing so much movies with Dwayne Johnson you think he would shine. But his acting was just as trash as all of the other actors. Like no one cares in the movie. Terrible!!!

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

.5 / 1 misc (fun)

5.5 out of 10

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offensively bland, even for a brainless popcorn flick.

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The worst & ridiculous film in 2018

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Do you want a fun romp where massive animals smash and tear up cities while Dwayne Johnson chases after as a primatologist with special forces training? Great, this is exactly that film.

It does require one to turn off their brain because stepping back even in a single foot to look at the wider perspective of this film will break a lot of the fun, but if you know what you are signing up for this is fun enough.

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It may even work as a Sunday evening escapist fun, just do not care about the script, the logic, and the narrative coherence of events.

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Really fun, met my expectations, Dwayne did an amazing job once again, a solid 8/10.

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perhaps because of the low expectation, the film has surprised me so much. Was really intrigued at how they could create a plot with something as simple as the game was. Achieved.

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This was actually so much fun?

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Rampage was a fun action movie, but not much more. If you're looking for a monster movie with ok acting and good comedic relief, this is one of those.

George (the gorilla) and Dwayne Johnson are the stars of the show, but the rest of the cast falls a bit short in my opinion.

A bit of unnecessary adult humor at times for what otherwise could have been a pretty family friendly action flick.

Overall, I think it's a fun action movie for a slightly older crowd.

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Yes I give this movie and 8. I do enjoy Dwayne Johnson's movies. This movie was so far fetched but very entertaining. The graphic effects were well done. It shows how humans just can't mind their business. There is an experiment that gets loose and effects some animals, including a gorilla thats in the care of Davis (Johnson). So needless to say it's a kind of movie that requires a hero -- the Rock to the rescue!!

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A silly, dumb fun action movie. It's exactly what you expect. The effects are good. The start is slow and it can drag a little but the final fight is worth it. The plot is silly but don't try to pick at it. The Rock was born for these roles. Jeffery Dean Morgan was basically playing Negan from The Walking Dead, I'm convinced that is just who he is now. It is a good movie to watch while having a few beers.

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I will rate this movie Become monke/10

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This is pure stupid and generic fluff, but I can't say I was bored watching it.

Seriously, what did you expect?

It's loud, action packed, big and ridiculous.

Dwayne Johnson is entertaining as always and the chemistry between him and George the Gorilla is very good, but some of the humor and emotional elements didn't work for me.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is literally playing Negan in this movie. He even dose the lean back and the slow tone talking. Still, he's enjoying every moment of it and easiest the most enjoyable part of the movie.

However, the scenes with Malin Akerman and Jake Lacy are really bad, because both of them can't act and inputs the fast pace. Why couldn't the infected animals be the main villains and no one else?

Overall rating: It's not a great movie or even a good one, just terribly fun. Like, there's nothing that's going to stick with me in terms of being memorable. It is what it is, I guess.

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I love the sound effect, watch it with your home theater system.

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Big monsters and one bold muscle man. As it goes on, Dwayne should become a member of the Avengers or other Justice League as a well-deserved superhero. ;)

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News flash: shallow, one-dimensional video games make for shallow, one-dimensional movies. Between the dull, overplayed storytelling devices, awful script, budget special effects and barren acting performances, I'm not even sure if an honest effort was made to fight that tide.

The Rock is energetic and charismatic in the lead role, but the Rock basically excretes refined energy and charisma, so we can't count that in Rampage's favor. It's fair to say the second most-memorable performance is delivered by an unconvincing computer-generated albino gorilla with a complete mastery of nuanced human communication (he and Dwayne supposedly correspond via sign language, but half the time they don't even bother pointing those gestures at each other) so one can safely assume that the phone will remain silent on the eve of this year's Academy Award nominations.

If the filmmakers had spent half as much time on the plot as they did in force-feeding the original 1986 arcade cabinet into various backgrounds... well, it still probably wouldn't have made a whole lot of sense. My kids seemed to have a good time, and they're big fans of the game, so I guess it deserves partial credit for that.

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One of the (doubtful ?) advantages of paying for any streaming service is that you might watch movies you probably wouldn't otherwise. While I admit that I have come across some really good ones this way I'll also say this isn't quite one.

Within the confines of its genre it's not the worst I've ever seen. Of course you need your expectations checked before watching a movie based on a video game and starring Dwayne Johnson. It's a generic story following a genre blueprint with stereotype charcaters. A senseless spectacle so to say. If you're looking for that you needn't look any further.

A real downer was the CGI, as this movie rather looks like 2008 then 2018.

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Shout by PorterUk

I didn't know this was a video game adaptation... Watched it for the Rock after seeing a trailer as an ad on YouTube.

More good than bad points overall.

I liked the storyline. Not believable in the slightest but it was clever and a good premise.

The Rock does what he does and Naomie Harris was a treat. Jeffrey whatshisface played a silly overblown redneck. The rest of the cast were hamming it up to their stereotypes. The army guy who just won't listen...

Anywho... The bad bit.

The special effects are pretty ropey. The animals look great but some of the interactions are very sketchy.

I enjoyed this for the popcorn, mindless action and fun that it is. No complaints here after enjoying this viewing.


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45 mins in... and I'm thinking. If Dwayne Johnson shouts "Georgeee" one more time I will attempt some harakiri moves on me.

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This is the single best video game to movie adaptation ever made. Very predictable, but self-aware and loads of fun.

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Many special effects and a lot of noise. the film hardly makes any sense and the characters are very blurred and poorly planned.

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This video game adaptation should have been sillier, with more focus on monster bashing, and less focus on (sigh) The Rock. Entirely disposable, and surprisingly boring at times.

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Shout by Deleted

Good action movie. You won't get bored.

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I hope the make sequels.... do it like game and put it to different cities and what not

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Clearly no passion or talent went into the making of this movie.

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This is a perfect example where a movie should only be consumed as background noise. Just utter nonsense.

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Sure it's totally ridiculous, but it's good amount of popcorn fun. How sad is it, that Rampage, I repeat RAMPAGE gave us one of the best video game adaptations to date?! The Rock sure goes a long way to make these ludicrous movies entertaining.

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You knew what you are gonna get when you saw that poster; so sit down quietly and enjoy your tasteless choice. (/our tasteless choice)

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so amazing the big negan

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good if you have time to kill. liked the big muscled guy with no hair. fun likable and called George. the rock also appears. predictable, weak plot. thumbs up for the giant gorilla with a sense of humour.

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I fell asleep. Enough said.

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George was funny lol. The rock & George

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movie is almost entirely run by the really bad and cheesy villains...

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I enjoyed this movie. Easy to watch. Great effects. Some silly jokes but overall worth 90 minutes of your time.

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Not Bad!! Fun and a good way to spend an hour and 30 minutes.

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This was a damn fun film to watch. The story line is, as you might expect, a little lacking. But the Rock and Jeffrey Dean Morgan make it much more than I expected. There's destruction, a giant gorilla and a lot of explosions. Worth watching if you don't want to think too hard about what's happening.

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Shout by Deleted

I like this movie madly

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A movie of giant animals attacking the city, but made with money, not like those of the asylum, and similars, cool, the rock is cool

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Rampage is the film that everyone was expecting it to be. Tonally uneven with side characters that get introduced and die in their 5 minutes of screen-time and cheesy dialogue. The best part of the film is the great chemistry between a 45-year-old WWE personality-turned-actor and a 7-10 ft computer-generated gorilla and the humour the follows, which is the only collection of jokes that consistently work in the film.

The last 30 minutes I personally had fun with due to it being a distraction from the stream of scientific terminology and plot explanations yet it’s still the generic blockbuster popcorn fare with enough destruction and explosions to make Michael Bay happy.

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Wow This Did Great at the box office I'm surprised.. Film looks Below Average At Best

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