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The Big Short 2015


Shout by -A
BlockedParent2016-01-18T02:39:58Z— updated 2016-06-24T23:57:00Z

Still just a bit confused, but definitely impressed. This movie is a great way to tell something really important without turning it into an 100% boring and 0% "reachable" documentary. In a way, it dares you to not believe them, the characters—their story and what they did—neither what the future can hold. By doing so, it scares us twice as much and makes us keep discussing it all, long after it finishes. Very good.

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I love the style of this movie. The way it explains complicated things and breaking the 4th wall to confirm or deny what really happened is a perfect way to make this entertaining. The acting is great all around. Still this makes me very angry.

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This is a good movie , a little confusing but still good.

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Having failed my maths exams 3 times before finally getting a pass, my number skills are very poor. So whilst I enjoyed the film and appreciated the acting and the story, the intricacies of the banking system were as clear as a Swedish film with no subtitles. The film tries hard to relay certain financial concepts but my brain couldn't cope. What is clear, however, is this... the rich get rich while the poorer get poorer. The greedy bankers are criminals who were never brought to justice and the poor and working class suffered as a result. Its a familiar story in many aspects in life but by the film's climax it hits hard.

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When I first saw this film many years ago, I didn't understand a thing. Even though it tries to explain everything to complete idiots. I definitely liked the cast. Today is 2021 and after all that has happened to GME and ACM stock ... after WSB and the crypto market that I only got a little glimpse into I finally understood the movie! And it's awesome!

The only question is: Where can I buy water shares?:smirk:

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Shout by the_guy_with_the_hat
BlockedParent2016-02-24T01:20:23Z— updated 2019-05-06T20:06:53Z

Great Movie. Not everytime flawless, but it's one of my most loved 'subgenre'.


You like this Topic?

Watch also this three other movies:
- Inside Job
- Too Big to fail
- Margin Call

There are a great compilation to get a good Overview about this crisis.

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If you asked 10 people if they'd rather learn about mortgages or hear facts about Caitlyn Jenner, I'd bet 9 would choose the latter. That's what's so amazing about "The Big Short". It takes what most would consider an exceedingly boring topic and makes it very interesting. Granted, the characters and their struggles are what people pay attention to but the way the director educates the viewer with brief tutorials from un-involved celebrities is clever. I also can't recall a film that uses characters breaking the fourth wall as effectively.

This has a large and talented cast and tells a pretty accurate story of the subprime meltdown of the late '00s. I'm not much of a Drama genre guy, but this was excellent.

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Great mix of witty dialogue and drama. Very well directed to weave together the strands of the story owned by each of the characters who were all coming at the same problem separately. The concepts of CDS and CDO financial instruments is not the easiest thing to grasp, but the explanations via analogy were nicely handled and got the basic point across well.

Expect a sequel in about 2021 - the bail out money has been used to reinflate the bubble. I expect The City of London to be the main setting; although they might need a location budget for a number of European cities!!.

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Such a great movie. It's funny, it's smart, it's well-done and it made me angry and sad. Note to self: please, always remember who the bad guys in this world are.
"I have a feeling, in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people."

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I really liked the movie, but I´m still not 100% sure I understand every detail of what went on at the time. What I do understand is that it´s starting to happening again.

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Wolf of Wall Street vibe with a super interesting plot. It gets a little technical but not too technical. Everything gets explained well and at the end of the movie I enjoyed the fun ride and I learned quite a lot about the financial market. Definitely recommended if you want an interesting movie to watch,

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Still cant believe there are so many dumb trakt users rating this incredible movie so low.

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This was insane, one of the best movies I've seen. Everything it's great about this movie, even though it's about how something bad happened, and how a few take advantage of that, and leave you thinking about all of it, about all the people that lost everything, the last part is so harsh, and yes at times is funny (mostly at the beginning) but is so rough later... it's just... So, a must watch, the direction it's good, the performances are great, and the story is well told.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best films I've seen in the past 2-3 years. It sky rocketed to my top 10 movies all time I think. Its overall tone and the way it's directed (it's literally directed towards you, sometimes when the actors speak they look into the camera, for their speeches) has something soothing and appealing like you're permanently kept in the eye of the tornado while everything around you crashes and burns. I don't have any other movie that I can compare this to, one which would give off the same feeling I've just described.
It's amazingly well written and directed and not to mention acted. Great scores overhaul and deepen the traumatic scenes. It's a golden treasure this film ! I'd see it again right now.

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"Truth is like poetry, and most people fucking hate poetry."

No idea what was happening most of the time because this is really deep economical and financial gibberish (at least to me) but it was still very entertaining. The back and forth with the deals, market and tactics is pretty captivating. The comedy hits most of the time but the tone is inconsistent between scenes I had no idea if I was meant to laugh or take it seriously at times. There's some fourth wall breaking throughout and it mostly worked. The celebrity spots are entertaining and funny but I don't see how it really connects to the story. Margot Robbie was the best of them. Christian Bale was really good but Steve Carrell absolutely carries the movie. Ryan Gosling was a disappointment. The shaky cam is a bit much but it reminds me of Succession so maybe this is what inspired Succession (edit: turns out Adam McKay was in fact a producer/director on the show). I thought the movie was for sure ending around the 1h40 mark but then it just goes on and it was too much.

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Adam McKay is a mad man. The way he tells stories is so captivating. He makes the boring parts compelling, and the compelling parts "wow" moments. This one was highly enjoyable from start to finish and is certainly in the same realm as Wolf of Wall Street. While I may prefer WoWS, this is not slouch and I will surely watch this many more times.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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I rate it "Human Centipede had better plot than this trash" out of ten

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An incredibly captivating and well-directed film, that's simultaneously entertaining, due to witty dialogues and great performances, and an eye-opener on the 2008 financial crisis.

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Third time watching this I think. Still haunting at how it played out.


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I just watched it for the second time and still think it's confusing as hell for the average Joe. Having said that, it still somewhat entertaining.

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excellent movie and way better than spotlight, another way of saying how but the academy awards are. Very informative and way good job on explaining the hard parts. Carell was awesome

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So, this movie is something quite interesting, how one person (Michael Burry) discover this is going to happen before it happen. how people can trust bullshit talk and give houses to people that can pay for it? when this happen I was 15 years old, the only two things I thought about was boys and school, now I can understand how this happen and why it happen. the most perturbing thing is to know that people buried money from other people and didn't go to jail. why? This is a movie to show to people who think that people aren't f*cked up.

If you are thinking if you should watch or not, watch it, your opinion about banks, money and life will change.

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Shout by Deleted

Very good movie. I loved how they spent the first 2 acts keeping you entertained and lighthearted, and brought it crashing down in the 3rd act. The editing was fantastic, the flashes of mainstream America were very unique and set a great tone of how out of control everything was. The acting was very energetic and kept the movie moving, I loved Bales performance but I wish he had got more screen time because he was fantastic. Mckay does a great job showing the carelessness of the people running the situation. Great film, one of my favorites of the year.

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A film that attempts to detail how the financial collapse of 2008 occurred doesn't sound appealing, nor do the central characters the film follows who essentially profit from the meltdown. Yet this is a compelling and at times jaw-dropping account of the role the banks and specifically the mortgages they sold played in the worldwide recession, the effects of which are still being felt today. The film is also surprisingly funny and cleverly breaks the fourth wall on occasion to break down what is seemingly a complex issue, but as the film is at pains to remind the audience, is fairly straightforward. It is also a timely reminder of the ramifications the collapse had on millions of ordinary people and the lack of any blame or responsibility taken by those who should have been held to account.

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I really enjoyed this movie

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God, it's been over 8 years since I last watched this, and I completely forgot about how compelling this was while covering a (to most people) wildly confusing "once-in-a-lifetime" event.

I once described it as "Margin Call meets the Clooney version of Ocean's Eleven", and while that is a reductive take, I still think it fits; it's a flashier and a much more darkly funny version of Margin Call.

And while this was a completely different type of movie, and their characters didn't like each other very much, The Big Short proved that Carrel and Gosling will never lack on-screen chemistry after Crazy Stupid Love.

I also loved watching Jeremy Strong perfecting his future Kendall Roy character in this.

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It doesn't reach as great highs as the wolf of wall street though I do appreciate the way they explain things with celebrities

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This movie is more confusing than Tenet.

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Great acting all around about a very serious topic. Excellent soundtrack and great use of metal. Loved the use of 4th wall breaking and the use of extra actors to explain complicates financial terms.

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I still do not understand why this movie is highly rated. I found it rather boring. Yes, the real-life story is kind of incredible, but the execution was somehow dreadfully painful. Very slow and breaking the 3rd wall was immensely awkward.

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Great movie, I kinda wish I understood it more though. One day, one day.

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The story of the roots of the 2007-8 financial crisis which ruined millions of lives, business and the near collapse of some countries economies.
All the complicated nuances of the system that started it all are nicely explained via celebrity and expert montages interwoven into to the story.
It's very well acted, directed and written.

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This is one of those movies that everyone who works for their money should watch.

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I was expecting a zany comedy with a vague political subtext, but this was actually closer to a proper docufilm about the financial crisis. Very informative, yet never overwhelming or boring: the pacing is extremely tight, and the humor is sharp without being overtly on the nose. I also liked how it kept breaking the fourth wall to keep the audience involved. The editing has a lot of random jump cuts and awkward transitions, probably as a means to create anxiety and give a dynamic push to what is essentially two hours’ worth of people yelling at each other in meeting rooms.

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I didn't understand many details, but it's an intriguing story and a brilliant cast.

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A fun, quirky flick that does a great job at crafting an engaging storyline out of an otherwise boring and complex subject. Despite the massive cast of characters and side-plots, everything flowed perfectly and culminated in a fairly satisfying and thoughtful ending.

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Damn fine film making ..although I wrote this too long after watching to be more specific

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good movie. didn't understand a thing, but always good to see Steve carrell as a grumpy old guy running after justice.

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Again, the way the story is told makes the story boring or epic.

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Shout by Chris

- Mark Baum

Bought my home in 2007 and road the wave all the way down. To this day not worth what I paid. With the said I am one of the lucky ones.

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Interesting movie that is based on the non-fiction book of the same title. It boggles the mind, really, that Americans continue to blame immigrants for the collapse and continued failure of their economy. So obsessed is a large part of America to want to believe in an us vs. them mentality that they continually fail to see the crookery in their own backyards. It's of little consolation that Canada managed to avoid this downturn since we are so impacted by the ongoing political state the country is in.

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Shout by Max K.
BlockedParent2019-03-26T16:53:49Z— updated 2020-05-29T12:54:49Z

Wow. It's so smart. Margot Robbie's bath scene is awesome

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I'm not a big fan of Steve Carell but he got less annoying as the film went on.

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This is a must watch for everyone in this planet! I suggest to look on the internet to take some knowledge before you see it but it's not so complicated as many of you may think.So here we are because some idiot people took bad advantage of capitalism in USA.It makes you nervous but i think if you get into it you are going to love it by the end!

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Shout by Deleted

they make the world bleeding

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Phones are old as we seen but thinkpads are new, heh.

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Shout by Deleted

Great cast, story moves along at a nice pace and opens up the interesting tale of the financial crisis...a must see on many levels...

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This well-told and interpreted, until Steve Carell is fine. The downside is that you feel like doing bad things to the financial

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Would have rated 4 if it wasn't for Christian Bale's performance.

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