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The Green Knight 2021

Wait. What!? WTF did I just watch?

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Like a high school philosophy student, The Green Knight is very flamboyant and mumbles when he babbles, hoping you'll mistake his incoherence for intelligence.

The Green Knight follows the recent A24 trend of treading on the thin line between intrigue and obscurity. It stays on track for much of the film, and when it falls, at least there's the safety net of lush cinematography.

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what an awful movie

90% of the film is him walking and dealing with useless and meaningless shit

it's like if you buy a game and only do side quests (not the fun ones!)

speaking of games, this film is the equivalent of Death Stranding, just walking and no action

I only gave it 3/10 because I liked the visuals other than that this movie lacks in everything
awful story, no character development and most importantly no clear vision
they just wanted to do a film and seem smart about it

huge fail

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An audiovisual poem from a medieval poem. A personal vision that turns a knight into a normal man, whose brief moment of bravery changes his destiny for good. It is a beautiful film, which seeks in aesthetics the visualization of the transformation process of Gawain, who renounces the traditional narrative to rise to dreams and fantasy. It is, therefore, a film to be absorbed, which aims to seduce rather than tell.

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The Green Knight enthralls your senses like no other Arthurian tale. Gorgeously shot sequences of reality dissolving into the surreal are rife with a semiotic texture that renders the characters almost monolithic. However, Patel and Vikander dominate when needed and deliver. Wanted to love it more, but couldn't for something I can't put my hand on.

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The Green Knight is a transfixing transformation of a great epic poem into a perfect art film.

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This is one slow movie which is a waste of time. I will not get surprised if you can not finish the movie.They tried to make it as a novel but a boring one.

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we’ll, for a movie that I patiently waited like 6 months for, I can say it was definitely… interesting. 

the cinematography is gorgeous, the acting is gorgeous, the atmosphere is gorgeous, etc, etc. my only gripe is my complete surprise when the movie ended and I didn’t really know what happened. after some reflection I can understand the impact of Gawain’s journey more, but I think it just wasn’t my cup of tea in every place. 

that being said, would definitely watch again!

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Beautiful film, but I wasn't high enough to understand what the hell was happening.

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"Now... off with your head."

'The Green Knight' is a Christmas movie! Live with it or live in denial.

David Lowery is now a director to keep an extra eye on, in terms of his next project.

It's rare these days that we get these super weird adult fantasy movies that feels like 'The Princess Bride', but more...well, adult.

Everything on a technical and production level is flawless. Protection design, costumes, make-up, score, visual effects, Dev Patel's jizz, and the cinematography.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays everyone!

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It's very hard to keep up with the story, as it's boring as hell, like the movie was filmed in slow motion, the plot moves word by word, slow, slow, and then you die out of boredom

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Visually stunning pile of quasi-artistic crap.

I hate myself for not liking this movie because it is visually enchanting. A lot of effort went into the photography and it shows. The shots are masterfully crafted and combined with the sounds and the soundtrack do a great job of tailoring the drab atmosphere of a very long funeral procession Gawain believes he is about to embark on. And that's about it.

This is not a very complicated story to make, but even stories like that can be made into compelling movies in the right hands. This movie was not in the right hands.

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Visually stunning, thought provoking, with a hint of eerie tension the entire runtime.

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A unique, fascinating, cerebral and engrossing film, with a well-crafted plot, that keeps you engaged via it's hypnotic direction and visuals.

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Really great art and cinematography, terrible storytelling and pacing.

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Don’t expect the bombast of Excalibur here or the action beats of Guy Ritchie’s effort. This is a slow, poetic, artfully filmed adaptation of Gawain And The Green Knight, and is all the better for it’s stylised approach.

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Makes you think about honor, religion, chivalry, death. ambiguous but interesting

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Snoozefest of the highest order.

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I'll come right out and say it - I don't understand what it all meant. I did some reading after finishing the film and apparently the film is (very) loosely based on some literature from several centuries ago. No matter. I also didn't quite understand the central struggle. For much of the film I assumed that it was about the quest for honor and if that is even a worthy quest to begin with. But ultimately I enjoyed the film because it was an interesting journey that was visually stunning. I can't say that I enjoyed it as much as the director's previous works (Ghost Story and Ain't Them Bodies Saints) but I did enjoy it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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If anyone was gonna adapt 'Dark Souls' to film, this would be the team to do it.

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Thoroughly enjoyable experience. Even though we knew beforehand we're seeing a good chunk of metaphors, by the end we're still left to reexamine and digest them.

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A friend recommended this movie. Now I am questioning our friendship. Why did you recommend me to such crap.

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A word of not watch this in the presence of an English PhD specializing in Medieval history and British Literature.

The 2 hours of head shaking and "WTFs' from my lady were, luckily, enough to cover the near constant dialogue of endless whispering. I was fortunate to get the real story with literary insights to make the original poetic manuscript far more meaningful than this overindulgent theatrical shite.

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Overrated beyond belief. Sorry, but with this one A24 borders on a self-parody.

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What an incredible film. The Green Knight is truly a coming-of-age story, disguised with the trappings of fantasy and suspense. The acting, directing, cinematography and music are all done as superbly as one can expect. While some may not enjoy the pacing, as it does slow down at times, it always adds to the suspense that makes this film so compelling in the first place.

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My wife acted like she did not like this movie, which is usually a good indication that I thought it was great…which I did. I will say that in a room with all the lights shut off, stretched out on the couch while watching a movie over 2 hours long, she stayed awake, which I don’t think she has ever done, so at the very least this movie should engage you. Visuals were stunning, and helped give the movie that magical feel that I think they were going for. I was entertained.

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This is an absolutely beautiful film that exceeded all my expectations. It takes the classic (and somewhat basic) poem of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and turns it into a visual poem that examines the major themes of the poem in various scenes. At its heart this is a hero's challenge that has been told so many times since it's original writing, but it is told exquisitely and gorgeously.

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This is an absolutely horrible movie. It's like some crackhead wrote it. The story is convoluted and incomprehensible. This is definitely 2hrs that you can not get back. I'd much rather sit there in the dark and watch paint dry.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Amazing soundtrack and visuals. Worth watching for those alone. The story takes some time to understand where it’s trying to go but it’s still solid.

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Absolutely loved it. The visuals, tone and music score brought a smile to my face that never left. looking forward to watching it again

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Good to recommend to people you don't like..

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Nightmare fueled medieval fantasy anchored by the charismatic Dev Patel. I'm not a fan of David Lowery’s work so I'm surprised I actually liked this one. The whole film revolves around the theme of values, honor and acceptance. It's a bit slow but what a wonderful visual treat! At times I think it's way too focused on making the film looks stunning, I find it a bit tiring, and some scenes need to be seriously trimmed down but overall it's an interesting watch. Some spooky moments along with a few surprises and a hell of an ending! Making sense of everything that came before and imbuing it with so much power. Still prefer the schlocky one though.

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it sucks ass, at best

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At some point both me and Gawain were sat crying wrapped, him around his cape, me around my blanket. I cannot tell you how much this was exactly the movie I needed tonight.

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The film starts well (first half hour) and ends well (last 30 minutes), the rest is mostly filler scenes. The cinematography is original and polished, and the story follows the original epic poem more or less faithfully (but it takes some licenses too). It is a good choice for lovers of Arthurian/Medieval stories with a touch of philosophical meaning, but for the rest it will make for a slow and overly long film.

Edit. I forgot to comment, it's a movie to watch with headphones, because most of the dialogue is done almost in whispers.

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The Green Knight is a occult, poetic and an arcane adaptation of an mystical adventure. With remarkable cinematography, astounding score from Daniel Hart and powerhouse performances by Dev Patel and Alicia Vikander, The Green Knight is a deep, thought provoking realisation of a human's self-worth, fears and ambitions. The Green Knight is very layered and slow and may not please many casual cinephiles so watch it only if you like structured and slow burn cinema.

Full Reviews :

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Odd movie: I ended it disliking it a lot. A few hours pass (now) and in fact I'm already liking it a lot. I needed to read again some arthurian info to understand it better. Too cryptic. And I still think it could be some 20-30 shorter. The pace is a problem. The visual is awesome.

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long-winded, rambling and 90% was boring
but some good scenery
won't be watching that again.
I'll stick to the Dark Knight

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Terrible movie. -1/10 would not recommend

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It was artistically charming in a way, but had just as much as depth as playing with your dog for an hour.

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Shout by r4dixx
BlockedParent2021-02-19T00:17:56Z— updated 2021-05-22T20:08:43Z

Maybe one day this movie will get released. Can't wait to see what it gives

EDIT: We now have a release date! Can't wait to see it in theaters (hopefully)

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A movie with stunning photography, beautiful images that match the story, which is great, very intriguing and as beautiful as poetry.
The pace of the movie is slower, contemplative, it could be a little more dynamic in some parts, but that's not a problem. The movie is well worth watching with attention and admiration.

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A beautiful movie, a lot of the scenes are such a joy to look at. I did have to read parts from the poem to provide myself with some context, but the movie did a great job of making me WANT to learn more.

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I liked the fantasy aspect mixed with the medieval time period. The soundtrack was pretty good too.

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Occasionally beautiful camera shots, and a few interesting moments. But mostly a crap attempt at retelling the classic tale while completely missing the point and not even showing the end of the story that would at least finish and explain it.

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Truly astonishing filmmaking here!! I haven't felt like this whilst watching a movie in quite some time. I don't really want to give anything away, so just go watch it for yourself if you haven't already.

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Beautiful to look at and a mind spinning spectacle to behold. Very good acting, some scenes carried on too long for my liking, but overall a solid film unlike too many others you've seen before tell this tale. Lowery had a unique take on things for sure. Commendable 7.3 effort.

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“The Green Knight” is a loose adaptation of an old Round Table table tale, with the difference that the hero is all but worthy of becoming a knight.

The biggest surprise was to find out this was an American production, as the contemplative mood and restrained tone felt familiarly European. Although I was expecting myself to fall asleep as Sir Gawain had his mandatory walks in the woods and philosophical questions, I found the movie surprisingly captivating and well-paced throughout, with even some lighter moments to counterbalance the brooding passages.

The cinematography and production design are astonishing if we consider the ridiculous budget they had. Yet, we are still talking about a niche movie that won’t satisfy those looking for an action-packed fantasy movie.

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Shout by 020202

it had some very beautifully crafted shots and moments, and i'm a sucker for medieval settings & set designs, but as for the story? confusing and quite weird at times;
but watching an explanation video about it, and where it talked about "the five virtues of a knight" and how it interpreted the story's ending was eye opening in a way, i like these subtle details and thoughts that go behind a movie's direction so much

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The beauty of an A24 movie is that regardless of how much you enjoy the movie, it will be an interesting and unique experience. The Green Knight is no exception. Admittedly, this movie is not for me. It’s slow, artsy, and not my traditional wheelhouse as a fantasy epic. Dev Patel is great as always and it’s nice to see Alicia Vikander in anything, but something about the film doesn’t totally resonate with me, and that’s totally fine. It’s an experience worth watching and I am sure many others will appreciate this movie a LOT more than I do.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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Medieval Last Temptation of Christ remake.

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Great cinematography, a very complex story, and of course unpredictable. Even the ending was beyond expectations. Not a single scene is wasted, and each scene should not be skipped.

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a good movie definitly more on the experimental site 7.7/10

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Shout by Erebos

In the first 2 thirds of the film, it had a few interesting post-modern critiques on the "honorable" virtues of chivalry (and of patriarchal societies, in general), but after the first night of Gawain's stay at Lord Bertilak's castle, the adaptation began to diverge from the original story, the film's messaging to lose its way and with the ending the metaphor fell completely apart.

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Well, this is definitely not your average fantasy adventure story. While visually very appealing, story-wise it was not really my cup of tea.

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I hated this... Arthouse gone wrong... Waste of 2 hours.

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Episode 10x09
David Lowery brings us the most lysergic readaptation of the classic tale. Dev Patel masterfully gives life to the knight Gawain, whom we will accompany during his dreamlike and psychedelic journey. A total movie smoke, but very enjoyable if you let yourself go.

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Shout by chrundle1

Minimalist tale with beautiful cinematography. Kept me engaged and wondering the whole time. Ending could have been more satisfying / climactic. And while I love the melancholy / artsy / minimalist A24 aesthetic, it felt a bit too heavy here at times.

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It's a bit of a hard movie, I enjoyed watching the movie but there it does have a lot of side content which was entertaining but did distract from the main story a bit.

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It's alright, i enjoyed it but i can see why alot people won't

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90mins into this film and nothing has happened, boring.

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Me, reading the reviews after enjoying this artsy messy sort-of-hero's quest: that was way harsh Tai

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I need to rewatch this. I liked it, but its ambiguity was too much for me.

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Beautiful cinematography, wonderful score, and the perfect cure for insomnia.

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what load of crap, critics must be smoking some good marijuana

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I feel like you need to be quite well versed in the Arthurian legends to really understand the themes and symbolism here. Unfortunetly I'm not so I was just a bit bored through most of the middle but still worth a watch for the insanely stunning visuals alone IMO.

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The beginning and the end were very good, but the middle part was insufferably slow.

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My rated was 7. I liked the movie, but it was tiring in some moments and part of the journey was not necessary! It would be cutted!

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I really loved this movie. I complete understand the vision

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If you're not into the kind of films A24 puts out, then you're not going to dig thought provoking films like this. But hey, you will always have Guy Ritchie's King Arthur to rewatch.

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I am almost speechless, what a masterpiece! A24 you are magic!
What a journey! It was magical and I loved it!
I also realized that I could use this game my self. When are you coming and knock on my door?

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