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The Ritual 2017

Nothing new here but it's pretty enjoyable ride. Very unique creature design.

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a great movie! I found the first two thirds to be the most effective, as anyone who hikes regularly can really relate to the growing terror of realizing something is very wrong when you are so far out - toward the end it got a little more "out there" but I still liked it overall

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A decent horror movie, but not super scary.

It started out fairly well with a good setup that makes sense, even though it is a bit cliché. The characters also make decisions that make sense under the circumstances, unlike most movies involving a group of friends going to a cabin in the woods.

However the third act of the movie didn't quite do it for me. They could have leaned into the cultist/pagan ritual stuff a bit more, now it is quite underwhelming.

Overall, a little scary, but nothing that will keep you up at night.

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The Ritual is dark, creepy, and atmospheric while having some jaw-dropping, beautiful scenery. .

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This movie was way better than I went in expecting. The big Netflix stamp always makes me weary, however I found myself feeling very unsettled once things start to get weird and the pace from there is fantastic.

“Monster” is a little underwhelming, but I kind of always have that conclusion with creature flicks where it isn’t seen until the end. I do appreciate it being a god though- added an extra element.

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This movie had its creepy and scary parts.

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visually? so stunning and compelling, incredible creature design I LOVE MONSTERS AND FOLK HORROR WITH CREEPY FORESTS AND RITUALS AND CULTS

the score? amazing and haunting

but the characters and writing fell pretty flat to me the emotionally cathartic moments didnt feel earned, the opening liquor store thing felt really contrived and I didn’t like the monster making them see shit to.. idk understand their guilt? that part really didn’t work for me

i would have nixed the robert shit and started immediately in the woods like in the book

however the movie had a (mostly) more effective ending part than the novel, I really didn’t like the south of heaven chapters in the book and im so glad the movie skipped that weird metal band addition

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Shout by Patuleia

Scandinavian King Kong (fourthword fifthword)

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The book was much better, but this is still a great watch whether you’ve read it or not.

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This was brilliant. Absolutely recommended.

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this was really great and also really creepy, definitely not what i was expecting

i kinda thought it was going to be a creepy ghost spirit or some human hunting them down but i got a lot more than i bargained for, and it was both very strange and cult-ish. good movie.

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I wasn't expecting much, but this film is f*cking brilliant!!!
The Ancient god/creature is like nothing i've ever seen before, very unique design to it!!
on the edge of my seat throughout the film. it's a very mysterious!
I simply love this movie.

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The movie was better before the worshipers show up and before the monster appear. What was suspenseful becomes a man vs monster. The movie tries to elude to some kind of conclusion of the supermarket thing, but forget it (so the mind thing the monster does(?) is never explained or clarified) and the weaker part is the rule ex-machina about the monster limilitation. The first house night was much frightening than the end. The monster design however is great. The initial mistery is good, and the cinematography is beautiful.

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Not great, not terrible 7/10. Decent for a horror movie

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Good horror movie which reminded me of "The Blair With Project" and also "The Wicker Man". The creature design was unique and added more sense to the movie. But where was Thor? 7/10

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Absolutely adore this film. Re-watched it a couple of times and will watch again. The settings, the monster, the acting and the music are magnificent

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A good start but the "moose" broke everything.

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Wow, that was definitely scary. I'll make a note to never get a shortcut again. I'm trying to figure the metaphorical meaning behind all this... Maybe the ones who are most hurted inside are most prone to worshiping?

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I don't understand why the average rating for this film is in the mid-60s; it deserves to be in the mid-70s. This was an unexpected gem, in my opinion, and I watched it on a whim which doesn't always work out well! (Indeed, I watched fellow British horror Don't Knock Twice immediately before this and that was a bit of a disappointing mess).

Sure, it would have been nice if the ending of The Ritual was a little more conclusive, but overall this is a great film. The 4 guys in the main cast are excellent and the script really helps flesh them out to be 3-dimensional people with a believable dynamic and banter.

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Just another that falls in line with unrealistic and Cliche... Pacing wasn't Bad, the plot was interesting but goes to shit real quick.. Loved the acting and dialogue.

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For a slow-paced movie it was pretty good and interesting.

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I heard about the Ritual while listening to the Shockwaves podcast so my expectations were a tad higher than I usually have with Netflix originals. And after watching the Ritual and must say, I enjoyed the Ritual! Those Higher expectations were totally justified! I liked Rafe Spall as the lead, I liked the growth in his character, a horror film set in the forest always creeps me out ever since I got lost in a forest during a night drop in high school, the creature at the end had a great design and at some points the film really creeped me out.

Well done Netflix and David Bruckner!

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puta filme ruim da poha

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First part of this movie was pretty boring but with second half I was quite satisfied. I really like Norse mythology so even the movie was pretty weak it was not that bad for me.

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Well, it was pretty good. It's not the best horror movie in the world, but it's interesting. The monster is really disturbing.

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Good horror flick! Very pleasant surprise. Well acted, great tension, scary monster. Nothing groundbreaking here, but just a good old fashioned scary monster movie. If that’s what you are looking for, you won’t go wrong here!

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Terrible. Boring, nothing particularly appealing or interesting that I can see. I couldn't even finish it and I don't think I can say that about any other movie

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My mind is a little freaked out at the moment, I’ll Let you know what I think soonish.. I thought it was a good horror, I was entertained, had that dark creepy wtf is happing feeling on spot and did lose me at times to what was happening in the woods.

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Without going into spoilers, the film can be taken both literally and metaphorically. For the most part, the film was tense and atmospheric - a little like Blair Witch in parts, without the annoying handicams. One of the better horror films i've seen in quite a while.

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A decent horror movie. It’s got some good acting, ok characters, a few jump scares and a cool monster. Nothing groundbreaking but worth a watch if you like horror.

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Okay movie. The plot is a little thin in my opinion but it's not boring and easy to follow along. It's gruesome without going over to the top and I quite liked how it eventually ended.

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Sinopsis Film The Ritual
Luke (Rafe Spall) merasa sangat bersalah atas kematian temannya yang terjadi saat perampokan di sebuah toko. Ia sebenarnya bisa saja menghindari hal buruk tersebut tapi sayangnya ia tak punya keberanian untuk melawan. Untuk menandai kepergiannya, maka Luke dan tiga temannya pun pergi hiking di Swedia. Lihat juga sinopsis Film Winchester yang tak kalah menegangkan.

Saat hiking itu, salah seorang diantara mereka terkena kecelakaan dan terkilir kakinya. Untuk mempercepat kepulangan maka mereka memutuskan untuk melewati sebuah hutan yang terkenal angker, tapi karena takut cidera temannya tambah parah maka mereka memutuskan untuk kesana. Sebuah keputusan yang salah yang akan merubah hidup mereka.

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Brought to you by Jack Links All New Demon Venison bites

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Absolutely worth a watch if you like a good, suspenseful horror movie, that doesn't rely too much on being gory but rather concentrates on a psychological plot and shows believable characters with believable actions and emotions. The setting is very eerie and spooky - I am pretty sure nothing will ever make me go hiking in Swedish Woodland (or Romanian for that matter) after watching the movie. :D

It was revealed through exposition in dialogue that the creature is a Jötunn, a giant bastard son of Loki. For the most part of the movie I was pretty sure it is a Wendigo that is chasing people in the woods, as a few things fit right into that myth. Still not sure if the movie really had nothing to do with Wendigos or if they somehow combined the myths. I'd like to believe I'm right, though. :D .

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This movie was actually quite intriguing - not amazing but some things we definitely didn’t expect to happen. Some definitely were predictable though.
I had a whole different theory of why everything was happening but apparently I was expecting too much deep meaning.

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It was alright. It's got some bits and pieces from Blair Witch, The Descent, The Wicker Man. The little symbol on the trees and cabin reminds me of the Block Lodge logo from Twin Peaks. The creature reveal was cool (reminded me of Trollhunter a bit) I would've enjoyed this a lot more if it had more comedy in it like in Tucker and Dale vs Evil; I did like that punch in the face ;-)

Check out the DARK series instead which also involves getting lost in the woods.

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this was just a pure waste of my time. never trusting netflix again
the only good points is the location and acting.

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This movie surprised me in a positive way.
I was waiting for a different type of movie but the story took a turn a bit unexpected and the director has been good enough to have a steady hand and kept it interesting until the end. Some uncertainties now and then, some bit too slow but at the end it's a movie that will keep your interest focus. Good work on the characters too.
Side note, the movie has been recorded in Romania and not in Sweden

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I was searching for a decent survival flick and stumbled upon this little gem. Creepy, twisted, and downright amazing! The creature was on point and when I learned this was based on a book, I now know my next reading venture! (And I may never go hiking again...) :-)

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This was not bad at all. I first started watching predicting it was going to be bad, I don't even know why. But, actually, it turned up quite good. Nice setting and plot. Great acting, in my opinion. I thought the soundtracks were freakin' good. Overall, it's nice. I personally enjoyed it.
PS: a Jottun means a giant, yes? Wonder what's the name of that creature! lol Anyways, that monster's design or whatever it is, was really good, Imho.

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