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The Tragedy of Macbeth 2021

Sophisticated exercise in style with great cinematography and production design, but I doubt I will feel like watching it again. Joel Coen decided to cast older actors and rewrite the script in modern English, but other than that, it’s just yet one more Macbeth adaptation. Visually perfect but ultimately void and emotionless.

Still, I thought it was worth watching for the unique way it tries to combine stage theater and cinema. The minimalist and geometrical set design fits the black and white photography perfectly. Funny how the first shot looks like the one from “The Seventh Seal”.

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Great acting and photography, but unfortunately, this is not cinema.

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These kinds of movies definitely weren't made for me. I simply cannot keep up with how fast and "old" they talk. Poetry is not for me.
I think I got the gist of it, but that's not enough to come up with a reasonable score, so it stays scoreless. I'll probably not watch it again.
Visually tho, it looked incredible.

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I’m not enough of a Shakespearean scholar to have an opinion on the adaptation, but the witch was amazing and the cinematography was to die for.

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A black macbeth with American accent.
This is just ridiculous.

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Nice film, Denzel should have won the oscar for best actor, nice cinematography

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My only criticism of this movie is that it wasn't twice as long. The second half seemed slightly rushed at times and I'd have loved to spend longer in this bizarre nightmare Scotland theatre set.

Everything about it is stunning nevertheless.

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It’s kind of like watching the play, as it’s all on a soundstage it feels like you’re trapped in a theater.

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I really enjoyed this, but I have to admit that I needed to follow along with a Sparknotes version of the play as I watched. The first half was paced very well and the growing sense of foreboding was palpable. It sort of loses its way in the latter acts. There is a noticeable speeding up of the pace and the scenes start getting jumbled a bit. I think it would have been better with another 30-45 minutes, but they were probably worried of overwhelming the viewers. Great acting regardless and a fun adaptation of a legendary story.

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More interested in the psychological representation, through expressionist settings that reflect the interior more than the surface and a soundtrack that anticipates the tragedy from the beginning, the film pays homage to the text and envelops the characters in mist and darkness. It's mainly, a horror film about fatality and ambition, which sometimes fades in the subtlety of its staging, rendered to two great actors.

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The theatrical adaptation film written and directed by Joel Coen alone, with its cinematography that looks just AMAZING in the style I want to be immersed in, with its set designs and technical success that looks just as great as its cinematography, with the best acting performances of recent times, magnificent, magnificent and just as much.

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I agree with another comment: for non-native speakers (even if proficient and used to watch content in English) the difficulty to follow dialogues disrupts the experience and makes it frankly hard to rate.

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Despite the somewhat difficult dialogues, the film is worth its production. Impeccable photography, a star-studded cast, and a successful adaptation of Shakespeare's tragedy.

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Not quite to my personal taste, though I still enjoyed 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' enough.

The performances of Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand are superb, I always expect that from them both so I was delighted to see that be the case here. The rest of the cast are good too, including Brendan Gleeson and Corey Hawkins - get that guy back in 'The Walking Dead' universe a.s.a.p.!

I know it was by design and fully intentional, but I didn't love - not that I disliked them - the fake backdrops and theatre-esque staging, which doesn't help bring the world alive - for me, anyway. The black-and-white is neat, mind. It is, even with the aforementioned, a nicely made production.

8/10 from me, with this 2021 release having the two leads to thank for that extra 1/10.

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Denzel and Frances are such excellent actors.

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A gorgeous movie worth watching for that alone. The black and white is more than a gimmick; Light shines and radiates, almost blinding, off grass or by the sun. Black ravens are suffocatingly dark. Fogs are ephemerally misty. And there are so many setpieces that are just breathtaking. The door handle akin to a dagger, the castle walls surrounded by an impenetrable cloud, Macbeth’s throne room rendered to a forest of his mind… it lends the film the feeling of a fever dream. Claustrophobic, harrowing, inescapable.

And it’s all anchored by a powerhouse performance from Denzel Washington. Not his first time playing a man who’s fallen to ambition- see Training Day- this time we get the fall in progress. He nails a once good man who cannot resist the siren’s call of power, of what he thinks deep down he deserves. He gives the Shakespearean words weight, grounds them with his fury and entitlement. Add in the rest of the cast, especially Kathryn Hunter, Frances McDormand, and Alex Hassel, and it’s a vision you can’t look away from.

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I thought the witches were well played, especially the contortionist witch as the play is really about how they contort Macbeth by influencing him and bringing out the evil in him “something wicked this way comes”…I think that some of the dialog was rushed and they needed more emphasis to allow the meaning of what was being said to hit home, such as the the futility of existence, e.g “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.”…also how Macduff took the news of the murders and how that would enrage anyone, he was a bit bland in his reaction, it was gut wrenching and should have been such a painful emotional experience for Macduff..the final battle was a bit bland too as it wasn’t emotionally charged as a result. Overall though, the witches were the best and it was great that they made this in the first place.

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I'd recommend watching this with subtitles

The story is of course not an original though it's been slightly changed here with some additional characters, some plots removed and some added. Still, not much to talk about the story itself since it's one for the ages and adapted a hundred times. But here it's executed beautifully, dripping with style and incredible performances by all involved, especially Frances McDormand who does a stellar job as Lady Macbeth. It's a classic tale, told well and with panache and flourish

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Denzel, Franny, and the perfect technicals are outstanding, the rest of the film is just good

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Every moment of 'The Tragedy of Macbeth' is as austere and sinister as the castle in which Macbeth resides. Coen never stands between Shakespeare and his audience, instead, utilises breathtaking cinematography and score to bring the classic play to life.

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My non-native-english brain was working over-hours to process the language, acting and visuals.. its still smoking..

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A masterpiece! The eerie, foreboding tone of the film seeps into every element, from the lighting to the sound to the actors themselves. Masterful performances coupled with artistic adherence to the source material makes for a haunting and magnetic film.

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Now they’ve moved it to January 14! By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes….eventually.

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