emily said she'll think about it and i'm like ???? what you gotta think about, the dude's so fine!

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What a load of BS. That dumb bitch just stand there without shoting that asshat just so that he could moan a bit more about how unfair everything is. Bloody useless woke Hollywood hacks.

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There's a guy with a machete as his only visible weapon, and what do people do? They stand around instead of, I don't knowing, RUNNING. Those women trapped themselves in whatever that was (a bus stop?), not even attempting to flee when the guy started walking towards them. It's not like he had a gun or any other long range weapon. I don't understand people in these shows.

Oh, lookie, lookie. Yet ANOTHER local case. Guess DC is now the only place with serial killers...


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Who rated this episode 100 per cent? This has yet to be aired. Will viewers please stop doing this until the episode has been aired.

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