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Designated Survivor 2016

Loved the first season, second season was ok, then completely lost interest in the third season.

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I liked the first season, but season 2 is just "24" in the Whitehouse... blah blah blah - typical Hollywood drivel when they run out of real storylines, just throw continual crisis after crisis at the characters to avoid a real story. First season: 8/10. Second season: 4/10. Stopped watching it.

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Shout by Deleted

messy, predictable, boring, political agenda, cliche fest. was good to see Kiefer again though. for 2 episodes.

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@iviarck is this worth a watch ?

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This show reminds me of 24. If you liked 24, than you'd like Designated Survivor.

In real life, Trump is our Designated Survivor. Haha.

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Shout by Alex

Let's hope this turns into a reality show if & when Trump wins the 2016 election. ;)

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Netflix ruined this show with extreme leftist agenda. Really disappointing

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This might be a decent show, except for the leftwing liberal political puke it spews.

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What i expected: This show is about a terrorist attack, that wipes out the entire US government. So it will be mainly about hunting the (muslim) terrorists, like in 24. And a President, who does everything to stay in power, like House of Cards.
What it's actually about: How terrorist attacks affect Muslim-Americans, how a right-wing, islamophobic governor tries to establish a police state. About a naive, but lovable president, who takes time for his family, while his wife is kick-ass lawyer. About a president, who tries to find the terrorists, but doesn't want to attack someone without being 100% sure.
It's not a dystopian vision of the USA after a devastating attack. It's an utopia!

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It's on Netflix now!

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west wing + homeland + house of cards

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So.. "The West Wing" meets "24"?

Looking forward to it.

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Love this low vibrational US propaganda show

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While season 3 was definitely a bit weaker (mostly, I find it sad that they did not keep the cast they added on season 2 for season 3), the main cast was solid and the general storylines were interesting enough. Obviously it won't be a realistic translation of politics because everything mostly works out a little too great all the time but it was still gripping enough.

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If you like this show you should watch The Newsroom

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So Good Series If You Liked Politics

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What a shame this show being cancelled. The first two seasons are ok, but, "meh", nothing new. However, the third had something that made me wanna watch it, something good. Moreover, the ending shows so many good ways to another season.

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This was a brilliant series great writing very heartfelt and amazing on set chemistry from the actors part. Kiefer is amazing doing a great job balancing the personal and the political conflicts he's confronted with. Only the ending is a little dissapointing as the series was cancelled and none of the storylines are properly ended. still worth watching though!

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You disappointed me for a season one, Designated Survivor, but maybe you can surprise me for season 3.

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one of the best shows on tv.... why on earth do they keep doing this... cancel, resurrect, then cancel... for crying out loud! there are reality shows that should bite it long before the good ones... like this!

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While I do think the pop-in Trans-Sister was strange and not necessary, I still don't get why people think "Not hating other people" or "Respecting people who want to live differently" is "Extreme Left".
That being said, the sex-scenes are not needed in this show, and having a person with AIDS not informing people before sexual encounters, then getting pissed off at the OTHER guy for him being upset, is fucking retarded. Where I live it's a criminal offence and it would result in jailtime. Sure, the "PREP" medication they flaunt is supposedly magic, but what if he forgot his meds one day, still magic? Still OK to not tell people you have a lethal, very contagious, disease? No fucking way.
Also, being president but not knowing there are rough neighborhoods in Washington, not knowing child-marriage is legal ... And he's supposed to be educated?
- I don't live in the US and even I fucking knew that.

Unless people in the US are generally retarded, this show is extremely offensive to, well, all americans.

First 2 season were good... The third, not so much.

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SO. GOOD. I live for the drama, political intrigue, and the characters. Definitely not the BEST show out there, but it's so entertaining that I can't help but LOVE it. Please give it a try.

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This show contains a lot of what I do not like on TV today. But here it works and I really enjoy watching it.
If there is a fourth season, I hope there is no further terrorist threat. Light political entertainment that focuses on the characters is fine with me. We have too many shows with a terrorist background.

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Just finished Binge watching it in a day so amazing the best season yet been emotional. Loved the new spin to the show and over 81 Swear words later really makes the show more authentic instead of just saying Damn all of the time. Here's to Season 4 and ten episodes really works. Plus my favourite scene out of Designated Survivor Season 3 is episode one where Tom Kirkman talks to his daughter Penny and say I did not talk to you about me running again for president and Penny Kirkman responds well it is kinda shitty. What a hilarious way to kick off season 3.

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Season 3 is showing good potential.

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The first half of Season 1 is very good. Exactly what I was expecting. Unfortunately, it tails off from that and Season 2 is a poor man's West Wing. It's a real shame as I like the cast and characters. It would have been better as a six episode limited (mini) series. Deal with the promotion of Tom Kirkman to POTUS and the investigation into the attack. With tighter writing, this could have been a modern day Edge of Darkness (the British version, not the Mel Gibson movie).

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I really liked the first season with the conspiracy angle. Kinda lost steam in season 2 and is now clearly on the road to cancellation, unless season 3 will surprise.

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This show starts off with a very intriguing premise, what happens if the entire standing US government dies in a terrorist attack, and people who were never intended to lead are now forced to step in during national crisis? Season one explores the outfall and investigation of the attack, and possible conspiracy pulling the strings. While the extended plot is sometimes confusing and reaches far to make connections, it is in the shorter episodic stories that make this show enjoyable. Season two plays more to this episodic format and lets the actors take center stage.

The true gold of this show is the main character and his personal growth, President Kirkman. Keifer Sutherland's portrayal of a reluctant President is inspiring. He is defiantly independent, honest, humble, and openly flawed. He doesn't play politics, but pushes back against those who would use situations to personal advantage. In short, he fights for the American people in a manner which commands respect, while also endearing loyalty and empathy; he is the kind of President we hope and wish we could have in real life.

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I'm happy Netflix Picked Up this series but after season 3 it's done

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Loved the first season, nothing but liberal puke now

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Season 1 was great. Season 2... I couldn't even get through episode 8, and my wife stopped watching long before that, and the episode ratings show it just goes downhill from there.

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1st season was very interesting. 2nd season I’m just watching when I have time... the show just lost the north... I hope it gets better...

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Shout by Deleted

Season 1: Done. I love this show. Which probably means season 2 will suck & the show will get cancelled and I will be sad for longer than can be accepted as normal grieving for such times as these.

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First season is great, seriously it was like 24, but second season...
Oh god, the second season, it was a rubbish fest to feed american paranoia.
A random episode in a nutshell; American president doesn't want to resort violence, he always want to solve it diplomatically , even when the odds against him, but in the end he's forced to use violence and threats to show the mighty american eagle, because that's the only way left, and he nails it!

Caution: You may find yourself chanting: "USA, USA, USA" in the end of the episodes.

First season:9 Second season: -3, Overall: 3

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Designated Survivor is a good show, but it struggles with problems similar to the ones Prison Break has: It just goes one or two steps to far at some point (starting somewhere in season 2) in my opinion.

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Shout by Deleted it... but, I feel like I'm out on a boat with a stranger who's never experienced real life 1st hand. How is Kirkman still POTUS and how is America still safe? It's seriously beyond me!

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/me sings "Jack Bow-er .. Jack Bow-er .. IS PRESIDENT!"

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Genuinely a fantastic show with so many thrilling moments. A total rollercoaster ride and you can't help but love the characters with plot twists you were not expecting.

Finally Jack Bauer aka Keifer Sutherland as President of the United States (You will know what I am referring to). Playing the President in a very refreshing way and they are in for the battle of their lives. I finished season 1 and I can't wait for Season 2 with such a satisfying ending and a cliffhanger at the same time. Must watch show with a rich cast of characters to pull you in, so many of them I am rooting for.

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Really like this show and the new season too.

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After 3 episodes, the jury is still out. It's watchable, but I feel it might get stale very quickly. I'll definitely find out.....

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I'm game! Loving the show

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Coming back on march 8th !

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Each episode is getting better. Yes if you watch alot of tv you can predict some events but the acting ob portraying those events is good to watch.. And the show has alot of small small surprises that you couldn't predict... Am enjoying it more on recent episodes that address the conspiracy... It's becoming a great show

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Love it very intense...Kiefer Southerland is great!!! Super story line...!

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Episode 1 reflects a glimmer of hope for an entertaining series -- subsequent episodes correct that perception. Would be surprised if this doesn't wind up being pulled from network broadcast and finish up on a streaming TV service like Hulu.

Was hoping for a '24' fix, but only got a '4' :-(

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Shout by Lorne34
BlockedParent2016-11-17T15:34:02Z— updated 2018-08-21T16:32:28Z

Always a fan of good US political drama. Saddly this is just not clever enough. Predictable and clichéd. Trying to throw in action to keep the story growing and the background conspiracy is just that, in the background. Poor character development as few, including Sutherland, seem to get much in the way of plot or screentime. I will give it a little longer but never going to compare with the West Wing or Veep. Consider Madam Secretary instead...

So have finally got round to completing the show. Great premise, storyline was all over the place and tried to make itself clever whilst dumbing itself down at the same time. A real wasted opportunity which needed a better approach behind the scenes. US politics is primed for a decent show at the moment and this is not it...

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For someone not too familiar with these types of plots, it's a great show. Keeping me on the edge. Love it! Can't wait for the next episode.

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Seems to be a good series based on the first four episodes. I just love Kiefer's performances.
Only dislike is the exaggerated patriotism. Especially on the fourth episode.

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Gave up half way through the first episode. Cant get away from the fact thats its Jack Bauer married to Karen (no idea how Hank feels about that), with Nikita investigating the culprits. fully expecting Runkle to turn out to be the terrorist. And the plot was pretty tired, the lines uninteresting.

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With kiefer in is yet to come. By the way 24 the legacy is being taped for 2017 season. Kiefer produces or directs but not starring. Ck out trailer. No one can fill jack Bouers shoes! He rocked n will in this show!

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Off to a good start, Most of us probably watched 24 and said many times Jack should be president ? and now this show has made it happen, but being a 24 fan i can't help seeing kiefer as jack in this ?? also has anyone else felt the 911 conspiracy coming to life in this show ???? would love to see more comments :)

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Really great, fresh series. West wing + Homeland + House of Cards + 24. Kiefer Sutherland and Kal Penn rule!

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Each country seems to have a different schedule of release. Anyways the first episode was great waiting to see more

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In an odd way, this reminds me of the start of Battlestar Galactica.

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Shout by AJ76

2 episodes in and I reckon this is going to be a highly addictive. Will be looking forward to each episode.

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Shout by Deleted

Great start, i really liked it

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WOOOOO CHIEF KIEF DOES IT AGAIN! Love it can't wait for the next episode.

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Trope trope trope trope cringe cringe trope clunk... er... ah... sorry, not for me right now. Maybe some people will like this, in fact some may love this one... perhaps I'm not in the mood.

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I first learned about the concept of a designated survivor from a West Wing episode more than 10 years ago. Back then I said to myself, damn that would make a great movie or tv show. I am so glad I was right.

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