The series wasn't quite what I expected. I thought it would be more focused on missions, but it turned out to be more about romance. However, I guess it was my fault for expecting something else.

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All our suspicions about Other John & Other Jane are confirmed! They were always meant to kill John & Jane -- the first time just unexpectedly didn't work out.

Jane had one bullet left at the end but there were three shots fired when she confronted Other Jane outside the Panic Room, which sounds grim. But if they want another season, Jane got hold of Other Jane's gun, shot Other Jane, possibly Other John again.

John's mom knows more about life than any of these other people.

I'm still mad about Max.

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I really loved the reveal with the neighbor as well as the mid-credits scene. Unexpected and fun.

I didn't love everything about this show, but it was an enjoyable watch featuring an excellent main duo and guest stars with some exciting twists in the story along the way. I'm curious to see where season 2 goes from here.

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This episode really caught the vibe of the movie Mr and Mrs Smith.

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I enjoyed the series. I'm glad it wasn't solid action and always doing missions. Enjoyed the character development and how the relationship progressed. There was time gaps they tried to fill using the therapist and such so there was much we didn't see to truly see them pull apart.

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I didn’t vibe with this!
I thought it was all about comedy and I laughed three times, with the “stray” cat, John talking to his mom multiple times a day, and the shady neighbor being just a realtor
But imo there was no comedy, no chemistry, no romance, the action/missions were pointless
Also killing the cat was very cruel, a scratch would’ve been enough

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This chapter is embarrassing to watch, it makes you want to go in yourself, finish with them and end the torture of watching them fooling around, for me, the series is over.

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ugh- time im never going to get back. the lack of chemistry just made it hard to believe they would be get that pissed off at each other in the heat of the moment. I really really wanted to like this series but if you've got an all out shootout, don't you think someone would call the cops in NYC? esp the neighbor? their therapist clearly needed to do MDMA assisted therapy from the get go!

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They Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'd the finale! Loved it.
If you can get over the fact the show has little to do with the movie, then you might be able to enjoy it.

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Couldn’t be more happy that the show is over. god damn, what a waste of time. 5/10 :poop:

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Lacking a certain level of excitement but enough to keep me interested

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Not sure what I think about this. First 4 episodes were great. Episode 5 it suddenly was a mess and there was only one person stealing the show (and not John and Jane, obviously) and all chemistry was gone.
Episode 6 and 7 it was asif I was watching an episode in As The World Turns or something. Did suddenly get a different showrunner on board or something? Disappointing crap.
The final episode seemed a bit as if part of it had a movie re-enactment. Not as-good as the movie and lacking that superb acting and stunning chemistry between Pitt and Jolie obviously - but... not so badly done.
Then everything just got messy, easy, predictable. Too obvious. Disappointing and lack of originality. I could have written the script. And no thats not a good thing.

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it started well and ended in a mess

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Noo, Max didn't have to die

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