This end was kinda of a mess.... What the hell happened here?! Between finding who's who and what's the anomaly, they lost me altogether...

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Very big cliffhanger there omg. So the anomaly is like some kind of portal to another universe? Hope it does not go to deep into that kind of stuff. I like the survival and exploration theme of this show ever since season 1. Cannot wait for the next season :-)

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This entire season was stupid. The stakes never mattered, everyone was replaceable, deus ex-machina all over the place, to many piss-poor story arcs, abandonment of previous plots, plot holes, retconning of character development, paper thin "personalities", and how many times can they have a Mexican stand-off in one fucking show?!? Jason Rothenberg should never be allowed to write a decent show into the ground again. Get him a competent co-showrunner to pick up the remnants of this once good series at the end next season please.

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WTF? All that’s missing from the last scene is a polar bear walking through. It’s losing me by crossing the line from mystery to inexplicable.

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What the hell?!? What the hell?!!!??? God, I hope Octavia isn't dead. I'm tired of them killing all my faves.
And I can't believe this is going to get just one more season, such a shame.

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I was like, oookay and then like what. the. hell.

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really liked this season but wtf was this episode?? looked like they wrote it at noon with a 5 pm deadline...

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-08-07T19:44:37Z— updated 2021-03-26T19:06:45Z

That ending ....this show has officially jumped the shark. Also I can't believe how poorly Abby's death was handled.

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Oh God, what a shitfest. One more season and we'll finally be free of this mess.

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Murphy getting pashed was the funniest part (and he even thought he was a good kisser!! <3)

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The best thing of this show is always the cliffhanger of the last episode of the season... It makes to want more.. But then the episodes are not always good... But here I am still watching... Anomaly please take me lol

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The ships computer will end up with a super duper deadly virus and Octavia will come back as some weird Goddess or some shit.

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I hope this is the last time we hear of the commander. Such a stupid story point in this season, 125 years in the future & on another plant.

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The amount of times the writers make the characters flip is un fucking believable.

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Poor Murphy, being surprised liked that!

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nice lord of the rings reference. An Orc with a torch hahaha.

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I hate the "Disney finale" with all the ones that can be saved, saved. I'm ok with Clarke surviving, but Madi was erased as Sheidheda said. So I hoped to a very different ending of season.
And that in the human realm, cause WTF with the anomaly-time traveling and shit? I liked the show when it was a bit more realistic (knowing is sci-fi) so I expext nothing from this new magic path.

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So the prime stuff ended up a bit slap dash and messy towards the end there. I care more about the anomaly and what the hell all that means. It's clearly a time shifted existence through there, that's for sure. Interested to know more.

Would have been nice for the dark commander stuff to be over tbh but to me, the 'uploaded' message implies one of the chips out there just received that software. Place your bets now! We've got Russell kicking around, Murphy, Amori and the one Jordan is holding. My bets on that one!

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A very mediocre season with a fantastic finale episode.

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What a bunch of losers, posing as "Gods", with their 'subjects' being what they harvest new bodies from when they die.

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When will this thing between Clark and Bellami go done? We all know it will, so get on with in for f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: sake!

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Clark is poision to everyone who comes close to her…when will they learn?!

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So much awesome twists and excitement. I didn't feel so much from 3rd season .

Tho the Jordan thing and the preminicion for the next season was.... meh. Jordan was in the season for couple minutes really, and he was naive and tell all of their secrets and vanished. I forgot about him and it seems everyone did as he was mentioned maybe one time and exactly after again forgotten. So no writers, we don't immediately care for a person if its a child of two before known characters, even more if it shown for the first time already adult * cough* Hope * cough* and naive/"pure"/childlike

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Yea no more Abby. Now get rid of Jordan & Octivia.

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I liked the first half of this season... the next half No

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WTF is that shit I just watched, why doesn't this show end! I jumped from episode 6 to here directly cuz I am sick of this shit!

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Overall a pretty good season. I could have done without Shade Heda and the WTH last 5 minutes.

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