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The Magicians 2015

This show... was a personal favorite of mine. It got me through my own quests, so to speak... lol
I will be mourning the loss of the show.... I've been fully committed to this show for 5 years, and I won't disagree the plot kinda got unfocused, somewhere too early into the series.... but I've loved all the characters and each of their stories since day 1! I can't pick just one, including all the weird Fillorians ^_^

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This is one of those shows that got better as it went along. I just finished watching the third season and I'm itching for more. The series started off kind of average, it had enough to keep me watching but it was lacking. There was way too many sex scenes that I felt just served as filler. The actors hadn't gotten into the characters yet and it really showed. I also felt the writing was a little all over the place in terms of quality but it improved by season two. By season three, each episode had me wanting the next. The characters have "character" and there's no holding back to make the show "family friendly" like most other fantasy series. I might try and pick up the novel to hold me over till the next season airs as I've heard it's a bit different and I'm interested.

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Beyond its absurd storylines, tongue in cheek writing and teen drama. I'm addicted to this show. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone because I think it's a love it or want to kill yourself show and I don't want any blood on my hands.

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This may have been my favorite show I ever watched in my whole life. If anyone knows of a show that is similar to this one is let me know, I have not been able to find anything like it and I'm going through withdrawals....BAD

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This show started off a bit slow I thought, and reminded me in no small way of the Chronicle of Narnia books I read as a kid, with a modern twist. Another one of those, I thought. Great. I put this show aside for awhile, and only recently came back to it again when the new season released. I've found myself starting to care about the characters a bit more. There must be some new writing talent behind it, but it feels more like the same writers have begun to find their way. This show... this show turns me on. In a way I can't quite put my finger on, it's kinda sexy. It's fulfilling in a way that a B-movie can be entertaining on the right night and in the right company.

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WOW, this was fantastic! Just finished season 1, and hooked since episode 1.

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This is probably my favorite show. It has everything in it and it ended beautifully. Don't even think about missing this one.

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Shout by Jessica Gonzales

I read all the books and agree its off putting, though it makes sense to change it up a bit like the movies do with books. It does gets better each season. It also explains why their story is different, doesnt leave you with a confused unexplained story. I hope they don't stay canceled.

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Love The Magicians ... illusions as well people working together . Really a show I can watch over and over again to see what I may have missed the last time . Glad to see what is to come in season 4&5.

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I am so hooked on this series I would give anything to see what's going to happen in the next saison

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It's awesome, never disappoints !!

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Started out this series without good hope of it being something great, and the first episode at first confirmed this by being boring and rather anticlimactic, same goes for the second episode.
However, I didn't say that I started out the series this way, as oh boy was I wrong about this series.
As the first season moved forward, it became great, as great that I would classify certain moments as truly scary.
To not spoil anything, if you like the wizardry Harry Potter world style, I would advice skipping this series.
Yet, if you are like me and like magicians, like the ones tricking you in real life, or if you have an interest in the more occult part of our world(also like me), this is a highly recommended series.
If you need to compare it to something, it is probably best compare this to Grimm TV series but instead of being focused on the Grimms' Fairy Tales, it is focused on magic.
Currently I am only at season 2, so maybe it will get less as I watch even further, but for now, I love it. :)

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its gets better as the episodes move on, i really enjoy it!

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Saucy and Magic excellent show!

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Despite a slow start. Just a few seasons later this is proving to be a great show.

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After the conclusion of season 4, I don't know if I'll make it through season 5 once it's out.

I have to say that the show really picked up for me around mid-season 3 although I liked it before then. It's always been so unexpectedly dark and I really grew to like most of the characters. I just don't know if their justification for the season 4 finale is something I can get behind.

That being said, I know I'll be watching and waiting until I watch a few episodes of season 5 before writing it off. Maybe the writers/producers/etc can prove me wrong.

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Really funny and well done, light hearted and dark... (sometimes I would have cut some dialogue...)

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Really liking this show, hope the plot keeps developing.

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This will forever be one of my favorite shows. It starts off kinda of average - whenever I recommend it to anyone I always advise pushing through season one because it gets 5x better, and continually gets better with each season. The only exception is season 5, but it's still good comparatively. Be prepared to cry in the later seasons lol.

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Excellent show. Good plot well acted and interesting characters. :thumbsup:

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Is it returning or ended? I keep getting notifications back and forth.

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One of my favorite tv shows

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Hi, given that the series was simply canceled (even though I don’t understand the reason at all as the series is top....????), without spoiler given that I didn’t start watching the final season for the same reason, Do I still have to watch it even because I can’t make up my mind as I have so many series & animes to follow or start..... , thank you? Voilà, @+

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Musical episodes are awesome love them

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The first episodes seem to rush though the initial parts of the story. Haven't read the books, but in my view there are many story gaps.
Later the series will be quite nice and interesting but will keep featuring kind of a trashy style.

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I thought Season 1 was pretty OK, 2 was good, then 3 and 4 just kinda took off with the last half of 3 and all of 4 being completely amazing. I'm glad I saved up all of 4 to watch one a day.

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Watched the full season. A truly disappointed piece of work. Illogical and not at a least entertaining.

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is pretty bad for a new tv series

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Shout by Deleted

I couldn't get enough of the books but this first episode was incredibly off-putting. I was really disappointed. I will check out the second episode but I don't have high hopes.

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Something from a subsidiary of a subsidiary of ABC, The Magicians. Yay. Can’t quite pinpoint the target demographic, definitely not ‘adult over 18’. Seems to be somewhere between grade school level and early high-school. While it airs on the SyFy network, it would be more at home as a member of The CW stable of forgettable tweenster titles.

If a production targeted at that age range, and, the term ‘Very-CW’ sounds appealing, you’ll love it… ;-)

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Shout by Deleted

I love it! Fantastic!
I'm so excited To season 2!

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After terrible season 3...season 4 makes up for its. Amazing season so far.

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it's amazing shows, i watching all series and waiting 4 season

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I gave this show a solid change. I watched season 1 hoping things will improve. Then I watched the 1st episode of season 2 and I just dropped it.

I just don't care about any of the characters and the dialogue is so fucking bad. No matter how much I love magic related shows, I can't watch it anymore.

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The show is not bad, however if you have read the books you cannot help feeling betrayed. The story is rewritten, the characters shifted, and overall the mood is different.

It could have been the epic "Harry Potter meets Narnia, with drugs & sex" we were hopping for, but sadly it is just entertaining.

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I really like the show, even though the main character sounds like he is always freezing...
I'm sorry but you won't be able to ignore that fact from now on :D

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The premise is interesting and the plots have some strength, but I have to ask if the "F" word is required for every other line of the script?

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Shout by Philippine

I saw the trailer a month ago and I was really enthusiastic about this show (always up for anything close to the Harry Potter universe) but if you're expecting the same thing as i did, turn back ang fly away 'cause this show incredibly bad. And I know what I'm talking about since I'm studying cinema and that i'm specialized in tv shows. Complete waste of time to me. But if you're into teen shows with stereotyped characters and bad special effects then you just found a match.

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The deviations from the books were a huge detriment to the TV series. From the outset we have Julia given far too much attention and the hedge witch arc is all BS. Nothing but an uninteresting annoyance. And further changes only get worse and worse. An absolutely amazing story messed up by the writers, directors, and producers.

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This show was pretty good, till they went full on preach at their audience woke. Then it lost me.

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Great concept, actors are sweet too. I had to stop watching because gore fad got ridiculously unattractive.

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The show completely tanked in the final season when the guy playing the main character quit after S04. I hate it when actors ruin a show by walking out.

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it's back from what the article says,to%20tackle%20the%20next%20installment%20of%20their%20misadventures.

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Nothing about the magic is explained, you're supposed to figure things out on your own. and also it's boring as hell.¯_(ツ)_/¯

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First impression is decisive. This show has definitely not done that. After watching 4 episodes I completely lost interest. Plot is crap, dialogue & acting are bad.

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the storyline is amazing but wow the acting is bad

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I love this show :D

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So, this is supposed to be magical fantasy for adults? Just because it has sex, (sometimes pretty over the top) violence and the occasional messed up scene? Because I can't find any other reasons than these.
I was hoping adult meant smart. But it's really not.
The atmosphere is good, the effects are good, but that's about it. The main character is ordinary as heroes tend to be sometimes but they've overdone it. He's so ordinary that he's not good at anything. Plus he's pretty unbearable to watch and listen to.
Most of the other characters are pretty annoying as well. The basic idea behind the story is fine, though it boggles my mind how they've managed to spread it this thin when a season is just 13 episodes. It would still be fine if there weren't super dumb plot twists in it (Especially the constant power jumps, come on!).
So, what's left? Yes, magic. I like that it's dangerous but the way it's performed is just laughable. Jumping around croaking would've been more serious.
Only managed to get through the first season.
Despite everything, it's not terrible. It just could have been so much better.

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I love how the shows started, but finale was utterly disappointing. The Finale of the first season was pretty much ridiculous, doesn't she realize that she is trusting the person that could do something worse to her than rape? He is a pedophile! And she is supposed to be smart!

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Is this worth watching or annoyingly harry potterish?

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Shout by Deleted

I have just finished the first season:
Boring, illogical, irrelevant and annoying.
The CGI is pretty good.

Honestly I do not know why I watched all the episodes ...

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The whole show so far has been "Hogwarts meets Dawson's Creek". It's like a car acciddent: You don't want to look but you just can't avert your eyes …

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Having read the books, the series seems to lack the things I liked most about the Magicians. Strangely enough, the main reason why I watch is to see how SyFy uniquely translates the books and to what extent will they diverge.

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