Orville just graduated from a comedy series to a space drama. Star Trek in it's finest right there.

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She checks every box, I've never met a woman who checked every box.
You said Kelly checked every box.
Yeah, well, I got more boxes now. She checks those, too.

hahaha that was hilarious XD

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Wow! you could see that plot twist from Mars, maybe even Jupiter!

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What's this? An enjoyable episode without Alara?!

Honestly surprised that this show is pulling off the Star Trek vibe so well. Based on the first season, I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the writing really changed course this season. Good. Fewer cheap jokes, more heart.

The Krill are a really intriguing blend of Klingons (militaristic; they have painstiks), Romulans (superior/arrogant; green everywhere, though I guess that could be a Borg influence if you squint), Cardassians (reptilian appearance), and Jem'Hadar (militarism and appearance, again; stilted, formal, direct language when talking to enemies).

Actually, now that I wrote that out, I think Jem'Hadar is the primary influence for the Krill. They have that religion-based dominance thing going for them (even if the Jem'Hadar only had it because they were engineered to by the Founders). Still neat.

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Great song at the end

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Shout by FinFan

Love to see the Krill back, they have been absent for too long. And a great continuation of the stroyline from S1. I hope we don't have to wait until S3 too see Teleya again. The moments between her and Mercer and the things they were talking about - that's the kind of storylines they have to do beside the comedic parts.

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This his one of my favourite episodes, the companionship and understandment between intergalactic especies… this must be one of the major "inner commands" for us all in a near future. Future where I'll be gone, a little of dust in the wind out there.

Favourite quote is a dialogue between captain Ed. Mercer and the Krill female Keleya "Janel":
"She did exist,… for me anyway. And I think that there is a lot more of her in you than you're willing to admit. And if she is in there somewhere, tell her… …tell her I miss her."

Last words: I really, really would like that "Lt, Alara Kitan" returns to the program.

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This goes up there with one of the best episodes of The Orville. Not necessarily because it was so unique or because it did anything you've never seen before but like New Who with it's terrible CGI but amazing writing it did it well. This is an episode that really shows the potential of the space opera by really giving you fantastically done drama.

It really shows how much of an improvement this season will be over season 1. Hit after hit after hit. The rest of the season basically keeps going. This episode almost makes up for the last Krill focused episode in season 1.

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Lieutenant Tyler, are kidding me :D?

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Shout by kinky

And the second season finally starts to pick up the pace! For me, this was the best episode of the season, so far (yes, we still got a few more more to go, I know). Being trapped with the enemy, hiding from a menacing race that overpowers them both was a nice plot device. What followed was a solid episode about hope & forgiveness, love & heartache. They seem to be going for the drama, this season, and they're finally nailing it.

Also, I love that they kept the new head of security for an extra episode, I really like that typical Family Guy kind of character (he's sort of a familiar and comfy cliché). Too bad they'll be ditching him, soon. Probably replacing him with a human. Human show runners are so racist. Meh.

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They take one of the most stupid ideas from ST: Discovery and made it to something great and meaningful. This kind of episode is the reason, why Orville is better Star Trek, and after all a better show than Discovery.

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“We’re supposed to be out here exploring, instead we’re the pizza guy” Uh, yeah Phillip J Fry would like a word with you.

Man, this was a really good character study of Captain Ed. Despite him being a divorcee and yearning for companionship again after all the pitfalls he had with Kelly, he still holds on to hope. At first I wasn’t fully on board with him WANTING to fall in love with a member of their enemy species, but I can’t fault him for acting out of loneliness. This really solidifies Ed as my favorite character on this show.

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The beginning was really unbearable to me and I was more than tempted to skip but the twist was completely different from the twist I expected (especially since this is basically the exact same thing they did in Discovery) and what can I say: I am a sucker for the trope of enemies being forced to work together.
The end was a bit too corny for my taste but overall I liked the episode and the much less funny tone the series is getting into ä.

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Would have made more sense if the actress in her human "disguise" was weird somehow. They didn't show her much but she was always very normal. If humans don't know that much about Krill then certainly the reverse would be true. Would have been some opportunity for additional comedy as well.

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Shout by Deleted

I just love the firm belief in understanding across culture. I miss distinct 70s or 80s optimistic sci-fi flavor. However placed in current reality, you need to have more insight to merit such optimistism. Also, I can't shake an uncharitable thought that Captain Kirk would charm the enemy more effectively. :)

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Never trust the coincidence, Billy Joel will be happy

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