I liked it much more when it was a comedy. Now it is a copy of star trek.

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So, Q is a woman, now? Did they get bored of taunting Picard?

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This was a slight episode - The most so since the first season. It was easy. Nothing offensive. While the concept and conceit is absolutely not original to the next reference, it came across as a cheap knockoff of Star Trek: The Next Generation's "Q". I hope this isn't an introduction to a later season arc or recurring scenario. Well, unless it's done well. This wasn't the best of both worlds.

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Was pretty cool but the ending is pretty stupid.

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Shout by noelct

Once they arrive in the high school, I thought this would be a fun throwback to the type of ST episodes where they'd save on the budget by just building an interesting story around standing sets from another series. But then the monsters started to appear, then they pulled out all the stops with a stunning sequence of a plane crashing during a snowstorm. The constant shifts in setting and tone are skillfully done, constantly kept me on my toes and gripped to see how this was going to pay off, especially nearing the end as a few surprise curtains are pulled back. The only issue is the ultimate payoff, while an interesting concept and an unexpected throwback to an earlier episode, just feels a bit pat and underwhelming. Still a solid episode though.

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This episode is completely Star Trek. Seth is taking it right from TOS and TNG, and it's so fun to watch.

And when Ed says (Really, you'd wanna live forever?) "Yeah" (Why?) "Because I wanna see what happens", that's exactly why I'd wanna do the same thing, because there is so much I want to see.

I think one lesson of the episode from miss immortal Tron girl highlights the value of having continuous goals and reaching further to learn, discover, and create new things. Without them, you simply do things for the sake of doing them, but with the right forward-looking goals giving you direction, your intense passion ignites.

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Spoilers...sort of
Arguably the climax came short of them having drinks (cheers, btw, mine's a sip of Uncle Jesse's Simple Sour Mash), however I didn't get my "reward access" until Ed said, "i wanna see what happens." I can relate to that and it made me happy, but, as Yang elsewhere intimated ("After Yang"), I'm okay if there's nothing afterwards (and I don't believe there is).

Should'a asked Tron Barbie what intimacy's like for them, and if they wanted to take some further readings I raise my hand, hehe. Is that offensive? (I only ask like Dave Chappelle asked).

is it still a comedy? Steve Smith getting dunked in the bathroom by bullies? The main bully being someone you can't even beat in a fight? Kliden's "unfinished business" throttling Bortus? Pretty hilarious.

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This is WHY i do watch The show. Please more amusement and less empty conflicts.
You are The Best sci-fy show on Air.

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Shout by dgw

"I'm gonna have to ask you folks to please take your seats. We'll be landing soon."
Not thirty seconds later:
"Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned off the fasten seatbelt sign, and you are now free to move about the cabin."

That's not how this sequence of events goes.

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Shout by aztele

ok episode, if not redundant in some areas. There was more opportunity to learn the fears of the different characters and it is disappointing that we didn't. I think this may have been better with less people. the central premise is thought provoking but others have done it so much better. philosophically it is as deep as an egg cup but not offset by comedy.

Deconstructing what it is to be human is the only way "to evolve" and get peace. come on man.

the twist was nice to experience if it didn't feel like a way to fill the last few mins. overall much better than the first two episodes for me but still sitting around meh

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Fairly enjoyable episode, but I wish there was a bit more to the conclusion than "we're bored immortals and now I'm gonna tell you all about it". Though, to be fair, I did not see coming that it would be the civilization from the end of Season I.

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This is exactly what I want an episode of a show like The Orville to be: a goofy roller-coaster that's easy to watch with a nice message at the end. Everything looks so expensive & cheap at the same time. Loved it. Ensign Burke has gotta go tho lol. I'm absolutely not blaming the actor for that--she is nailing playing the unlikable character they're writing for her. I just don't like characters like that who don't get challenged for their shit opinions enough. Also, I've been patiently waiting to see if MacFarlane would ever invite Elizabeth Gillies to appear on his space show, & I'm glad to see that he finally did just for me Maybe she could replace Ensign Burke in a future episode? :smirk: I can only dream lol.

In conclusion: Adrianne Palicki, please punch me in the face next, as a treat.

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A very derivative episode. Very predictable and not overly interesting. For the most part, the characters made it fun to watch, but it was a pretty mediocre episode.

The only worthwhile bit was Ed's comment at the end.

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"Don't be afraid Captain. I'm not going to hurt you."

I'm not afraid and I am going to hurt you...

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STFU Charly. You are completely incompetent and unfit to serve in any service. You should be dishonorably discharged. What a fucking bitch.

This show needs to unfuck that character or I am done with the series. I don't care if it was a simulation.

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This one is the most fun of the season so far.

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Shout by Douglas

Woa, that was scary! When they "found the source" I was terrified that it would actualy be solved just like that - given the past two episodes, it would have established a trend. Luckily I paused it and saw that there were over 15 minutes left... It sorta wraps in a productive way to set up even more future stories but so far the season doesn't really feel like it's taken off. Hopefully we're not all still standing on Narran 1.

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It’s the best of this season yet. Conclusion was interesting and a nice take on mortality. But the delivery was too slow. It spent too much time on the first happening, and after that it felt like they realised they were out of time and rushed the remaining. It’s a shame, I think it would have been better in either a shorter form, or a dedicated special with 20 min more runtime that take its time to flesh out all the experiences the way they wanted. It’s a bit in the middle and a miss for me.

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This was easily the best episode of the season so far, significantly better than the first two. My only real issue is that the episodes are just a bit too long, with too many long shots where nothing really happens. I don't need to see characters walking down hallways or long shots of spaceships. They just end up feeling like filler for the sake of padding the run time.

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The difference in writing with Strange New Worlds is staggering.
Where one explains to me - among many others - the obvious that some pseudo Vulcan phrase means potato/potato this show offers me my own "intellectual" journey.
It still changes elements from original Trek (last week the Bio-Borg, this week you know what) offering more than just member-berries and expands the universe instead of changing and subverting what was already there.

I still applaud the stroke of genius from Seth MacFarlane by starting this off as a comedy series only to Trojan Horse it into a full fledged modern copy of Trek.

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absolutely lit af bro hands down best psychedelic trip stimulator

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At first I thought this would be The Orville's take on "Hotel Royale" from TNG. Maybe that was an intentional deception. After the plane crash I had it figured out they were experiencing their own death in some kind of "this is how I fear I die" szenario. But I thought it was the Kaylons who wanted to know about dying since they were mentioned at the beginning. Another cool deception. Never in a million years would I've figured out what's really going on and the confusion when the real Tala appeared was genuine on my side. Well done.

It's great that they are picking up stories from previous seasons as it helps build the universe. It was also intresting to see each version of death szenario. That gives each character more background. I wonder though why Tala's and Kelly's were connected. Kelly afraid of drowing and Tala fears loosing a crewmember and/or friend ?

But Charlie is a b**** in real life AND in simulated realities.

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Okay, this was a strange episode, there's no getting around that. It was okay, still strange, but still easily watchable.

But then I think I could watch Adrianne Palicki for hours without getting bored.

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