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Velma 2023

more like scooby don't

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I feel sorry for Glenn Howerton having his name attached to this obvious tragedy that the show will be.

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pretty sure the tagline of this show is just "white people suck"...

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Complete trash of a show. What a joke.

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Shout by Matts
BlockedParent2023-01-22T04:23:10Z— updated 2023-02-25T22:25:52Z

I've yet to understand the hate for this show. This is supposed to be for adults, its not going to be like Scooby Doo of our childhoods. Pretty sure Velma has always been Bi, even if it wasn't discussed in the old cartoons. I am invested in the story now and want to continue seeing where it will go.

EDIT: I did finish the show, despite it saying 80% and hope there is a 2nd Season!

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I wouldn't mind the race swaps, as long as there's a decent storyline. Sadly there isn't. After 8 episodes it seems the whole point of this series is to belittle, as much as possible, the original.

What made the original so good (or bad in some ways) was the fact there was a mystery to solve, one which had red herrings and different possible solutions. Yes, it was played for laughs and aimed at a younger audience but that didn't detract from the mystery (too much). Of course, this balance between silliness and mystery completely broke once Scrappy-Doo was introduced and it went all down hill from there.

Given that this is, from the start, aimed at a mature audience makes the failure of this show even more tragic. Can you imagine what a correctly balanced mature comedic Scooby-Doo series could be like? A decent mystery, adult yet fun relationships between the main caricatures, scary horror filled sequences and above all a story of 5 "friends" looking to right the wrongs of bad people. The movies failed, this series has failed; it's depressing that a fantastic childhood memory has been taken this low and completely shat on.

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Despite the hate wave, I actually like this!
It's far from perfect, but it's good fun and imaginative.

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What an abomination is this

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Dogshit woke trash. The worst thing to ever happen to scooby doo.

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I couldn’t watch this crap, there is no humor. The characters are nothing like what they should be, they don’t even try.

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Fun fact: As of 1/15/2023 this series has lower audience scores than Dragonball Evolution on IMDB, Rottentomatoes and Metacritic lol.

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Should be called doo, cause there aint a scooby here

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I am a huge Scooby-Doo fan. I watched this because I thought it was a Scooby-Doo show (it's not, btw).

But I won't let that anger color my review. My biggest complaint is that all the characters suck. No one is likable. Not a single character is worth getting excited about when they get a scene. The jokes are bad. It's not funny at all. I absolutely hate Velma in this. And it's not the good kind of hate where you're supposed to hate them. It just wasn't fun to watch. If I weren't a weirdo who couldn't leave things unfinished, I would have stopped watching after the first episode.

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I didn't realize Shaggy was the black guy until reading a review after watching. He was changed too much I think.

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This show is the most racist and sexist show, I've ever seen. it's more racist than the documentaries about racism.

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It's not perfect by any means, but I find it quite funny.

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They've made Shaggy such a huge square who's entire thing is going on and on about how anti-drug he is - nothing he says or does is even remotely amusing, like not even once. They portray Fred as a whingey, spoiled, over-privileged man-baby with tiny genitalia, a fact which Velma repeats multiple times over the first two episodes. Is that the argument for the girls becoming gay or bi or whatever? Idk...but the show just leaves a bad taste in your mouth after sitting through it for a bit. I'd had enough of TV series preaching wokeness to me, I really didn't need that from cartoons too. If this is the future of adult cartoons then I'm tapping out of the genre as a whole. I was so psyched when I saw that Glenn Howerton and Russell Peters were going to be in this... I thought that meant that there was no way it would be some woke garbage with a clear agenda. But here we are.

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This is the worst thing ever.

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I tuned to this HOPING it was like Harley Quinn, which I absolutely love. This show, is more a train wreck. I'm sorry, I just genuinely do not like what they have done on this show....

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Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea. I tired to watch it but just can’t. There were so many people involved in making this and not a single person stood up to say this is repulsive trash and the people who made it should be taken to the back and have their hands cut off so they never get an opportunity make utter garbage again.

Or maybe everyone involved in making this show must be gay men hating mon white females who must’ve confused rejection as a sign they the world hates them.

There doesn’t seem to be a logistical explanation for this show.

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If I could give this entire show a 0 I would. Unfortunately unable to.

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I don’t get how this show is renewed. It’s 3rd worst show in IMDB history with 1.9 rating. Rotten Tomatoes rating 39%. This sites rating is 39%.

There are so many better shows that have gotten cancelled yet this one gets renewed.

Why? How? Talk about wokeass people getting a free pass even when shit is put on TV.

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I gave this a chance and watched the entire 10 episodes. Horribly written, very cringe humour, Velma is a lesbian and then isn't a lesbian. This show truly is horrendous.

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Won't miss it if it gets cancelled. And people need to relax with "this show contains nudity" because it doesn't at all in my book.

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Gave this show 4 episodes too many. Unfortunately, I have to tap out on this one. Not good at all..

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People will tell you that the show is "woke" and that's why it sucks... It's not. It makes enemies on both sides of that debacle. This is just so poorly written that it's for nobody! Nobody can enjoy this! I don't even know how you can mess up this badly!

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the riverdaleification of scooby doo

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Scooby appeared at the end, we discovered that he is a Lovecraftian entity that whenever someone wonders why he speaks he kills everyone and remakes everything again, and this is the version he has already done

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Mindy Kaling is not only a hollywood style sexual predator, she is an unapologetic asshole.

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Mindy project without danny what’s the point

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One of the funniest series I've ever watched! Waiting for the second season

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It had a few jokes that made me laugh and the animation wasn't bad, but all the references and unlikeable characters were simply annoying.

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It has nothing of Scooby Doo in it [including Scooby Doo himself!], except for the names of the characters. Race swap doesn't bother me at all, what I hate is they butchered the gang's personalities so much that the characters were barely likable. (The only one I truly liked was Shaggy, well, Norville). If it wasn't for Scooby Doo aspect, I think it'd be another mediocre worthy of 6 stars animated adult show of a Netflix kind, I took out 3 more stars for disgrasing Scooby Doo franchise.

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This is so bad HBO so good in TV shows not in animation apparently

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