

Grand Island, New York


Shout by IHateBadMovies.com
BlockedParent2023-03-26T15:26:05Z— updated 2023-04-04T13:30:42Z

How does a movie like this even get made? He thought of such a bonkers movie? The first thing that you need to know is that this movie is incredibly original. Sure, we've seen some of the action scenes in this movie done in many other movies. What sets this movie apart is that it never loses track of the central story. Despite the frantic pace I felt that I knew the characters and the bigger story. I am not going to lie - I started to drift a bit in the middle but I think that was more on me (it was late). Roger Ebert once said that all movies should be seen on a big screen - I think this movie is a perfect example of this theory. I loved it.

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The Wonder

There are so many things that I loved about this movie. I loved how clean the whole setup is - it only took about twenty minutes to give the viewer an excellent glimpse into where the movie was going and what the main conflicts are. While the girl was at the center of the story the movie really had nothing to do with the girl. The acting by everyone in the movie is absolutely top notch, especially Florence Pugh (she very much reminds me of a young Kate Winslet). Once the story was set up I was extremely curious as to how they were going to wrap it up - the resolution was amazing and did not disappoint.

I do have one last note on this movie. I am a man that embraces science and discounts religion. On the surface it seems as though this movie be a movie about science vs. religion but I think the exchange between the nurse and the nun at the end of the movie shows that the issue was not necessarily religion but fanaticism.

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Girl in the Picture

It feels weird grading something like this based on entertainment value. The story is really interesting (and terribly sad, of course) but this doc starts to lose steam towards the end.

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I've seen better in the coming-of-age-in-a-crappy area genre and I have seen worse. I think there was a certain honesty in the film's final scenes that appealed to me (it didn't feel like a film that should be wrapped up in a bow).

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The film very much feels like someone decided to use a video game to show the horrors of crossing the Atlantic during the first few years of World War 2. I was on the edge of my seat for the entire movie. I think it was smart to have the movie wrap up into a tight 90 minutes instead of trying to make it into an epic. While the movie is quick and intense from an enjoyment perspective it unfortunately has the soul of a video game and not a movie.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
The Morning Show
Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers
In the Bedroom

I think the brilliance of this movie are the things that are not said. So much of our lives involve thoughts that we don't speak of. This movie really takes off when the main characters - it isn't obvious until later who they are - are force to deal with the unspoken. And later, retreat back to it in a fantastic final scene.

It's hard to believe that Todd Fields hasn't done more films. I highly recommend Little Children.

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Call Me by Your Name

This film is unique in that it is the first movie that I can recall where there is a homosexual relationship that isn't in some way tragic. It very much reminded me of the fantastic An Education. The film was a joy to watch. I can see how some found the film to be dull - there can be a fine line between subtle and dull.


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Rear Window

If I hadn't been told that this movie was a classic, I never would have guessed. Sure, it is a visually stunning film. The world that Hitchcock creates is unlike any other that I have seen. But the movie itself is rather hokey, especially the ending. The movie is a commentary on our voyeurism - I thought that the ending betrayed that theme. This theme was done better in movies like The Conversation.

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Poker Face: 1x07 The Future of the Sport

Shout by IHateBadMovies.com
BlockedParent2023-03-25T20:37:12Z— updated 2023-04-04T13:31:22Z

For a show whose every episode is essentially paint-by-numbers, it has to be hard to mess up the formula. That said, this episode found a way to do it. Terrible writing from the first scene to the last. Cringe-worthy dialog. I am surprised that a show with this kind of visibility could have been done so poorly. Sure, it did mess with the formula a little bit but the twist was still there and if you'd seen the other episodes you could see it coming a mile away.

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Miller's Crossing

I thought this was a neat little movie - well written, acted and directed. At times it was a little difficult to understand the dialogue. One interesting twist in this movie was the character of Gabriel Byrne. Byrne is essentially a mobster that walks through life with neither a gun nor muscle around him. Instead, he uses his intellect and wit to (barely) navigate through sticky situations. It is an interesting movie in that there really isn't a storyline that spans the whole movie. The first section of the movie is heavy on dialog and preps the viewer for characters that they have not yet meant. The acting alone is worth the time spent.

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The Worst Person in the World

One of the things that I love about this movie is that it doesn't imply that any of the leads are necessarily the worst person in the world. Of course the title itself is an exaggeration as there is no worst person in the world. I think what the movie does so well is show that at different times we all (intentionally or not!) put our worst foot forward. I've dated people that thought I was the greatest guy in the world and others that would hang up if I called. The film asks us to think about the very nature of relationships. What do we owe the other person?

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Only Murders in the Building

Fairly mediocre and much less than it could have been. I bailed after the 6th episode.

  • Every now and then it made half-hearted attempts to drift back to the mystery.
  • Way too many scenes were simply Martin and Short just trying to be cute together. Very lazy writing
  • Gomez was given a lot of mediocre scenes when not with the old guys.

I am still shocked that this got the glowing reviews that it did

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The Nest

Everything was set up for this to be a great movie. You had two terrific actors at the top of their game. You had a dark and sterile English manor as the backdrop. And unhappiness - lots of unhappiness. The result? A decent movie but nothing more. I wanted to like this so much more than I did but it never reached anything beyond "interesting". I really didn't care that much about the characters or their unhappiness. I've seen better movies about broken people and broken families. I thought that last scene was very good and seemed true to the spirit of the film.

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Almost Famous

I may have had unreal expectations coming in to this movie as I know so many people that adore it. Hell, Ebert had it as the best movie of 2005. I enjoyed it but by no means do I consider this a classic. The movie is extremely well-acted but I think that people get suckered in by how adorable the two teenagers are. Also, a lot of people seem to think that music is a big part of this film. I disagree. While there is a backdrop of bands and music rarely did these themes permeate the main story line like they did a movie like High Fidelity or Blaze. The movie was very much about the care that people took of a boy that was trying to cross over into adulthood.

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Mystic Pizza

I thought overall this was a fine little movie. I've seen the main story line done better and I've seen it done worse. It is weird seeing this movie for the first time years later because Julia Roberts just didn't seem to fit the character that she was playing because I've seen her in so many other roles. I know that is personal to me and she probably did a fine job - I just couldn't get past it.

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Wendy and Lucy

This little indie film was regarded as one of the best such films of its release year. The movie is about a woman who seems down on her luck as she tries to cross the country to find a better life. A lot of the reviews that I saw seemed to assume that she was in this position because of the economic downturn in our country. To me that seems a bit presumptuous because she seems to make one bad choice after another. Sure, she seems like a good person but..... Anyway, although the last scene is tremendous I did not think it was anything special.

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The Godfather: Part II
The Dresser

To watch Hopkins and McKellan act in a play (and that's what this film really is) for almost two hours was a complete joy. An unexpected treat was to see Emily Mortimer (long under-appreciated) go toe to toe with them.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 2
A Simple Favor

The comparisons to Gone Girl are obvious and deserved.  I found that my thoughts on this film are similar to those of that movie.  About thirty minutes in I was loving the film.  Sixty minutes in I thought it was amazing.  And then.... it kind of stumbles to the end because all of the ...excitement.... had already played out.  

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Sunshine Cleaning

This one had been on the "watch" list for a while, mostly because it was one of the few De Niro films that I had not seen. The first half of the film is rather intriguing because the characters are trying to fit together and the story begins to unfold. The second half of the movie is a glorified car chase and all of the intrigue is removed from the story. The director tries to bring home some of the themes at the end of the movie but it just doesn't work. It almost felt like someone started with a good movie and then spliced in the end of "Blue Brothers". I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that was missing a plot.

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Even though it received much critical acclaim I think that this was one of the more underrated movies of the last 20 years. follow me at https://IHateBadMovies.com

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The Blind Side
The Deer Hunter

This film was often described as a classic as it stars young actors Robert De Niro, Christopher Walken and Meryll Streep. The film is essentially three different acts in one, and I would say all three are quite different. There are some extraordinary scenes in the film. I feel that with better direction it could have actually been better.

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