

Grand Island, New York

The Noel Diary
Hacks: 3x01 Just for Laughs

The show returned with an unbelievable episode. It started of a bit slow, but the scene with Deborah and Hannah alone in the room was magnificent. They were friendly to each other, but there was sooooo much more bubbling underneath. Finding good comedy on tv is so hard - I am so happy to have this show return.

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The Station Agent

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BlockedParent2017-10-08T15:19:54Z— updated 2018-02-26T22:37:05Z

Fantastic film. You can tell a lot about a person's taste in film based on what they think about a movie like this. This is why I watch indie movies.


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Little Women

I'll say right up front that I am not "burdened" (that doesn't feel like the right word) by having an intimate knowledge of the book so my review is not affected positively or negatively by the director's interpretation of the original work. That said.... I really loved it. While the jumping between timelines seemed somewhat arbitrary at first towards the end of the movie it all started to come together. It doesn't always work but when it does (Godfather Two, Once Upon a Time In America, Blue Valentine) the film can take on the feel of an epic. I think this technique gave us the best view of the complex character of Jo, and in the final scenes the struggles of her complex character resulted in a beautiful bloom. While I thought Lady Bird was terribly overrated I thought that Gerwig did a masterful job with this film. It was at different parts funny, touching, sad and hopeful. And as you might expect, the acting is phenomenal.

It's in my top 5 for the year.

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I went into this movie with fairly low expectations. After all, the movie got pretty mediocre reviews (not to mention I can't remember the last time I saw a good Will Ferrell movie. Stranger Than Fiction?). And what else could anyone do with this story that hasn't been done before? In short, I was blown away. The movie is too much of everything, and it is gloriously so. Yeah, there is probably too much singing and most of the songs aren't very good. The movie was just so much fun to watch... it really was joyous. As it ended I could have watched it again right away, and that almost never happens to me.

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This Is Where I Leave You

This is a classic example of where a movie might appear on my "favorite" list but not necessarily my "best" list. Is the movie perfect? No. Have we seen a lot of this before? Of course - it's hard to come up with something completely original when there hundreds of movies made every year. It doesn't matter. Sometimes there is something about a movie that just sucks you in and doesn't let you go. This movie had such an effect because the quality of the acting was phenomenal. All of the actors seemed to understand that there needed to be an understated tone to the characters and nobody does that better than Jason Bateman. The film is first and foremost a drama and because of the understated approach to the movie the comedic parts were very funny yet did not take away from the depiction of broken people inside of a broken family. There is a heart in this movie that is undeniable. Probably the highest compliment that I can pay it is that I was ready to watch it again the moment it ended and that almost never happens to me.

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Safety Not Guaranteed

This was part comedy, part fantasy and part geek. I quite enjoyed it. More films should take chances like they did in this film.

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The Idea of You

I know that this may sound odd, but this movie reminded me of a rom com that masqueraded as a drama. Don't get me wrong, this movie is a straight-ahead drama and is not trying to be anything else. Sometimes a movie just grabs you from the opening scenes and doesn't let go, and this movie was that for me. The chemistry between the two leads was ridiculous, and I didn't want it to end. I think what is all the more surprising for me is that I can't recall liking Anne Hathaway in any other movie. When it ended, I wanted to go back and watch it again.

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Poor Things

I so wanted to love this movie. And for a while, I did. After all, there is a very worthwhile message in the movie, and Emma Stone gives the performance of a lifetime (side note: every time someone gives a performance like this, I can't help but remember that Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for playing a sassy housewife in The Blind Side, and I throw up a little in my mouth). And Willem Dafoe is, of course, fantastic. It just became a slog to get through after the midway point. It was as if Wes Anderson re-made Bride of Frankenstein. That said, it was beautiful to look at.

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Which Brings Me to You

I think there needs to be a category for rom-coms that transcend the traditional meaning behind the label. While the movie starts off innocently enough (an almost-hookup at a wedding), what follows is deeply intimate. The characters bond by sharing their past mistakes and often wonder if it left them broken. I don't know if this is meant to be metaphorical or not - maybe the point was to show that our histories (for better or worse) make us who we are today. Either way, it doesn't matter. I thought that it was a fresh take on dating and the "are we broken" question. I don't know if this works with any other leads as they had ridiculous chemistry. At the end of the day it is another movie in the rom-com bin, but I could have watched it again when it ended and that is one of the highest compliments that I could pay a movie.

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On the surface, this movie has a lot going for it. The two leads do an excellent job of portraying famous people. The movie looks great, and there are some great secondary performances. That said, the movie just feels... empty. Without color or taste. It feels a bit lazy to say that it is style over substance, but maybe the shoe fits. The story seemed more interested in detailing the scandalous details of his private life rather than telling a story or giving us a full view of who the man was. It felt especially empty after watching Oppenheimer, which is a storytelling masterpiece. I can't fathom how people thought that this was good, let alone a movie of the year candidate. If anything, it felt like a commercial for the best actor award.

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Something from Tiffany's

If you're looking for a movie that doesn't have quite the over-the-top cheese that come with the Hallmark movies, you could do worse than this movie. The whole thing is... fine. Zoey Deutsch plays a very endearing main character and there are some really strong performances by the supporting actors (in particular, the women and the girl).

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I wanted to like this movie more than I did. The premise was somewhat unique: we get to hear the inner voice of a woman with severe confidence issues as she goes through a tumultuous week in her life. This was interesting for the first twenty minutes or so but then the audience was left looking for something more.

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Summer Hours

This was a film where adults had to come to terms with the mortality of a parent but it is really so much more than that. This is another example of why it is so important to watch films made in other countries - they aren't bound to a specific way of telling a story.

Roger Ebert said it best:

The actors all find the correct notes. It is a French film, and so they are allowed to be adult and intelligent. They are not the creatures of a screenplay that hurries them along. The film is not about what will happen. It is about them.

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Crashing: 3x05 Mom and Kat

Holy s, another great episode. While the girl-meats-mother story has been done countless times what really puts this episode over the top was the last line that the mother said at the end of the episode. I completely was not expecting that and it was genius.

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A little long but it was well-acted and very interesting. It also appears to be very accurate in its portrayal of what actually happened, although it had the "advantage" of not knowing what really happened.

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The Shape of Water

Just when I thought that I could not see a movie that is more overrated than Lady Bird I saw this film. The acting is fantastic (Shannon is the real star of this film), the look and feel of the movie are excellent.... but we've seen this film so many times before. It feels like Del Toro just put a new skin (admittedly a nice one) and tossed it out for our viewing (at least previous versions had Darryl Hannah to look at). The social commentary was very much appreciated but was done much better in movies like District 9.


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California Typewriter

Several really interesting and inspiring stories. You can't imagine watching a documentary about typewriters? If nothing else hearing Tom Hanks and John Mayer talk about typewriters in such a passionate way is worth the time.


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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers
Marriage Story
Good Luck to You, Leo Grande

This movie does something really fantastic: the entire movie is essentially dialog between the two leads in a hotel room(s). The highest compliment that I could say about it is that I was captivated by the characters, the acting and the story. Emma Thompson is always fantastic but the male lead was right there with her. Their chemistry was ridiculous.

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The Blind Side
Once Upon a Time in the West

When was the last time you watched a movie where after the first hour of the movie you didn't know any of the main character's names or what the movie was about yet you were completely engrossed? Ah, the genius of Sergio Leone. Once again, Leone paints a detailed picture with scant few words and captivates the audience while doing it. This film is also widely regarded as the greatest "face" movie of all time. While Henry Fonda was at the top of the billing, it is actually Charles Bronson (I kid you not) that is the star of this film.
One thing I love about Leone is that he's never trying to make a point. There isn't a moral to the story and there aren't any feel-good moments. He brings together a group of characters and spares you the details of who they are and where they come from. There are no good vs. evil confronations. In fact, the most sympathetic person in this movie was a reformed prostitute and the lead in the movie (Bronson) is never actually identified by name.

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You're the Worst: 5x01 The Intransigence of Love
Drive My Car
Palm Springs
Three Identical Strangers
Ted Lasso: 3x01 Smells Like Mean Spirit

Shout by IHateBadMovies.com
BlockedParent2023-03-16T12:56:48Z— updated 2023-04-04T13:31:28Z

Don't get me wrong, I love that show is sweet and has a lot of positive messages. At some point there has to be some character development. The first season was excellent but ever since then this show has devolved into the characters becoming caricatures of themselves. The dialog is so bad that it feels like someone had an AI bot watch the first season and then write future episodes. If you tell me which characters are in a scene I could tell you pretty much exactly how the interaction is going to go. Rinse, repeat.

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The Wonder

There are so many things that I loved about this movie. I loved how clean the whole setup is - it only took about twenty minutes to give the viewer an excellent glimpse into where the movie was going and what the main conflicts are. While the girl was at the center of the story the movie really had nothing to do with the girl. The acting by everyone in the movie is absolutely top notch, especially Florence Pugh (she very much reminds me of a young Kate Winslet). Once the story was set up I was extremely curious as to how they were going to wrap it up - the resolution was amazing and did not disappoint.

I do have one last note on this movie. I am a man that embraces science and discounts religion. On the surface it seems as though this movie be a movie about science vs. religion but I think the exchange between the nurse and the nun at the end of the movie shows that the issue was not necessarily religion but fanaticism.

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