

Grand Island, New York

Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers
You're the Worst: 5x01 The Intransigence of Love
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Hail Satan?

I absolutely adored everything about this film. From the minute it started until the minute it ended it regularly provided me with more questions to ponder. It was a commentary on both technology and humanity (probably more the latter than you might expect). Film making at its best.

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The White Lotus: 2x05 That's Amore

How did this show get this good out of nowhere? The first 2 episodes were exceptionally uneventful. Hell, it even seems as though they turned the weak link on the show (Stiffler's Mom and her storyline) into a gem. Fantastic writing here.

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Jojo Rabbit

What an absolute joy of a film. At different times it was hilarious, absurd, poignant and inspirational. While Scarlett Johansson was at her absolute best it is the young actors that absolutely stole the show. While watching the film I couldn't help but think that all of the themes that existed back then (bigotry, jingoism, hatred, etc) that we thought were gone never really left.

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You're the Worst: 5x02 The Pin In My Grenade

The decision to end the show after this season seems to have been a great benefit to this season. Rather than repeating the same old story lines (like Shameless does) they went to the wedding card and a whole new set of situations have opened up to them. This episode was classic YTW.

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KEVIN CAN F**K HIMSELF: 2x08 Allison's House

Wow. Just wow. It is so hard to end a series and this one - not unlike Better Call Saul - completely nailed it. I don't understand why people were surprised or expected something different. The ending that they chose is completely consistent with the rest of the show. At the heart of the show is a great love story and they were consistent with that by not ruining it with an event that would overshadow it. I particular liked the one visual with roughly 10 minutes left. During the very first episode of the series I kind of thought that we would see it but I still gasped out loud when it happened.

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The Good Place: 4x13 Whenever You're Ready

Easily among the top 5 finales that I can think of for any show. Even if you had not watched a single episode of this show you could watch the last three and be blown away. While the series may have meandered for a bit it came right back to its philosophical and emotional core for the ending. They really could not have done it any better.

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The Lives of Others

This film blends in a tragic love story with the story of a man who is completely dedicated to his job and country. As the story goes along the man (a respected member of the ever-present government) starts to doubt himself and his duty when a superior crosses the line. I know, that's an awful description and that's ok. It's a movie that is tough to describe without saying too much.

All that said..... I adore this film. The moral dilemma of the member of the Stasi was brewing for much of the movie and finally came to a head near the end. I read that the actor (who died shortly after the film was made) was active in the same community of artists that are a big part of the film. After all, artists usually play a large role in change and that certainly happened here. And finally, the ending. Simply magnificent. This is definitely one of my favorite films of all time.

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Upright: 1x08 Day Eight

Just wow. I mean wow. There are so few series finales that are great and this is one of them. In recent tv history this episode stacks up with the finales of Fleabag and You're the Worst. I as smiling through my tears. I miss the show already.

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Crashing: 3x05 Mom and Kat

Holy s, another great episode. While the girl-meats-mother story has been done countless times what really puts this episode over the top was the last line that the mother said at the end of the episode. I completely was not expecting that and it was genius.

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I saw this film when it came out in the theater but hadn't seen it since then. I gave it another look and it was just as good as I remember it, maybe better. I think it meant a little bit more now than it did then because I had become such a big fan of his work with Sergio Leone. In a sense he was putting that character to bed and he did so without glorifying him. I think those that criticized Eastwood's cold and emotionless portrayal of the main character missed the what Eastwood was going for.

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The Conversation

I can't believe that I had not heard of this film until recently. In case you have not, it was one of Copola's early films. It stars Gene Hackman and John Cazale. Actually, Cazale was the reason that I had heard of the film. He made only a handful of films before dying of cancer. These films include the first two Godfathers, The Deer Hunter and Dog Day Afternoon. The film starts innocently enough - a simple scene between two secret lovers. What unfolds as the film goes on is quite extraordinary and often unexpected. I can't recommend it enough.

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Captain Fantastic

This is why I watch movies! I hope to find a film that just consumes you for a couple of hours and then stays with you for days afterwards. Easily one of the best films I've seen in the last few years - I don't know why it did not get a sniff for move of the year.


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Ted Lasso: 3x06 Sunflowers

What an episode. I have killed this show in my reviews for being a caricature of itself. Its been living off of season 1 for a while now. This episode can be enjoyed on so many levels. In one sense it is very much like the "Beard After Hours" of S2 (which was easily the best episode of that season). But this episode had more to offer than that one in that it involved the whole case and the storyline was further developed. But you could also just sit back and enjoy the characters being real and not the cliche garbage that has been put our way this season.

In reading the negative reviews of this episode, it really does show you the difference in how people view this show. Some people just want to see Keely and Roy back together, which I think is not even in the top 50 most (potentially) interesting things about the show.

Its also pretty easy to spot a good episode from a bad one. If there is heavy use of an underlying music bed, they also know that the writing is terrible.

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Game of Thrones
The Passing Parade
The Deuce: 3x08 Finish It

This was the ending that the Wire never had a chance to tell. Television is littered with awful final seasons and series finales. I can think of a handful of good ones - Newhart and You're the Worst Come to mind. This one was amazing in every way. I love how it didn't show how people's stories worked out because that's how life works - once we lose contact with people they are essentially dead to us. I spent the last few episodes wondering how they were going to wrap it up. After all, in the creator's series nothing ever really is wrapped up as his shows are more about the characters and their struggles. This was perfect. It wasn't so much of a period as it was a semicolon.

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The One I Love
Forks Over Knives
A Fistful of Dollars
Crimes and Misdemeanors

The amazing thing about Woody Allen the author is that he has the ability to channel the different parts of his personality through his characters. If you look hard enough you can practically see and hear Woody Allen himself. The amazing thing about Woody Allen the director is that he manages to seemlessly bring together this puppet show into something that has many layers and textures.

I know that I've touched on this topic many times in recent reviews but this movie is a perfect example of how movies can be watched on several levels. On the surface this movie seems to be about an adulterous person (I'm not giving anything away when I say that) and other people who may or may not be adulterous. If you look a little deeper you will see a brilliant commentary on how people view themselves and how we can justify just about anything. The movie itself was both funny and poignant and that in itself makes it extremely unique. If you dig just a shade deeper you will see all kinds of metaphors that really gives the end result a delicious texture.

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You're the Worst: 5x04 What Money?

They are absolutely crushing it right now. As I've said in previous reviews having the end in sight has allowed them to completely empty out the gas can. Comedy writing at its best.

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Mad Men

This show might edge out Better Call Saul as my favorite show of all time. Not only was there not a bad episode, there wasn't even a bad scene. The depth of the characters and the portrayal of the social issues of the time are second to none. The final episode (and scene!) are perfect. I can't wait to watch it again (for the third time) in a few years.

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Mad Men: 7x14 Person to Person

I watched this again for the first time since it aired. It was better than I remembered it being, possibly because I can relate more to what Don was going through at that time because I am at a different part in my life. I could also appreciate how Weiner teased the last scene throughout the last few episodes. It was such a joy to watch - I can't wait to watch the whole thing again in a few years.

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Bad Sisters: 1x10 Saving Grace

What a fantastic ending! I kind of saw the first plot resolution coming and I should have seen the second one (how they neatly tied it all together). I was worried that the show was just going to be a series of failed attempts on JP's life - it ended up being so much more than that.

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The Irishman