


Digimon Ghost Game

Shout by Aeron
BlockedParent2022-07-25T07:53:10Z— updated 2023-03-27T16:13:25Z

This show is far from over, but it is already the best Digimon since the original series. Turning Digimon into a mystery thriller probably saved the franchise. It's enough of an original story that you don't have to be fans of the original to enjoy it. You may need to avert your child's eyes from time to time as it can get surprisingly graphic for a show meant for older kids.

EDIT: Unfortunately, while still technically being better than most previous Digimon entries, it got stuck in it's own gimmick and couldn't figure out how to be anything more than a Scooby Doo monster-of-the-week kiddie show... with a lot of material that is not appropriate for kids. The finale throwing a curve ball and saying that it was aliens without any setup what-so-ever ended this experiment on a whimper and tremendous disappointment because of what this show could have been for the franchise.

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The very definition of "Out with a whimper."

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This is some of the best alt-history you will ever watch.

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Firefighter Daigo: Rescuer in Orange

If this show had been 10~12 episodes long, it would have been genuinely great. For reasons unknown, they spread everything so thin that they had to recap and literally rerun every single event three or four times over to the point where I was just wanted it to end. To add insult to injury, the big event that was teased throughout the series never actually happens. This isn't the worst Anime ever, but this is such a spectacularly-unforced error that should be taught as a cautionary tale in animation schools around the world.

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This is made by Williams Street Productions for fans of Williams Street Productions (Space Ghost Coast to Coast, The Brak Show, Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law...). A hellish take on The Office set in the dark upside-down version of the Hanna-Barbara universe created by the demented minds at Cartoon Network. I highly recommend it.

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I, Tsushima

Basically, this is Japanese Garfield.

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Hello Tomorrow!

This show is Mad Men set in a Black Mirror universe.

I guess it's getting low rating from people that need the conceit revealed within the first couple of episodes. I like that we're being led along and not allowed to see the whole board. There's a chance that it could end in disappointment, but I'm willing to give it a chance. I can enjoy the Rocket-age aesthetic in the mean time.

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Harley Quinn: Season 4

Someone at HBO actually has their head on straight for this show to come back.

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Foundation: Season 1

The storyline with Lee Pace and the other Brothers is excellent - High Science Fiction. The rest of the story involving The Foundation isn't bad, it just isn't as interesting. Almost everything that happened I could see coming a mile away. Though the revelation at the end seems to promise that things will become far more engaging in the future. ...We hope.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

"Attorney at Law"

You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.

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Stranger Things: Season 4

This is the best season of Stranger Things since the beginning. The show started to feel like it had lost its way and become generic horror/gore, but that neon synth lightning has returned! I am eager to see what's in store for the fifth season.

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History's Greatest Heists with Pierce Brosnan: Season 1

Probably won't do it this season, but I hope this show gets around to this fantastic unsolved daylight robbery that occurred in Japan back in the 1960s:

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GAMERA -Rebirth-: Season 1

Naming the episodes after famous Science Fiction novels might not elevate this show the way they think it does.

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I Am Groot: Season 2

The fact that they got Jeffrey Wright back just so Baby Groot could knowingly troll The Watcher is fantastic.

The first season was a cute little watch, this is even better.

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Pepsi, Where's My Jet?

The music selection for this show is abnormally good. I have a good mind to make a Spotify playlist.

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Pokémon: Hisuian Snow

Pokemon: We will forever churn out cut-rate children's TV that's of "okay" quality while mercilessly teasing you with random shorts and one-offs of the significantly higher visual and storytelling quality that you would rather we focus our attention on.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

This is not the way... this is the destination. This is new-generation Star Wars at its finest.

David Filoni is living his best life.

Can you imagine if Filoni had been in charge of Obi-Wan? Maybe they would have bothered to de-age Hayden that time.

I cannot wait to see the reactions to this one (Kyle Katarn is going to have a conniption fit), and I cannot wait to laugh at all the low ratings and negative comments. Wonder what straws they're going to grasp at this time...

Edit: Personal attacks it is. :expressionless:

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior
Buddy Daddies: 1x04 WHAT WILL BE, WILL BE

How does this show keep getting better with each episode?

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Steamboat Willie

Captain Pete, the "bad guy", just wants Mickey to do his job. Meanwhile Minnie is a stowaway, and Mickey abuses every animal on the ship. And I think he might have killed that bird! Different times!

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M*A*S*H: 11x04 The Joker is Wild

One of the best episodes of the series. BJ can be scary when he wants to.

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M*A*S*H: 10x03 Rumor at the Top

Major Burnham manages to look eerily like Henry Blake.

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M*A*S*H: 8x05 Good-Bye Radar: Part 2

This continues to be one of the best episodes of television ever.

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Outlaw Star: 1x23 Hot Springs Planet Tenrei

One of the best "fan service" episodes. Genuinely funny, witty, and actually moves the plot forward.

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M*A*S*H: 7x23 A Night at Rosie's

Ah, this is one of the best episodes of the series. Just a hopeless buildup of chaos for no reason.

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M*A*S*H: 7x10 Point of View

This is one of the best episodes of the series. Not only do they provide a one-of-a-kind perspective, but they still manage to weave a typical M*A*S*H story together within the confines of a single soldier's perspective. A story that would have been a decent episode all on its own. To see the controlled-insanity of the 4077 from an outsider's perspective, rather that just seeing its effects on someone, is both enjoyable and sombering. And even though it's a happy ending, for all parties, the way the episode ends by simply killing the audio and freezing the video forces you to sit there in introspection and process what you just saw. Even watching this for the first time as a young kid, I had to spend some time to quietly process emotions I wasn't expecting to feel. They just don't make TV like this anymore.

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The Mandalorian: 3x04 Chapter 20: The Foundling

Justice for Ahmed Best, achieved. Welcome back, Sir.

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

JUST the Mandalorian parts by themselves made this one of the best episodes of the series. JUST those parts.

I did not have Mr. Pershing Goes to Washington on my bingo card. Damn them for making Coruscant feel so real, because I know I can never go there. I really wanted to believe that Kane was genuinely converted and Pershing was the one who was harboring malcontent. Gideon may be gone, but she is definitely working for whomever sent all those TIE Bombers.

But the gold medal goes to the final scene. Bo had a classic come-to-Jesus moment. It's not the life she envisioned, but it's the best life available to her now. Can't wait to feel the uncomfortable silence between her and Paz. And I was scared that Bo would somehow know who the Armorer is and they would have a serious falling out. I guess the worst thing right now is having a Kryze & a Vizsla living in the same cave.

Also this is in keeping with my selfish head-canon that Grogu is going to get a mommy.

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The Orville: 3x09 Domino
The Orville: 3x04 Gently Falling Rain