


The Orville: 3x09 Domino
The Orville: 3x04 Gently Falling Rain
The Orville: 3x05 A Tale of Two Topas
Doctor Who: Special 2 Wild Blue Yonder

If this isn't proper Doctor Who, I don't know what is.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

This is not the way... this is the destination. This is new-generation Star Wars at its finest.

David Filoni is living his best life.

Can you imagine if Filoni had been in charge of Obi-Wan? Maybe they would have bothered to de-age Hayden that time.

I cannot wait to see the reactions to this one (Kyle Katarn is going to have a conniption fit), and I cannot wait to laugh at all the low ratings and negative comments. Wonder what straws they're going to grasp at this time...

Edit: Personal attacks it is. :expressionless:

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Ted Lasso: 3x06 Sunflowers

What in the Donald Duck in Mathmagicland did I just watch??

This might be my new favorite episode.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x09 The Harbinger
BLUE EYE SAMURAI: 1x05 The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride

This is one of the best things I've ever seen! Framing current and past events, which themselves tie into each other, within a Bunraku performance that mirrors both stories that also turns out to take place in-universe and after the fact is a master class in storytelling. Everyone involved in this series deserves multiple awards.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior
Westworld: 4x08 Que Será, Será

A Westworld finale that clocks in under one hour? Maybe I'm spoiled because I just got done watching a two-hour season finale of The Orville and For All Mankind, but I'm convinced they cut a LOT of stuff out of this episode for whatever reason.

But I really enjoyed this season, more than I enjoyed season 3. I was convinced that leaving the park would ruin the show and it didn't. It become something entirely different, but it is still very enjoyable to watch. I do wish we could have seen the Roaring 20s for more than one and a half episodes, but oh well. With the promise of completely returning to status quo for a fifth (and probably final) season, I expect a lot of callbacks and easter eggs and more nostalgic cameos next time around. I was not expecting the host Rebus (Steven Ogg) to suddenly show up again like that! Even though he bit it, it made me smile.

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Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: 1x14 Privilege of the Young

She casted Levitate on the damn horse, instead of the wagon.

This show just keeps giving and giving. A lot of them, like the most recent one, feel like mini-movies (some of them really are). After 20 minutes I feel like I've been watching for over an hour and am not the least bit bored.

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Loki: 2x05 Science/Fiction
The Mandalorian: 3x07 Chapter 23: The Spies
Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x07 Extraction (2)

This is honestly the best thing on TV right now... in any country.

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Buddy Daddies: 1x10 LOST AT SEA


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Stop, or my heart will explode!

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One Piece: 21x1028 Surpass the Emperor of the Sea! Luffy Strikes Back with an Iron Fist!

I feel like my 18-year commitment to this series has paid off with this current arc.

I haven't been this engrossed in the series since Enies Lobby.

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Stranger Things: 4x08 Chapter Eight: Papa

That last scene felt like the Duffer Brothers got up and left and Quentin Tarantino took over!

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Violet Evergarden: The Movie

An impossibly-beautiful and heatbreakingly-emotional follow up to what is already one of the most beautiful and emotional Anime series ever made. While the Violet Evergarden series focused on Violet's exploration and uncovering of her clients' deepest feelings, this time it's Violet's turn to have a therapy session.

No matter how much you help others be true to theirselves, don't forget to be true to your own self.

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Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: 1x16 "OMG Issue #2"

Wow. After all the Saturday morning kids' cartoon stuff, suddenly real stakes. And an ending that rivals a lot of Marvel movies.

THIS is the kind of energy and style that Phase 4 needs to be built on.

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Bill Cosby: Himself

Even though the man is a walking pile of garbage, this will probably always be one of the best stand-up routines I ever see.

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Get Austin Butler into a Grease remake right now!

Hell, Olivia DeJonge would actually be a great Sandy Olsson.

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The Mandalorian: 3x04 Chapter 20: The Foundling

Justice for Ahmed Best, achieved. Welcome back, Sir.

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The Mandalorian: 3x03 Chapter 19: The Convert

JUST the Mandalorian parts by themselves made this one of the best episodes of the series. JUST those parts.

I did not have Mr. Pershing Goes to Washington on my bingo card. Damn them for making Coruscant feel so real, because I know I can never go there. I really wanted to believe that Kane was genuinely converted and Pershing was the one who was harboring malcontent. Gideon may be gone, but she is definitely working for whomever sent all those TIE Bombers.

But the gold medal goes to the final scene. Bo had a classic come-to-Jesus moment. It's not the life she envisioned, but it's the best life available to her now. Can't wait to feel the uncomfortable silence between her and Paz. And I was scared that Bo would somehow know who the Armorer is and they would have a serious falling out. I guess the worst thing right now is having a Kryze & a Vizsla living in the same cave.

Also this is in keeping with my selfish head-canon that Grogu is going to get a mommy.

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The Orville: 3x10 Future Unknown
Ms. Marvel: 1x03 Destined

This show has so much heart! You have to be predisposed to hating anything that isn't classic Marvel to not enjoy this. Moon Knight was breathtakingly beautiful and way out there story-wise, but I didn't latch onto it the way I've taken to Ms. Marvel.

This is how you take characters and stories that are new to the Marvel pantheon and get people who grew up with the Silver Age heroes and more traditional storytelling to care about them as much as Captain America or Iron Man. This is the kind if energy the entire MCU needs going forward.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x12 The Outpost

Just wow. The subtle change in Crosshair's voice when Mayday was buried in the snow, you could hear genuine compassion and concern in him for the first time. Dee Bradley Baker is a vocal wizard.

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For All Mankind: 3x06 New Eden

(I really gotta stop watching For All Mankind & The Orville back-to-back. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, it can be mentally exhausting with the right pair of stories.)

A part of me wants everyone on Mars to go rogue, join forces, and declare themselves an independent planet. That would be very silly from a writing perspective, but I still want to see it.

Again, the brief moments of humor are very on point and appreciated. Because the overarching story this time is heavy, Doc. I want to know why the General got visibly pensive when Vice President Foghorn Leghorn started preaching fire & brimstone in the President's office. I want them to stop suggesting that people are going to kill themselves only for them to just... not.

The weakest thing about this season continues to be poor, old Danny boy. Please wrap it up next episode and get back to the inevitable three-way peace treaty between NASA, the Soviets, and Helios so we can see growth on Mars the way we never got to see it on the Moon.

(And if there's a Cthulhu in the water.)

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If you think this is not for you because you don't play video games or never got into Tetris, just give this movie a chance. It is an exceptional piece of storytelling with very little cruft. It is witty, it is funny, and it just a wonderful ride from beginning to end. It has a lot of worn-out tropes, but it never dwells on any of them long enough to complain about them.

And the soundtrack must've broken the bank. Not just a who's who list of 1980s hits, but covers in Russian and in Japanese rarely heard outside of their respective countries. And to top it all off, a custom remix of Opportunities by The Pet Shop Boys intermixed with the Tetris theme. This might end up being my favorite soundtrack of 2023.

I know this movie heavily embellishes a lot of fact for the sake of drama. But if there is any truth to the claim that Howard Lincoln not only went to Soviet Russia just to secure the rights to Tetris but also escaped by the skin of his teeth, then my already high amount of respect for the man just went through the roof.

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