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Hannibal: Season 1

New, innovative and smart. I loved how the story progressed and how the season ended. An overall great season.

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Hannibal: 1x03 Potage

(Upon re-watch) I completely forgot that Abigail knew (or had a feeling about) Hannibal being a serial killer. The ending keeps the suspense well, but sadly, this episode was a bit slower paced than the first ones. Possibly due to the lack of a new killer?

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Glee: 4x04 The Break-Up

This was the last episode I ever watched of Glee when I was 12 (I'm finishing the show now to have watched it all and be done with the show). I get why little me finished it here because damn, this episode is heartbreaking. I still can't believe the show actually went through with this episode.

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Black Mirror: 5x01 Striking Vipers

I like the bi-ish, poly-ish #representation for my own sake, but it could've gone much darker. The two guy friends thing felt a bit too safe, it would have been much darker had he met a character in there that real-life player turned out to be 12-13 years old. Or if they wanted to experience more, and much more intensely, so they would've have gone for animal-like characters or child characters (I'm thinking "the last of us" or "beyond: two souls", leading to the whole thing becoming grey-zone pedophilia. That would've been more exciting that going for a biscurious approach IMO. Or having it lead into a proper discussion on how the bodies of these hentai/cartoon/video game women ruins his relationship to a real woman (his wife) due to expectation and addiction or SOMETHING. It felt a bit flat to me. But at least it was cute.

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Bohemian Rhapsody

Freddie Mercury deserved better. Hell, all bisexual men deserve better than this piece of horse shit. Excuse the language, but fuck this movie. I cried throughout the whole movie, but for the wrong reasons. I don't even know why I bothered watching this.

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Making a Murderer: 2x10 Trust No One

Do y'all notice how the documentary QUICKLY glosses over things against Steven? Like when his fiancé left and said she thought he was dangerous, and that he’d hurt her if he was ever released? They spent /maybe/ 2 minutes on it, which is a great contrast to this episode using SO LONG on Bobby's porn use. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think a woman’s testimony to her partner’s violent tendencies is more credible than a porn search history... What teen boy DOESN'T watch porn? In my teens, I knew lots of boys who'd watch gore-y porn. Evidence my ass.

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Velvet Buzzsaw

Is bisexual horror a genre? Cause it's certainly my favorite one. Morf is a bisexual, feminine, intellectual and a character that says much about the elite art world. It's also a nice horror, not scary or revolutionary. Aesthetically visually pleasing, and good acting!

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Hannibal: Season 3

This season was... a bit boring, and less visually appealing. The Red Dragon was probably the worst villain in the show. But it was alright, and it was good enough to be worth watching!

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Hannibal: 3x12 The Number of the Beast is 666

Eh, the buildup is a bit boring for a series finale, isn't it?

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Hannibal: 3x11 And the Beast from the Sea

Not looking forward to this show ending.

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Hannibal: 3x06 Dolce

My gay ass is happier than ever. Also, this episode has been the most entertaining so far!

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Hannibal: 3x05 Contorno

Finally. This is the season 3 I've been waiting for.

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Hannibal: 3x01 Antipasto

God, do I love Gillian Anderson! She is by far one of the most talented female actresses of our time. My hands are itching to know what happened to all the characters in Hannibal, though!

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Hannibal: 2x12 Tome-wan

I was so sure the feeding-the-dogs scene was a hallucination, but nope... Oh well!

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The Conjuring

Overhyped, but still a decent story. Probably won't watch it again.

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Orphan Black: 5x09 One Fettered Slave

man, this episode..... fucking hell this was good. so upset about mark dying tho, he was my favorite character outside of the characters Tatiana plays

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Green Book

This was so heartwarming and funny! I don't know much about how Italian-americans dealt with oppression and such, as I don't particularly know much american politics besides modern politics and the civil rights movement. However, I think this movie perfectly captures what lower-class, (second-degree) immigrants / Italian-americans can learn from lgbt+ black folks, and vice versa. I did have a problem with how the movie breaks down black stereotypes, but still has Mortensen act the most stereotypically Italian-american I've seen in a long time. oh well. it was a great movie!

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Wow, the movie was funny, captivating, and beautifully shot. The ending blew my mind. Never forget Charlottesville, and never forget the black sisters who built the Black Panthers. The women were the main organizers and members of the organization. Don't you ever forget it. The movie would've gotten 10/10 if it hadn't been cop propaganda (ACAB) and if the Jewish character would've been played by a Jew for once, and not just a white man with a big nose. Anyways, great movie!

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Making a Murderer: 1x06 Testing the Evidence

Do they want me to fall asleep? Even the ending, which usually is the one exciting part of an episode, with a lil plot twist, was completely dead this time. Not a single exciting thing to look forward to in the next episode. YAWNNNN.

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Hannibal: 3x09 And the Woman Clothed with the Sun

Freddy calling Will and Hannibal "murder husbands" :-)

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x10 I Can Work with You

Great episode, great BPD representation (hey ya #clusterBrepresentin), but I am not into the Greg + Rebecca pairing, and seeing Nathaniel overhearing the convo at the end made me cry :'//

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Hannibal: 3x04 Aperitivo

Slowwwwwwwww..... It's getting pretty boring

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Hannibal: 3x03 Secondo

It's too slow, but even more stunning than the earlier episodes, so I might forgive them.

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Call Me by Your Name

Don't know what to say that haven't been said; beautiful cinematography, a beautiful score and great acting, especially from Timothee Chalamet. The movie still gets a lower rating due to the romanticization of child abuse and pedophilia. At least Lolita acknowledges that it's wrong, in this movie, even the parents are okay with it. It might be my fault for watching such a triggering movie, but it left me in tears and in need of several breaks due to the sexual abuse trauma. I still recommend it thought, due to the acting, and if you're not a child sexual abuse trauma survivor, seeing this movie will probably be a good experience. I would add that my partner, without my trauma experiences, also found the sexual scenes very uncomfortable due to the predatory aspect. But I don't consider this a bad thing, as Lolita and En Affære both have these, and are magnificent stories/movies. Watch at your own risk!

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Dear White People: 2x08 Chapter VIII

Intense. Passionate. Amazing. A masterpiece.

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Hannibal: Season 2

This season has a bit more of a confusing plot / red thread, but it works out fine by the end where you'll catch up if you fall out. It is an incredibly amazing season, with a strong beginning and a strong end.

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Hannibal: 2x13 Mizumono

Wow. Wow. I'm shocked and amazed.

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Dear White People: 2x06 Chapter VI

The shocking revelation hurts me again. Couldn't see it coming, but it's not unbelievable.

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Dear White People: 2x04 Chapter IV

My favorite episode of the show so far. The last 10 minutes are so goddamn powerful.

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The Bye Bye Man

You'd think this horror movie was made in the early 2000s, not 2017. Boring and unoriginal. Props for a mildly diverse cast, though.

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