Cb Uppercut



The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Wow, just wow. Kinda been in a teen/high school movie phase as of late but had no idea what i was getting myself into with this one. Not your typical teen movie where you meet girl fall in love with girl movie plot so much meaning and value in this story and not even a romance really at least I don't really think it is. Such a great cast Emma Watson is obviously good, Ezra Miller and Paul Rudd are both great, and Logan Lerman is phoneomeal I mean phoneomeal, kid really did a great job. For a high school movie where you would expect such upbeat and happy themes this movie wasn't afraid to constantly stay real. Don't get me wrong this movie isn't depressing just it's so real I mean you could feel it through the screen where at times you didn't want to watch, because of the awkwardness or tension cause you could feel it as if you were the character in the movie, this movie definitely surprised me.

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Good Will Hunting

Wish Matt Damon and Ben Affleck would write more screenplays together because this movie is a beauty. Robin Willaims is stellar R.I.P. Damon is great the whole movie just feels so real.

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Sing Street

A really great film, wish I could find more movies like this that just hit every emotion. It's a feel good movie that hits emotional elements also very funny, good romance, and great music.

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The Breakfast Club

This movie holds up so well, which is why it's a classic this movie is so good and no matter where you go or went to school there's those stereotypes and this movie explores those different stereotypes all interacting with each other and sharing common issues. The nostalgia with this movie definitely helps but nonetheless this movie is incredible kinda wish {spoiler} they didn't couple in the end but that's really my only flaw with the movie.

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What the fuck. Coherence is a small budget mind fuck where weird things start happening all due to a commit passing by. As the night passes by more and more weird things keep happening which the group tries but struggles to understand and that’s all I want to say about the plot. I would recommend going in as blind as you can this is a small film with big ideas and damn is it good. This movie fucks with ur brain and leaves u thinking. I finished this movie and couldn’t go to sleep because of the way my mind was running.

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Get Out

What a film. This was my third viewing of Get Out and the best viewing yet. Jordan Peele is such a masterful director with every single thing feeling so perfectly selected and executed. Each song, the score, the subtle way characters act, how easy it is to know what is happening especially on rewatch but still be on the edge of your seat. This movie has the perfect runtime and is perfectly paced. It makes you nervous but also makes you laugh and maybe has the best protagonist in any horror movie. Chris never does anything extremely dumb that makes you mad at the character he handles every situation as you would like to think you would in the same situation. Just a masterpiece and one of the best horror films ever made.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Perhaps what throws people off about this movie is the title and the way it was marketed this is no “war for the planet of the apes” so don’t go in expecting that because u will be disappointed and miss the importance of this movie. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best installment of the 3 so it sucks that people don’t like this just because they were expecting non stop action this trilogy from the start to the end was always about the apes and not about a great action franchise this rebooted saga focused on storytelling and characters and it payed off. Truly a beautiful story that is so under appreciated I’m glad Matt Reaves took over because he did a phenomenal job on these last two and I enjoy the first one as well. This is truly one of the best modern day trilogies and one of my favorite trilogies of all time I honestly can’t think of another franchise that invests me in the characters so much and Andy Serkis the king of motion capture somebody give this man an Oscar nom at least!

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Back to the Future

1.21 Gigawatts! This movie is like fine wine it just gets better with age, it's a timeless classic. I love everything about this movie one of the best time travel movies ever made.

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Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2019-01-12T08:51:00Z— updated 2019-01-15T13:36:46Z

I love this movie. Even though this isn't something that really happens in the real world it feels so real. I feel if we had computers or os' like in this movie that similar things would happen to as they did in the movie. Life always finds a way to punch you in the throat when you're not paying attention, a truly touching movie.

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Donnie Darko

I could write a 3 page review for this movie but the point would be the same. This is still my favorite movie of all time and one of the best movies ever made.

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

One of the best Spider-Man movies one of the best animated superhero movies this movie just blew me away. The animation is beautiful the charcaters are just so real the story is so heartfelt I mean I don't want to get into spoilers but this movie has it all and is just a beautiful film.

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

This movie is phoneomeal in every aspect story, villain, action, music, acting it has everything you want maybe my favorite MI movie not sure I still love Rogue Nation and Ghost Protocol. This one definitely has a different feel than the other ones though and I can't wait to see more MI storylines.

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American Beauty

A movie with a lot of deeper meaning and is about your life and your search for identity even after your an adult and the purpose of all of it.

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Short Term 12

I love movies like this! This movie was fantastic. Short Term 12 is a simple, beautiful story. It is wonderfully acted and is just beautifully told. You can really care about the characters, and I really sugest this to anyone who hasn't seen it, it is soo good!

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Last Night in Soho

Edgar Wright really outdid himself this time and I’m consistently amazed by his work. The direction in this film is honestly probably the best of year with every shot so delicately placed and beautiful, the scenery in this film is obviously stunning and the costume design absolutely phenomenal. You can really tell every time Edgar Wright makes a film how much a movie movie buff he is. Every song in this film feels so perfectly chosen for every scene and the score is amazing as well. Thomasin McKenzie was absolutely amazing in this film and deserves more love because this film was marketed it seems as Ana Taylor Joys film and when it comes to Ana Taylor Joy she absolutely stole the show and made your eyes lock in on her with every scene she was in. Can’t understate how artistic this film is and just a good horror movie in general as well. Easily one of the best movies this year if not the best so far.

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How I Met Your Mother
The Devil Wears Prada

The film is full of humor, charisma, and charm it constantly had me chuckling or grinning. Meryl Streep is fantastic as always Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, and Stanley Tucci are all wonderful as well.

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I guess not many people love this movie as much as I do. I love the score, the performances, the concept, the mystery. Very well executed movie by M. Night Shyamalan one of my favorites by him

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Sixteen Candles

Didn't really expect to love this film cause it ain't my typical watch but what can I say John Hughes knows how to make a high school coming of age film.

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Shutter Island

Fantastic film, phoneomeal performances all around just thrilling and Martin Scorsese is a genius as always.

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Captain Fantastic

I really love this film it's so lovely, the family is so good on screen and everyone has great chemistry the acting is wonderful. Such a heartfelt and deep story that leaves you feeling emotions even after the credits roll.

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Brokeback Mountain

Really sad but beautiful film Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway, and Michelle Williams are all great.

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Die Hard

Gotta love Die Hard. Best christmas movie of all time. Great hero, good villain, great action. John McClane is one of the all time greatest charcters in cinema.

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The Favourite

Great performances by Olivia Coleman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz. Good storytelling and good plot with support from great talent, kept my attention. Yorgos Lanthimos is becoming one of my FAVOURITE directors.

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Half Nelson

Painfully real, it's a very touching story and with great preformances all around espically Ryan Gosling and does a great job getting the audience to care about the characters.

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12 Years a Slave

A truly devasting story that can be hard to watch. Great cast and fantastic acting all around. McQueen really shows his talent here. Cinematography is great really beautiful film filmmaking wise, disturbing story wise.

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A Star Is Born

You can tell why this movie is getting a lot of awards buzz, it's a really powerful movie. All acting is great espically by Bradley Cooper, Lady Gaga, and Sam Elliot. Following this story is very easy because you fall in love with these characters and there issues feel like your issues. A really touching movie that's also very sad and real and that last song man was that powerful great way to end the movie, a great directorial debut for Bradley Cooper.

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Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Still probably my favorite rom com. This movie does take a while to build up which is fine because of the incredible cast keeps you entertained I mean Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Kevin Bacon, and Marisa Tomei, but once this movie starts rollin it's amazing that scene and those that have scene the movie know what scene im talking about is still one of my favorite scenes in any movie I just love it and appreciate it so much. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling don't have a ton of shared screen time but it's electric when they do and this isn't just a romance or just a comedy it's about life and love and everything in between which is what I love about this movie.

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Brie Larson is fantastic so is Jacob Tremblay feels like such real performances you can really feel their pain such a touching story.

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Wow, just wow didn't even feel like a transformers movie that's a compliment it didn't feel like a transformers movie meaning that it was just that good that you don't even think about the crappy michael bay movies. I was hoping to like this movie but loved it actually turned out being one of my 10 favorite movies of the year which isn't something I expected at all. I hope for a reboot but I dont know if they can consistently make good transformers movies but hears to hoping. I heard that the movie's good but is also pretty much a copy of ET and Iron Giant and i've seen and love both of those movies and it is obviously similar to those movies but not once during the movie did I think about either one or how it was a copy of it. The movie just has you so drawn in and so invested. Haliee Steinfeld is great and thank you Travis Knight.

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