Cb Uppercut



How I Met Your Mother
Donnie Darko

I could write a 3 page review for this movie but the point would be the same. This is still my favorite movie of all time and one of the best movies ever made.

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Back to the Future

1.21 Gigawatts! This movie is like fine wine it just gets better with age, it's a timeless classic. I love everything about this movie one of the best time travel movies ever made.

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Mission: Impossible - Fallout

This movie is phoneomeal in every aspect story, villain, action, music, acting it has everything you want maybe my favorite MI movie not sure I still love Rogue Nation and Ghost Protocol. This one definitely has a different feel than the other ones though and I can't wait to see more MI storylines.

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Good Will Hunting

Wish Matt Damon and Ben Affleck would write more screenplays together because this movie is a beauty. Robin Willaims is stellar R.I.P. Damon is great the whole movie just feels so real.

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The Breakfast Club

This movie holds up so well, which is why it's a classic this movie is so good and no matter where you go or went to school there's those stereotypes and this movie explores those different stereotypes all interacting with each other and sharing common issues. The nostalgia with this movie definitely helps but nonetheless this movie is incredible kinda wish {spoiler} they didn't couple in the end but that's really my only flaw with the movie.

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Die Hard

Gotta love Die Hard. Best christmas movie of all time. Great hero, good villain, great action. John McClane is one of the all time greatest charcters in cinema.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Don’t think I prefer this one to the original Planet of the Apes but it is a very good remake that sets the tone for one of the best modern day trilogies imo. I think Matt Reaves takes the rest of the movies to the next level but it all starts here and it all starts with getting us to attach to Caeser and the idea of these intelligent apes and I think Rupert Wyatt did a great job of that. The next movies possibly don’t land as well as they do without this great introduction piece which is the great thing about this trilogy the all build off each other so well and u never stop caring about these apes.

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

The first Ant Man is really a movie I love and could once quote probably every word so I was excited for this one and I enjoyed it a lot as well. Paul Rudd is great as Scott Lang as always humor is still great Evangeline Lilly is really good. I really enjoyed the constant shrinking and and things popping back up to normal size really made for some good action and funny scenes, villain could obviously be better but hey only it's a marvel movie and only a few mcu movies have good villains but still a very fun movie.

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The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Wow, just wow. Kinda been in a teen/high school movie phase as of late but had no idea what i was getting myself into with this one. Not your typical teen movie where you meet girl fall in love with girl movie plot so much meaning and value in this story and not even a romance really at least I don't really think it is. Such a great cast Emma Watson is obviously good, Ezra Miller and Paul Rudd are both great, and Logan Lerman is phoneomeal I mean phoneomeal, kid really did a great job. For a high school movie where you would expect such upbeat and happy themes this movie wasn't afraid to constantly stay real. Don't get me wrong this movie isn't depressing just it's so real I mean you could feel it through the screen where at times you didn't want to watch, because of the awkwardness or tension cause you could feel it as if you were the character in the movie, this movie definitely surprised me.

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Shutter Island

Fantastic film, phoneomeal performances all around just thrilling and Martin Scorsese is a genius as always.

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Sing Street

A really great film, wish I could find more movies like this that just hit every emotion. It's a feel good movie that hits emotional elements also very funny, good romance, and great music.

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Sorry to Bother You

Definitely one of the weirdest movies i've ever seen but the more I think about it the more this movie impresses me it ain't easy to stay in someones head long after you see the movie so props on that to this movie. I liked that this movie had guts and wasn't afraid to be different. Don't know anything before watching this if you can and just go along with the ride.

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Get Out

What a film. This was my third viewing of Get Out and the best viewing yet. Jordan Peele is such a masterful director with every single thing feeling so perfectly selected and executed. Each song, the score, the subtle way characters act, how easy it is to know what is happening especially on rewatch but still be on the edge of your seat. This movie has the perfect runtime and is perfectly paced. It makes you nervous but also makes you laugh and maybe has the best protagonist in any horror movie. Chris never does anything extremely dumb that makes you mad at the character he handles every situation as you would like to think you would in the same situation. Just a masterpiece and one of the best horror films ever made.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Perhaps what throws people off about this movie is the title and the way it was marketed this is no “war for the planet of the apes” so don’t go in expecting that because u will be disappointed and miss the importance of this movie. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best installment of the 3 so it sucks that people don’t like this just because they were expecting non stop action this trilogy from the start to the end was always about the apes and not about a great action franchise this rebooted saga focused on storytelling and characters and it payed off. Truly a beautiful story that is so under appreciated I’m glad Matt Reaves took over because he did a phenomenal job on these last two and I enjoy the first one as well. This is truly one of the best modern day trilogies and one of my favorite trilogies of all time I honestly can’t think of another franchise that invests me in the characters so much and Andy Serkis the king of motion capture somebody give this man an Oscar nom at least!

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Iron Man

Forgot how good this film was, it really is one of the better superhero orgin movies, Robert Downey Jr. is amazing as Tony Stark ,Gwyneth Paltrow is great as Pepper Potts I wasn't the craziest about Jeff Bridges charcter and the movie was a little predictable but still a great film that started it all.

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Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Still probably my favorite rom com. This movie does take a while to build up which is fine because of the incredible cast keeps you entertained I mean Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Julianne Moore, Emma Stone, Kevin Bacon, and Marisa Tomei, but once this movie starts rollin it's amazing that scene and those that have scene the movie know what scene im talking about is still one of my favorite scenes in any movie I just love it and appreciate it so much. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling don't have a ton of shared screen time but it's electric when they do and this isn't just a romance or just a comedy it's about life and love and everything in between which is what I love about this movie.

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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

One of the best Spider-Man movies one of the best animated superhero movies this movie just blew me away. The animation is beautiful the charcaters are just so real the story is so heartfelt I mean I don't want to get into spoilers but this movie has it all and is just a beautiful film.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Currently binging this trilogy and I really enjoyed dawn the first time but it was even better on rewatch. The fact that I don’t even want or feel the need to bring up how amazing the motion capture of these apes is really speaks volumes for everything else this movie has going for it. Once again and especially in this film you get to know these apes they are at the forefront of these movies now this isn’t just Man vs Ape but also Ape vs Ape and shows the struggle from inside. This movie is a high stakes and u can see that from both sides what their risking and the stakes just continue to rise throughout this movie making u more and more invested a truly amazing sequel.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
The Incredible Hulk

Not the best mcu, nor superhero movie. It's decent just lacks depth of charcters you don't really care about any of the charcters besides Bruce and Betty. Action is good but can be cgi heavy, villain is also very weak.

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Great classic horror film the score is fantastic in this film and really sets up the tone quite nice. Movie isn't too scary but you do feel for the charcters and not want them to be killed, probably not one of the best horror films ever made but a classic you should see.

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Now does this movie deserve the rating I gave it which is a 7 out of 10 no probably not but that's the reason audiences love this movie they enjoy it and I enjoyed this movie. Now to look at this movie as a critic it's awful the first half is terrible the villain is bleak the acting pretty much all around besides hardy even with a great cast is pretty bad. Everything in this movie is horrendous except one thing, and that one thing is Tom Hardy and his relationship with Venom. Once they link that's once the movie gets good now stuff that goes on during the movie after they link is still kinda stupid but you enjoy Venom and Hardy you enjoy Venom talking and controlling Eddie Brock, and their friendship is about the only thing that works in this movie but it works so well that you can't help than to just sit back watch Venom eat people and whatever else he does and be entertained.

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2019-01-17T19:28:36Z— updated 2019-01-28T04:02:36Z

Watching this much younger on a bus back from dc I sorta liked it now revisiting I think this movie is terrible. It still has the Peter and Gwen thing which is strong and the villain is just awful then u throw in rhino for like 45 secs ugh. If it weren't for Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone this movie would be sooo bad.

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Fantastic Four

I don't hate this movie as much as most people i've actually seen it a few times and never really completely hated it. Miles Teller, Michael B. Jordan, and Kate Mara are what kinda hold this movie together. Doctor Doom is pretty bad in this movie as we've seen before wish someone could do him right but here's to hoping for an mcu F4 movie. Actually cared about the charcters at least the one's in the F4 like I said the big names in this movie is what keeps it from being so much worse than it could be. I liked seeing Reed and Ben as kids I think it helped the movie, also think it helps not knowing anything about the Fantastic Four going in which is where I was on first viewing but now that im kinda a geek about this stuff this movie is pretty disappointing but not as awful as people make it out to be not the worst superhero movie ever made.

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Justice League

Enjoyed a lot more during first viewing than second time. During second viewing I realized this movie really isn't that good sure fun can still be had out of it but some dialogue is terrible kinda just takes you out the story sometimes, villain is terrible which didn't change cause it was the first time around as well. Great charcaters poor writing, poor storyline.

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Last Night in Soho

Edgar Wright really outdid himself this time and I’m consistently amazed by his work. The direction in this film is honestly probably the best of year with every shot so delicately placed and beautiful, the scenery in this film is obviously stunning and the costume design absolutely phenomenal. You can really tell every time Edgar Wright makes a film how much a movie movie buff he is. Every song in this film feels so perfectly chosen for every scene and the score is amazing as well. Thomasin McKenzie was absolutely amazing in this film and deserves more love because this film was marketed it seems as Ana Taylor Joys film and when it comes to Ana Taylor Joy she absolutely stole the show and made your eyes lock in on her with every scene she was in. Can’t understate how artistic this film is and just a good horror movie in general as well. Easily one of the best movies this year if not the best so far.

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Instant Family

This is easily Sean Anders best film was just expecting a funny comedy but was hit with so many more emotions. This film is funny and charming but also so heartfelt and happy and just a whole range of emotions to be felt and sends just such a great message.

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