


Ladhood: 1x05 Schnecker

"Mental health isn't really something I have myself, but I very much respect people who do."

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Ramy: 2x07 Atlantic City

"You're not going to use my cum to wash your sins."

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The Other Two: 2x09 Pat and Chase Are Killing It

"I'm going to take a photo of my butthole and send it to this man."
"Cary, this is such beautiful progress."

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The Other Two: 2x08 Pat Gets an Offer to Host "Tic Tac Toe"

"Oh, my God. Tell the truth.You're never gonna ride my ass hard, are you?"

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Better Things: 5x04 Ephemera

"You put the 'douche' in 'fiduciary.'"

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The Other Two: 2x07 Chase Becomes Co-Owner of the Nets

"...but it is worth it, because that body is toight."

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The Good Lord Bird: 1x03 Mister Fred

"I instinctively distrust men who know so well what God wants them to do, 'cause I notice it seems to always coincide with their own desires."

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Maggie: 1x01 Things Begin Where They End

"Uh, yeah, look, I'd love to chat, but I'm just kind of petting this dog right now. It's not the best time."

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Bust Down: 1x04 Pitching Tent

"Today, we have had enough, and like Dikembe Mutombo says, 'No, no, no! We're not gonna take it!'"

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Avoidance: 1x06 Episode 6

"I cannot believe she hasn't called me."
"Well, have you called her?"
"Ah, no. She was the one that left, plus she is the one that rings me."
"It's sort of funny in a way, isn't it? Because if you were a bit more like me, this argument probably wouldn't be happening. Like, because my sort of approach is to kind of just go with the flow. Whereas your approach is to sort of... scream abuse at the flow until it starts crying."
"How's that working out for you? Just because last time I checked, you flowed right into living in your sister's house, sobbing in the bathroom at night."
"I do not sob, OK? I'm not sobbing."
"Well, I hope that's you crying, because if that is you masturbating then you need help."

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Avoidance: 1x05 Episode 5

"Well, I mean, I could go out if I wanted to, like, all the time, but just... sometimes I just, uh...enjoy the comfort of being near a toilet."

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Avoidance: 1x04 Episode 4

"The good thing about low self-esteem, there's less embarrassment."

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Rutherford Falls: 2x04 Land Back

"I don't mess around when it comes to getting land back."

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Sort Of: 1x07 Sort Of Miracle

"I'm so lonely I'm gonna masturbate myself to death."

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NY-LON: 1x01 Something About Chemicals

"Michael Antonioni", Buñuel film poster - cinephile, are you? :)

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Vingt-cinq: 1x01 Episode 1

Mon dieu, who wouldn't have five minutes for Esther Garrel?

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The West Wing: 1x11 Lord John Marbury

"Don't you ever forget the battles you fought and won."

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Wild West: 2x04 Cornish Flu

oh my, the coronavirus feelings.

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The Young Offenders: 1x04 Episode 4

"I don't hate ducks. I hate THAT duck."

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