


Marvel's Iron Fist

I think Iron Fist is blocking its own path to become something better. Everytime I thought it was gaining ground they throw in stupid dialogue or dumb character decisions. Hell, part of the show even felt more like Dallas or Dynasty than a super hero show. And they really need to work on the way the action is presented. This all looked soft, you could easily recognize the rehearsed moves.

Netflix needs to step up big time for me to continue watching those Marvel shows for another season. With the exception of Daredevil none of the likes of Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, or this have left a mark. And I'm beginning to wonder, of all the characters Marvel has at his disposal, those were the best to center the shows around ?

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Marvel's Luke Cage
Star Trek: Lower Decks

Why even write something about it?

Those who hate it, too, will probably agree, those who like it may call me a disgruntled Trekkie. What the heck, I've been called worse.

I've endured the Abramsverse, Discovery, and Picard but this is where Star Trek dies.

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Nazi Megastructures

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-09-28T10:35:37Z— updated 2017-09-30T23:58:02Z

Ok show but at times overdramatized. Also the moderators (historians) seem to be easily impressed at times marveling f.e. in awe at a simple concrete wall. I sometimes wondered if they really were where there claimed to be. But it is still interesting to see the amont of construction that took place. That is really mind-boggling.

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A Man Called Hawk

Well, there is the mediocre to bad acting, the not very ambitious writing. And than there is Avery Brooks whose portrayal of Hawk made this worth watching for me. That and the fact that I like those kind of characters. The loner with the mysterious past.
You will also recognize a lot of familiar faces playing roles on this show. A lot of whom have long become stars in there own right. One thing I can never get into my head watching shows from that period: did people really wore such ridiculous clothes. I do remember shoulder pads but those look like a quarterbacks. Maybe I'm just blocking it out.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

After realising it´s been a good 15 years that I´ve watched TNG I decided it´s time again. Yes, the first season is far removed from what the show went on to become and I remember when they originally aired I rejected it. I couldn´t come to grips with the characters and some of the first scripts were awful. But everything turned around and it became one of the best shows (not only in the genre) ever made.

I still only own the DVD version, I´m not a huge friend of all that remastering. I´m sure it looks and sounds better but I like to experience it the way it was originally done.

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Star Trek: Enterprise

The last true Star Trek. Such a shame it didn't got the end it deserved.

And No, I don't consider the crap JJ Abrahms puts out Star Trek.

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Icons Unearthed: Star Wars

There is nothing wrong with it content-wise. Although you wonder how any of the movies ever been made with all the negativity and problems. In addition, there's a lot of talk about George Lucas and he doesn't get the chance to respond to that. Whether that's because he's never been asked to participate (which would be my guess) or he doesn't wanted to I can only speculate about.
But I wonder, what happened to simply making an informative documentary? Is all that funny music and fast edditing really necessary ? Seems to be, because there a many similar docus ("The Movies that made us" or "The Center Seat" come to mind).

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Home Improvement

Really love this show. Just finished watching the whole thing again.
This is not only great comedy, this is about the people, their life and everyday problems. There arent't a lot of sitcoms you can watch more than once, this is definately one. And if you haven't watched it, well - what are you wating for ?

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Not going to say much because I already did that in my episode comments. To summarize the show in two words:

utterly disappointed

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The Orville

This show might have started as a competitor to Star Trek at the time. But we are way past the question if this is the better Star Trek.

The Orville more than stands on its own. It's an amazing show.

Fact !

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Monsters at Work

Monsters at work is pure entertainment.

There is no hidden agenda, no message, no complicated plot with twist after twist to follow.

And I find this VERY refreshing.

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Star Wars Resistance

I wanted to give this a chance since I loved TCW and Rebels. So even after the first episode turned out to be awful I tried to be positive and open minded. I wasn't even deterred by the rather low rating of 65 %. But when I saw 4,9 on imdb with roughly 25 % giving this a 1 I gave up. I always tell people to form their own opinion but it is hard to believe this is from the same people that did the previous shows.
Maybe I watch some episodes on the side but in general I think I'm done with this.

Now, after I wrote this I read that Filoni created this but wasn't the show-runner and instead had other people run this. And suddenly all falls into place. This was the missing piece of information.

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A Christmas Carol

Every year at Christmas I watch a version of A Christmas Carol. I usually go with one I already know. This year a new verions showed up and I thought I give this a try, not having seen any trailers before. This was the first year I didn't finish the tale. To my excuse I could say this isn't even the real Christmas Carol because I barely recognize this.
This is a classic you can't just mess with. You don't put in that many garbage and get away with it. You don't change so many things and pat yourself on the shoulders for having done a great job. I won't go into details any more but let me just say this is NOT A Christmas Carol. You cannot even call this "The Adult Edit". In my eyes this is just smearing over Dickens legacy.
But maybe it is just a mirror of the times we're living in where you need all that profanities, sex and swearing to get people to look at this tale. If that is the case it would at least explain this version to a certain degree. It wouldn't make it it any better though.

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A timeless TV classic from when the whole family came together to watch. Totally worth a re-watch after all these years.

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The Flash

This show can be really good when it deals with the main plot. It can be equally awful when it brings us the bad metahuman villains.
Nevertheless it really picked up for me at the end of S2 where I really wanted to watch it but what happened next I had not anticipated.

I will remember this show as tough to stick with at first. Evolving, over the two seasons I did watch, to something I liked. Then it dropped like a millstone within the events of 3 episodes to the point where I couldn't quit fast enough. And it made me ultimately realize I should probably not start watching another superhero-show.

I wish, for once, they would make one of this shows for adults. Without all that unessessary drama.

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Batman Beyond

Batman is my favorite superhero and science fiction my favorite genre. If you put them together, it doesn't make either any better.
Apart from the occasional and expected silly parts, writing is actually really good most of the time. But a pseudo Iron Man type Batman is not my thing.

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Marvel Rising: Initiation

Kiddy girl stuff, what I'd expect fron Disney. Not really worth watching.

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I am all for this kind of stuff - going into space, colonization, living among the stars and I hope to witness this when it happens. But I am very much on the fence with this show. maybe my expectations were too high. The concept of the show is good as is the execution. The documentary parts are very informative and insightful. Then there is the scripted part that is all about dramatization. And most of it is due to illogical decisons of the characters. The science isn´t waterproof and I felt there are a lot of plot holes. One thing this shows, and I´m not sure if intentional or by accident, is that humans will stay humans. They take their structures and hierachies with them no matter where they go.

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Star Trek: Voyager
The Office

Usually I like Ricky and his style of humor. I love "Extras" but I really struggled through this one. I only finished it because there are only 6 hours in total without the Christmas Special.
It had its moments but in an attempt to make this look like they are doing kind of a documentary on the office staff it feels stiff and studied. Characters are one-dimensional and there is almost no developement. Personally I can`t figure out why this is so highly praised.

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Quit watching after about 40 episodes because quite frankly I couldn't stand it any longer.

I love science fiction but this I could never really get into. It had some good episodes but they were almost always followed by a bunch of bad to mediocre ones. The budget couldn't have been much because it looked cheap on every corner - sfx, masks, props - the sound effects were almost comical at times. I could have stand all this if they had at least decent writing or some science in science fiction. They had neither. And some admittingly good looking girls in tight outfits are not enough.

If other people like - fine by me - but I was hugely dissapointed.

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Watched the first season and it was OK. But, personally, I fail to see the masterpiece everyone is talking about. Which isn't really surprising for me as this lines up with many high praised TV shows I found rather mediocre or didn't even watch because of lack of interest in the first place.
This (S1) was a story for a two, maybe two and a half hour movie. But not for 12 hours. And in the end it was very generic. A unmoral politician who covers up his arse by sweeping a horribly gone wrong drone strike under the carpet which turns a POW marine into a terrorist. That's not what I call ingenious writing. Granted, it is of some interest and they managed to fool me completely. But the main reason I didn't buy in was I never saw Lewis playing a bad character. Which might be one reason he was casted for this role.

While both, Lewis and especially Danes towards the end, deliver remarkable performances, I don't like their characters and have no interest in how their story moves forward. This is why I quit after the first season.

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I can only repeat what I said on multiple similar shows before: I am a firm believer that there are other intelligent cultures somewhere in the universe but I don't think even one has ever been here.
This is just another docu where people claim to have evidence that is ultimately circumstancial and inconclusive. Most of the time they say it's unexplainable (to which I can agree) and therefore it has to be from outer space (to which I don't agree). Now, I am not ruling out the possibility but for me there isn't hard, undeniable proof.
Plus the style, like almost every documentary I've seen on this topic, is leaning very much towards over dramatizing, conducting interviews in abandoned warehouses f.e., which ultimately is another thing that makes me doubt many things.
Maybe one day we'll have proof one way or the other. And I for one are very much looking forward for that happen. That there'll be a day where there is no shred of doubt left. And I would accept it even if we could proof nothing of it was from another world.
But we are not there yet.

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I took a break after the third episode because I lost interest and I thought I wait for the final episode to watch the rest in one take. Now all episodes are released and I still have no interest to continue.

This one was not for me.

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