


Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Ford v Ferrari
Licence to Kill

Starts out interesting with Bond going on a personal vendetta but it hits a wall the moment he meets the woman pilot. It becomes increasingly boring after that with bland and boring characters througout and that includes the women. The character of Sanchez seems to be written with Davi in mind but he is unfortunately as dull as the rest. The finale is explosive (literally) but it can't save the movie as a whole. Pretty generic and you could easily replace Bond with a Joe Smith. Giving "Q" a bit more to do than usual and a very young Benicio del Toro are some saving grace but that's ultimately not why I watch the movie.

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The Pelican Brief

I enjoy those movies much more today because they focus on story and acting and not on CGI and SFX.
Yes, the conspiracy at the base of this movie feels rather small considering what is happening in the world now. But keep in mind when this was written.
Althought I must admit I was thinking about a certain President a lot while watching this now.

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Star Trek Beyond
Reservoir Dogs

About 15 min was all I could muster, I´m just not a Tarantino type. So forgive me the low rating it´s totally subjective.

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I guess I´m 30 years too old for this because all this gangsta behavior really annoyed me. Those brain-dead characters and all this crap talk destroyed the whole idea of the movie for me which is a shame because technically this was really good.

Furthermore I think that was Jackmann´s worst role and Weaver´s was rather insignificant. So I conclude they were casted to gain interest for the US market.

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Lost in La Mancha

This is neither good or bad - it's just boring. I don't even know how to rate it. It may be interesting if you've seen the movie, which finally got made in 2018. Otherwise you can skip this.

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Black Widow

You want my honest opinion ?

- A boring, uninteresting story taken right out of a Bond movie. Shoehorned in between events we've already seen.
- Humor that isn't the least bit funny.
- About 45 minutes too long. All the family reunion stuff did absolutely nothing for me.
- Generic action scenes with at times below average looking CGI
- Zero emotional investement
- Hilarious Russian accents

Conclusion: dissapointing

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Much better than the first one. I can't point on single thing out that I like better. It's just that the whole movie felt like something carved from a solid billet instead of put together from several pieces. I am sure the experience from the first helped as much as the fact we didn't have to introduce every character. The additional runtime helps adding depth and detail and the climax really felt dramatic.
It's a lot of things all over that makes this a step up from X1.

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The Midnight Sky
District 9
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Return of the Jedi
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind

I am a firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrial life but I have yet to see even one documentary who can actually prove that.
Turned this off after two minutes because even those statements that are made there don't let me to believe this could be it. Just another one that twists facts and presents proof to fit his theories and than calling it facts I assume.
I could be wrong but I don't want to spent two hours to find out I wasn't.

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Richard Jewell
The Ghost and the Darkness

Strangely, no comments yet.

This is one of the, in my opinion, best adventure movies. It is based on real events and, like usual with this kind, takes some artistic liberties. Doesn't take away from the acting and photography which proves, once again, that real locations beat CGI 10 out of 10 when it comes to aging. Of course you can see that the lions are not real but they are made very well and they are a scary adversary. And, to be honest, I found myself a bit on the lions side as they were just defending their habitat against men.

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Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Potion

In regards to the look I'll have to admit I liked the non CG Asterix's better. But the story was good. I watched the english dubed version and there where so many little innuendos in the dialogue.

As kind of an indirect answer to the comment by @notoriousx I'll go on record saying that I'm lucky to say I was 6 1/2 years old for the last 85 mins.

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Timeline is a mess. All this back and forth is confusing. Made me loose focus and interest. And once I've seen her kill the guy I'm really not that much interested in seeing it again from another perspective and with additional info.
Action is good. That is, when there is any. There is sex, of course (with her handler - how original) , the usual. All together I think I've already seen this movie. Sasha Luss is a beautiful woman but this doesn't warrant me watching this for two hours. I checked the running time around midway through the movie and decided I didn't want to add another hour. Tell your story in one linear timeline, present your twist towards the end and then (!) do the flashbacks for explanation.
Trailer is very misleading - alltogether dissapointing.

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Dark Phoenix

And again I am swimming against the stream.

I liked it, enjoyed it, got entertained while watching. Has it a deep story ? No. Is it perfect ? Of course not. But there are a lot from the Avengers Franchise who are a lot worse than this. I'll admit it feels a bit like written with a hot pen. I guess they wanted to close out the story fast. And that alien angle is too thin. Still, I might watch it again sometime.

Sadly this is the last one of the line. Because, while I have no desire to watch anything post Endgame, I would like to see more from those X-men. Reading the news about the Disney X-men doesn't make me feel confident about them

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Batman: Hush

Great animation and story but I think it's a bit to many characters involved. If those villains are downgraded to extras what's the point in having them anyway ?

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8 Days: To the Moon and Back

There are hours upon hours to watch about the space program in general and Apollo 11. Although I've watched it all repeatedly I never grow tired of it. Especially during the last days, nearing the 50th anniversary, many documentaries were shown. Didn't particulary like this one for one reason.

I am not a huge fan of re-enactment. I prefer original footage. I understand its necessity at times but more often than not it feels like a low-budget movie. At least, if you do it, use the actors voices instead of overdubbing the fake characters with the real voices. For someone like me, who knows their faces and voices it is very disturbing and disjointing. And mixing original footage with re-enected scenes makes it worse.

And the inserts are unnecessary dramatic at times. It's OK to point out the critical stages of the mission but adding lines like "if this (or that) doesn't work, the mission is over" is kind of useless.

It's my personal opinion but watch "Apollo 11" instead.

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I watched Unbreakable a long time ago and I didn't watch Split (which I do regret now). So it took me a while before the pieces of this movie fell together for me. But when they did it was amazing. I was really convinced "They" had won and it all felt rather unsatisfying before things turned around.
A very well made movie that is subtle and not blatantly action ridden. McAvoy's performance is ten out of ten alone. You could watch this stand-alone but it probably is better if you watch all three in succession.

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Bel Canto

If the box office numbers on imdb are to believed this movie made a meager 222k worldwide. Even without knowing the budget that can only be described as a colossal failure. And I can understand why.
If you have a cast like this my expectations are at a certain level which this movie never reached. A story like this only works if you have emotional attachment to the characters. Is it the writing or the acting ? My level of emotions here was the same as watching a NG documentary. Yes, the end was somewhat powerful but, again, no emotinal connection equals no impact.
In the end the movie left me empty with nothing to take out of it. I understand the intension and the message, I just didn't care enough.

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The Predator

Ever since the first Predator with Arnie I'm waiting for a worthy successor. This one ain't it either. I was tempted to quit watching instead I choose to let it play along. Man, this is awful.

Bunch of stupid morons that are supposed to be funny, but aren't. I am not sure who's worse - those "soldiers" or that guy Traeger with his I-am-a-cool-mothaf*** vibe.

Dialogue like: can you ask the kid to turn down that psychosis. One stupid one-liner amongst many.

Plot holes, f.e. the guy swallows that cloaking device and seemingly never went to the toilet after that. Whole script is no good.

CGI isn't good either. Apperently 88m $ (according to imdb) isn't enough nowadays. Action scenes have lots of cool moments, if you're an adolescent that is. You clearly can identify the target audience by the number of times the f-word is used.

Whole movie is just a waste of time and money. But, of course, at the end we get a hint for the next movie with a Predator suit that is a cross between Iron Man and Optimus Prime. I really hope someone has the good sense to stop this from happening.

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Solo: A Star Wars Story
Pardon Us

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-06-05T16:42:05Z— updated 2018-06-07T20:05:16Z

According to the DVD has 20 min of restored footage that wasn't included in the theatrical release. To be honest, they should have left it out. Because it lengthened the movie and leads to logical errors.
Still, as the first feature from Laurel and Hardy it is worth watching.

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