


Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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John Wick

This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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Jurassic Park

I´ve seen Jurassic Park a couple times over the years and I´m always amazed how well this stands up to to later movies. This never looked old, not 10 years after, not 20 years after it was made.

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The King

This is neither an action fireworks nor has it endless battle scenes. You should know that before you watch.

It is a slow build up that can be percieved as running a bit too long. But I really liked it. It's an honest movie, well produced. It looks and feels real. And so does the battle once it takes place. I so appreciate doing this not in CGI but putting the camera right in the middle of it. As for the historical accuracy or how it relates to the source material, I do not know. But it also isn't that important to me as this is a movie that, first and foremost, is there to entertain.

All actors are doing really well but Sean Harris was the one who really stood out in my opinion.

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The Hurt Locker

All those Oscars for what exactly ? OK, the style and filming is good, looks more real with the shaky camera. Acting is OK but I don´t think it warrants a nomination for an Oscar. But the biggest issue - where is the story? This is just a chain of short stories whos only connection seems to be the general location and some of the players. You learn very little about the characters and their motivations. Character developement ? Nope. Therefore I found it impossible to relate to or feel anything for them. In fact I was mentally out of this after an hour.
And the number of errors in this movie is extreme (check IMDB) which could have been excused because a lot of war-movies have them. But with all the flaws in the story the pile becomes just higher.

And something else entirely: I wish we had ratings by demographic. Look at IMDB you see the rating drops with age.

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Falling Down

Great movie !

You can watch a movie like this anytime because it doesn`t need CGI and SFX, it tells a stroy. And one that in todays society might be more true than in the 90s.

It doesn`t take much to put one over the hill.

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Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

It's not only gross negligence on behalf of Boeing it's downright criminal. People should have gone to jail. Muilenburg should be in prison instead of receiving a 62 m $ farewell present. But as usual corporations just pay fines and are off the hook. And even the 2.5 billion are not hurting them as much as one might think. Yes, their gross profit stumbles in 2020 but their overall from 2018 to September 2021 is still over 20 billion $. And it will continue to climb.
Sadly this doesn't apply only to Boeing. It's like that all over the world. There is no responsiblity from manufactures, it's not about making the best product. Everything revolves around money, shares, stock prices, payments of boni.

It's a cancer that will be our downfall.

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Triple Frontier

There is nothing original or remarkable in this movie. It's an honest action movie that doesn't try to be anything else. The cast is clearly what pulls you into this movie. A little bit less running time would have helped the pace as it drags a little bit after they went down with the helicopter. The ending was a bit dissapointing . Soundtrack is really good, though. Overall a good "7", something you can watch once.

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The Space Between Us

The idea of a child beeing born on Mars sounded intriguing. So the movie starts interesting but quickly turns into a generic love story with a predictable plot and a forseeable ending. That needn´t be a bad thing but what didn´t make this work for me is the whole setup. The story supposedly takes place in 2034 and it doesn´t show. People are driving decade old cars for instance. And it seems to be pretty easy to just steal cars everywhere and drive around in them from state to state without beeing spotted althought they seem to have pretty good sattelite surveillance. I know that´s not the point of the story but you could have told it pretty much in any time period one way or the other. If the SciFi part doesn´t add anything to it beside the distance why use it at all? That all aside technically this is a nice movie. But, as I said, for me that is like getting an empty present.

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Dragged Across Concrete

2h and 40 mins is waayyy too long for this kind of movie. It's like watching gras grow - you know it does but you can't see it. Every scene is streched out to the max. You could have cut an hour out of the movie and not miss anything of the plot. I am not opposed to long running movies but they should have content.
I read everywhere this has a great ending but I can' t tell. I was so bored after an hour that I couldn't bring myself to sit in front of the TV for another one and a half.
Dragged Across Concrete - That is exactly how I felt

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This is actually a good movie. It´s not a hollow, CGI´d to death blockbuster with tons of explosions and little content. Although the story is not something new it is worth considering.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended)

This is one of those movies you need an 11th heart in the rating.

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This is just another one of those movies every one is so high about but no one can really satisfactory explain why this is so great.

In the end this is a plain and simple everyday story with a very confusing time frame. With unlikable characters (with the exception of maybe Alice) who act totally stupid.

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I was really looking forward to this and wasn't dissapointed.

A great movie about two personalities who couldn't be more different and yet so much alike.

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The thing I like most about Ridleys movies is the fact that he uses CGI only when absolutely necassary and does as much practical shooting as possible. And he always tells a story. Just watched the extended cut which gives it a little more depth.

I can`t remember a bad movie from him but Gladiator sure is one of Ridleys masterpieces.

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Black Widow

You want my honest opinion ?

- A boring, uninteresting story taken right out of a Bond movie. Shoehorned in between events we've already seen.
- Humor that isn't the least bit funny.
- About 45 minutes too long. All the family reunion stuff did absolutely nothing for me.
- Generic action scenes with at times below average looking CGI
- Zero emotional investement
- Hilarious Russian accents

Conclusion: dissapointing

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Without SLJ this would be a mediocre movie. And that's how it felt until he had his entrance. From that moment on, the movie really gets rolling. Nobody plays "cool" like him.

But I don't think I would want to see another Shaft movie with Junior.

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The Mule

At age 88, Clint still has it. I'm a big fan and have seen all his films at least once. I can understand how someone who does not like him finds this movie rather boring. One thing this movie is not is a thriller. But you have to give it a chance and maybe find something valuable in it. You have to invest some time. Nowadays, it is rare to find a slowly moving picture that is not overloaded but straightforward. This tells a story about a man for whom you can actually sympathize, even though he does something criminal.

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It´s Sci-Fi, it´s action - nothing more, nothing less. Yet very entertaining if you like that stuff. Effects are really good, the whole look of the movie is on the spot. The story is interesting, I don´t think this has been done before. Not a mega cast but faces you remember from lots of TV/movie who deliver a good performance. I´d say this doesn´t have to hide.
And as far as plot holes or logical issues are concerned - has anyone counted the ones in the Marvel movies ;-) ?

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The Lost World: Jurassic Park

I don´t think "The Lost World" is on the same level as the first part. It´s just more of the same without being better in any regard. And the last 30 min where just too much, this was almost a complete other story within the movie. Didn´t like that at all.

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The Host

SciFi doesn´t always have to be epic battles, space ships and ray guns. In fact, Science Fiction is often better when it has a meaning.
I´m not saying this is an epic piece of filmmaking but it´s hardly a wash-up or waste of time. I think it´s an ok movie that actually could even been better had they focused more on the conflicts of the characters.

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Catwoman: Hunted

OMG where do I even start ?

The animation is too anime for my liking. If that makes sense. Next to no story. Just one fight after another with ongoing blabbering and really low level humor. You know, the kind where you don't even force a grin? Terrible voice acting. Batwoman sounds like a teenager trying to sound like an adult.And the music would be more fitting for "The Peanuts".

But, hey, lots of estrogen. And that seems to be all that is important today right ?

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Resident Evil: Retribution

There is almost no more story in it. It is just thrown together action scenes without any real sense or direction. Plus they created environments just to bring back characters they already killed in the movies before which, I think, is lame. Since this ended on a cliffhanger I will watch the next one for the sake of seeing how it ends. But I do hope it will be the last one because the series is deteriorating with every new movie. And even the admittedly sexy Milla can´t make up up for all the bad things.

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As Good as It Gets

After tons of CGI action blockbuster you really appreciate a movie like this.

A real story, real actors and real acting. Worth every minute.

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All Quiet on the Western Front

The war to end all wars. Unfortunately we all know how that went. The German capitulation lead to the rise of Nationalism and The Second World war with even more deaths.

After that came wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, the Gulf Wars, Yugoslavia to name but a few. And now Ukraine.

We are to stupid to learn.

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Old Henry

"You have no idea of the hailstorm that you facing to let loose."

I've always love western. A genre that is sadly about dead in cinema. This one is a slow burner with a great payoff at the end.

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The Founder