


The Muppet Christmas Carol

Whenever you´ve had a bad day try a Muppet movie. Works for me every time.

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Jurassic Park

I´ve seen Jurassic Park a couple times over the years and I´m always amazed how well this stands up to to later movies. This never looked old, not 10 years after, not 20 years after it was made.

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Munich: The Edge of War

I really enjoyed it. Of course a biopic, any biopic, is much more engaging if you want to know about the character portrayed. Maybe I had a bit of an advantage not knowing very much about Tolkien. Just the basic facts that I gathered from some documentary on one of the LOTR bonus discs. I am sure there is some artistic freedom involved and that facts are sacrificed on the altar of drama.
It was interesting to see where the ideas for his stories originated from. I wouldn't have minded some added running time to help adding more depth to certain aspects.
Like everything it is a matter of taste but all things considered one of the better movies I watched this year.

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This isn't a war movie it's a movie about war. What it does to and with people. How soldiers are used, betrayed and lied to.

But be aware because this isn't shiny hollywood-like war. No, this is gritty and dirty - it shows the futility of war not the heroics.

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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The main problem with the movie is that if you´ve seen the first two you know what will happen so there isn´t much suspense. On the other hand I wouldn´t recommend watching it at first because than it takes away something from the earlier movies. In itself it is not a bad movie. So there is your dilemma.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-03-27T19:12:53Z— updated 2017-04-02T21:25:48Z

To be honest I wasn´t interested much in this at first. I feared they would wrap the story of legendary Jesse Owens in the american hero blanket. The typical good vs. evil movie. Hollywood has had a tendency to overdo it at times. Instead they managed the balance between the sport and the political side and also showed that in America too there were issues concerning racism.
On the production side I liked the look of the movie very much. Visualy it was very good. The scenes in the Olympia Stadium in Berlin looked great.

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The Twelve Tasks of Asterix

Probably the best of the Asterix Movies. It´s my favorite for sure.

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The Siege of Jadotville

First off, great movie ! Not that overdrawn Hollywood stuff. Much more realistic. Really pulled me in and the fighting felt very tense.

As for the story I have to admit I hadn't known it before. Doesn't surprise me one bit though. But it's good to see that those things come to light at last and the soldiers get the recognition they deserve. One of the sad truth of life. Too many things have happened, and are still happening, we don't know about.

Fu**ing politicians always come out on top. Always have been, Always will be.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction

Yes, story is thin. Characters are weak - but, hey, it´s Transformers not Shakespeare. Liked it better than the last one. Could have been half an hour shorter, though.

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Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham

Animation isn't bad. But it's yet another interpretation and the horror element with all those monsters doesn't work for me.

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If you've watched Neeson's latest movies you know what to expect. If you're looking for anything more than that, you shouldn't bother watching.

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And this comes from the same guy who did the Starsky and Hutch remake and the Hangover Trilogy ? I can almost not believe that.

This movie is sick, and it has to be. It pulls you into a spiral of madness, and you can see all the pieces falling into place, until there is no escape und you get: The Joker.

The look, the atmosphere, the music and last, but not least, Phoenixs outstanding performance makes this movie an absolute masterpiece. I don't know if it will recieve any Oscars, it's not the type of movie that does usually. But it sure would deserve it. But even if it doesn't it is one of the highlights of the year.

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It's a superhero movie - you take it for what it is or you leave it be.

As such it was entertaining but at times visualy overloaded. Probably much better on the big screen as you can barely make out details on TV. But it never really felt like they where floating underwater, more like they where hanging in space. But you can't blame a superhero movie for not getting the physics right. All the while I was waiting for Willem DaFoe to do the betraying stuff because he often does the bad guy, right ? If that was intention when they cast him it was genius

Overall looking forward for the next one.

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Ocean's Eight

My sole reason for watching this was because it has Cate Blanchett in it. I have not seen any of the other Ocean movies.
As far as heist movies go it was OK. At the same time it's rather generic and, aside from one final twist , predictable. Plus a couple of plot holes / logic errors. So, I'll just say it is OK for watching once but nothing I'd watch again.

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How the West Was Won
Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan

If you are a fan of SciFi/Fantasy genre and are interested in special effects you should watch this. Harryhausen was a master and a genius and laid the foundation for almost every film to come that uses some kind of effect.
I especially like the resume at the end becuase as far as I´m concerned it is already happening.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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John Wick

This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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The King

This is neither an action fireworks nor has it endless battle scenes. You should know that before you watch.

It is a slow build up that can be percieved as running a bit too long. But I really liked it. It's an honest movie, well produced. It looks and feels real. And so does the battle once it takes place. I so appreciate doing this not in CGI but putting the camera right in the middle of it. As for the historical accuracy or how it relates to the source material, I do not know. But it also isn't that important to me as this is a movie that, first and foremost, is there to entertain.

All actors are doing really well but Sean Harris was the one who really stood out in my opinion.

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The Hurt Locker

All those Oscars for what exactly ? OK, the style and filming is good, looks more real with the shaky camera. Acting is OK but I don´t think it warrants a nomination for an Oscar. But the biggest issue - where is the story? This is just a chain of short stories whos only connection seems to be the general location and some of the players. You learn very little about the characters and their motivations. Character developement ? Nope. Therefore I found it impossible to relate to or feel anything for them. In fact I was mentally out of this after an hour.
And the number of errors in this movie is extreme (check IMDB) which could have been excused because a lot of war-movies have them. But with all the flaws in the story the pile becomes just higher.

And something else entirely: I wish we had ratings by demographic. Look at IMDB you see the rating drops with age.

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Falling Down

Great movie !

You can watch a movie like this anytime because it doesn`t need CGI and SFX, it tells a stroy. And one that in todays society might be more true than in the 90s.

It doesn`t take much to put one over the hill.

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Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

It's not only gross negligence on behalf of Boeing it's downright criminal. People should have gone to jail. Muilenburg should be in prison instead of receiving a 62 m $ farewell present. But as usual corporations just pay fines and are off the hook. And even the 2.5 billion are not hurting them as much as one might think. Yes, their gross profit stumbles in 2020 but their overall from 2018 to September 2021 is still over 20 billion $. And it will continue to climb.
Sadly this doesn't apply only to Boeing. It's like that all over the world. There is no responsiblity from manufactures, it's not about making the best product. Everything revolves around money, shares, stock prices, payments of boni.

It's a cancer that will be our downfall.

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Triple Frontier

There is nothing original or remarkable in this movie. It's an honest action movie that doesn't try to be anything else. The cast is clearly what pulls you into this movie. A little bit less running time would have helped the pace as it drags a little bit after they went down with the helicopter. The ending was a bit dissapointing . Soundtrack is really good, though. Overall a good "7", something you can watch once.

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The Space Between Us

The idea of a child beeing born on Mars sounded intriguing. So the movie starts interesting but quickly turns into a generic love story with a predictable plot and a forseeable ending. That needn´t be a bad thing but what didn´t make this work for me is the whole setup. The story supposedly takes place in 2034 and it doesn´t show. People are driving decade old cars for instance. And it seems to be pretty easy to just steal cars everywhere and drive around in them from state to state without beeing spotted althought they seem to have pretty good sattelite surveillance. I know that´s not the point of the story but you could have told it pretty much in any time period one way or the other. If the SciFi part doesn´t add anything to it beside the distance why use it at all? That all aside technically this is a nice movie. But, as I said, for me that is like getting an empty present.

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Dragged Across Concrete

2h and 40 mins is waayyy too long for this kind of movie. It's like watching gras grow - you know it does but you can't see it. Every scene is streched out to the max. You could have cut an hour out of the movie and not miss anything of the plot. I am not opposed to long running movies but they should have content.
I read everywhere this has a great ending but I can' t tell. I was so bored after an hour that I couldn't bring myself to sit in front of the TV for another one and a half.
Dragged Across Concrete - That is exactly how I felt

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This is actually a good movie. It´s not a hollow, CGI´d to death blockbuster with tons of explosions and little content. Although the story is not something new it is worth considering.

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