


Star Wars

The movie that propably had the most impact on my life.
I was little over 10 at the time I saw it first. My dad brought it home on VHS. From the first second my eyes were glued to the screen. Immediately after it was over I rewound the tape and watched it again which up to today, close to 35 later, I haven´t done with any other movie. I recorded it on audio tape so I could listen to it, even wrote down the whole thing on paper (that was well before the internet, folks). We re-ennacted the scenes, I had memorized every line. I cannot recall how many times I`ve seen it since then.
I would give it 11 if possible.

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Star Trek: Nemesis

The last TNG movie - the last Star Trek movie (I don´t recognize Abramsverse).

I had hoped they would continue the storyline from Insurrection concerning the conspiracy in Starfleet but I was very satisfied with this one. The chemistry between Stewart and Hardy is what makes this worth watching. I know many fans don´t like this one, I often heard comments that Stuart Baird was the wrong choice for directing a Star Trek movie but I don´t share these thoughts. As a longtime Star Trek fan myself I think a lot of times other fans critizise something in Trek movies it´s due to the fact that these movies have to appeal to a wider audience. That´s the reason that those not so much Star Trek like elements make it´s way into the features. I can live with that.

It´s very sad seeing the crew split up at the end. I always hoped the franchise would continue. But as with the TV show - all good things must come to an end.

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Star Trek: First Contact
The Last Starfighter

Show me one gamer around the time who didn´t dream at least once for something like this to happen to him.

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Asterix in Britain

Doesn´t matter how often I watch Asterix - it makes me laugh every time.

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I still remember how skeptical I was when I went into the cinema back in 1998. I mean, you already knew what will happen, what story is there to tell, right ? Boy was I wrong.

Because I also remember how absolutely amazed I was, how the movie took me in, how I experienced the sinking of the ship, how I cried and how I still sat in my chair long after the credits were over.

And even after 25 years the movie still gets to me, invoking all the emotions I had the first time. It's a masterpiece in every regard. Eleven Oscars, but none for the actors. Which I still think is wrong. Even with all the technical stuff deservedly getting an award, you don't have a movie without the actors. They are the ones bringing in the emotion through their performances.

Technically this still stands it's grounds. Sure you see the CGI is dated but it's still very good. Even in HD which brings in so much more details of the sets and costumes.

It's a movie I can watch every couple of years and never feel bored.

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Die Hard

Still one of the best action movies ever. Straight forward, no nonsense. Yes there are some quirks but in general Die Hard raised the bar a lot higher and defined the genre anew.

Even better in 4k.

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Star Trek: Insurrection

Despite the fact that this has some rather embarrassing scenes (Data floating, manual control column f.e.) this is my personal favorite TNG movie. The story, or should I say the underlying message, is absolutely Star Trek. The scenery looks amazing, sets too. I think it could have benefitted from more running time to get a little bit more out of it.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Trek: Generations
Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Willis and Jackson as a tag-team are a great match. If there is one thing I could critisize it´s that the Evil German thing, even back than, was a bit overdone.

Unfortunately this also was the last really good one of the Die Hard series. Everything after this was just trying to cash in on the name.

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Die Hard 2

Ya, not quite up there with the first still one of the better action movies.

Of the first three this is the one I liked the least. I always attributed that to the fact that this was directed by Harlin instead of McTiernan. The highrise was better than the airport as a playground, Rickman was the much better villain. I don´t know it just wasn´t there in the second. The movie is like a copy of the original - slightly faded.

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The Olsen Gang Outta Sight

I can't resist to watch them when I find they're on TV.

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Let's Rob the Bank

Funnily enough, many de Funes movies in German contain the name "Balduin" in the movie title even if the character he plays is not named Balduin.

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Our Relations

What could be better than Laurel and Hardy ? Laurel and Hardy times two ;-) Also, always great to see a lot off James Finlayson.

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U2: Rattle and Hum

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-12-30T15:48:58Z— updated 2018-01-06T11:38:11Z

For me as a huge U2 Fan the album Rattle and Hum marked a turning point. Up to this point I generally like everything whereas I resented a lot that came after that. There are only a few songs I really love.
And so is this concert movie kind of a split. The first half is OK while in the second it really takes of with some of the best U2 had to offer. I remember watching this in cinema back in the late 80s and it was almost like being at a concert with fans singing to every song. Watched this on BluRay now and it is awesome. The picture still is a bit grainy, which I like because it helps sell the 80s timeframe, but the sound is sensational. Overall lots of great memories.

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Ice Guardians

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-03-12T15:59:27Z— updated 2017-04-02T21:27:17Z

Thank you for finally giving the ones a voice in that discussion to whom it concerns the most - the players.

I am pro-fights. I don´t miss them when there wasn´t one in a game but I fear the game would be much worse if fighting is banned.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi
John Wick

This is how you do an action movie. Just the right amount of everything without being over the top. Spot on !

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Reboot this as much as you want Maguire was the best Spider-Man.

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Extended)

This is one of those movies you need an 11th heart in the rating.

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The thing I like most about Ridleys movies is the fact that he uses CGI only when absolutely necassary and does as much practical shooting as possible. And he always tells a story. Just watched the extended cut which gives it a little more depth.

I can`t remember a bad movie from him but Gladiator sure is one of Ridleys masterpieces.

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Top Gun

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-01-25T16:04:49Z— updated 2017-02-12T11:52:53Z

Top Gun is a movie that is full of cliché with a plot that follows along the lines of a blueprint that is typical for similar movies of that time. It was a movie for the MTV generation with lots of rock music. This wasn´t about the story. Teenage boys wanted to be Maverick and the girls fancied the love story (OK, probably not all of them but a lot)
It still can be an entertaining movie today if you keep that in mind. Just tune down the cheesy stuff. Enjoy the flight scenes, the soundtrack is still great and produced a lot of classic tunes.

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I have not given a movie a "10" in almost three years. This was epic and could become even more so if this gets continued.

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Underworld: Evolution

Not quite as good as the first. Speedmans character still is the weakest one, there is no developement. But good entertainment and a complement to the whole story.

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Althought now nearly 14 years old it is still a very entertaining movie. There are the usual flaws that those kind of of stories almost always have, it comes with the territory so to say. Some similarities in style with Matrix are understandable because it wasn´t that long ago and a lot of movies copied it. i think it doesn´t hurt or diminishes Underworld.

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A mixture of film noir, 70s brutality, 80s cool and 90s action results in a great and very entertaining movie. Easily one of Gibson's better movies and a favorite of mine. Absolutely timeless with a great cast.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2018-06-30T14:48:17Z— updated 2018-07-01T19:47:33Z

High on action but low on realism. And don't even start about logical errors, the obivous being how they reach the German boat from America faster then the Germans did from France with a head start. To be fair, the movie does not claim to be historically accurate but it was the British who captured and decoded Enigma. I don't think there even was any US involvement. The whole plot could have come straight from a 50s war movie, pure fabrication with total US heroism. Shame, because technically this is not bad at all.

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The Hunt for Red October

After watching this back then I bought the book and became and instant Clancy fan.
Althought the movies in general can´t reach up to the books because those are too complex there are some really good ones. Red October definately belongs into that category. It´s a classic cold war thriller with lots of suspension. Highly entertaining with great actors. Joh McTiernan did a great job of mixing the elements together.
But as mentioned I recommend checking out Clancys books if you like this kind of storys. Especially the early ones of which a lot of the movies are based on are great.

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Underworld: Rise of the Lycans

The main problem with the movie is that if you´ve seen the first two you know what will happen so there isn´t much suspense. On the other hand I wouldn´t recommend watching it at first because than it takes away something from the earlier movies. In itself it is not a bad movie. So there is your dilemma.

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