


Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x25 The Neutral Zone

That is a weak episode by any definition but for a season finale that is low.

I remember everyone on the cast talking about how they never thought they would reach a second season and judging by that episode the producers must have felt the same. Not wanting to end on a real cliffhanger yet provide some kind of incentive for viewers to come back should there be one.

From the comment by user "dgw" I would think that strike was a factor but in any case it is badly written throughout with several logical errors. The survivors from the cryo-pod are painfully clichèd. They are, what was thought at the end of the 80s, how people would be like in the future. Yet they appear much more back in time then the 80s. I also don't like the light hearted music they played over a scene everytime something is supposed to be funny. Switching the storylines and making the destroyed outposts and the Rumalans more prominent could have given this episode more grip.

The only real positive for me is the appearance of Marc Alaimo.

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Star Trek: 3x01 Spock's Brain

For sure not the best TOS episode. But it's also not the worst. The idea is solid - in a sci fi way of course. But some of the dialogue is weak. And the mechanical clicking sounds when Spock is moved are almost comical.

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Star Trek: 1x28 The City on the Edge of Forever

Shout by FinFan

I have a confession to make: this is not among my favorite Star Trek episodes. It is among the better ones of this series but there are many I like more.

I'm not saying its bad. I actually like the general idea of a changed history and that we need to find a way to restore it. There are many good scenes and dialogues. So why don't I like it ?

I can't see past the fact that everthing hinges on a romance involving a guy who has one in every forth episode (rough estimate). It doesn't feel natural in any way. Therefore the emotional weight to carry this decission just isn't there.

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Star Trek: 3x11 Wink of an Eye

At this point of the show one should be used to the fact that many stories revolve around Kirk and women. And so many times it doesn't seem necessary. And this is one of those.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x25 In Theory

If there is one thing I might envy Data for it's his ability to "delete the appropriate program".
I don't know why this episode has slipped from my memory. It is a sad and heartfelt story about Data trying to emulate love and relations. I always liked those episodes about Data's way towards becoming more human. It makes me look at myself. Is it nessessary to be able to love to be considered human ? There are people incabable of love. Are those not human ?
I really enyoed Datas attempts at a relationship (Honey, I'm home - priceless) and if you are honest it isn't so much different for a real human the first time. You're not born with that abillity. You learn on the fly - you write your own program so to say. And you reserve a lot of memory space for your partner. And, just like in real life, sometimes it doesn't work out. The last scene with Spot was really sad.

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Star Trek: 3x16 The Mark of Gideon
Star Trek: 1x14 Balance of Terror
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x09 The Measure of a Man

You want to know what Star Trek is all about than this is an episode you should see. If you don´t get it from this one you propably never will.

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Star Trek: 3x24 Turnabout Intruder
Star Trek: 3x05 Is There in Truth No Beauty?

The first product placement in Star Trek History (maybe in TV History ?). Also the second appearance from Diana Muldaur as a leading guest actor.

The story isn't bad but it didn't really grip me. And I fail to see the described ugliness in the ambassador's appearance. But that could be on purpose because beauty indeed is subject to taste.

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Star Trek: 3x04 And the Children Shall Lead

This must be the weakest evil being in the whole universe if he needs a bunch of children to do his bidding.

And this episode makes "Spock's Brain" appear like a walk in the park.

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Star Trek: 2x22 By Any Other Name

The idea with aliens from the neighbouring Andromeda galaxy is good. And up to the point they are leaving our galaxy it was a great episode. It was dreadful to watch how everyone was turned into those little cubes and they didn't even bother to take them anywhere but just left them lying around. You really felt the hopelessness of the situation.

The solution ? Turning it into a comedy. Even if the part with Scotty and that Alien was well played everything hinges again on Kirk smooching a woman and invoking jealousy in the Kelvan leader. Who than within seconds agrees to the same things he rejected as impossible.

That's a bit to simplistic and easy even for 60s TV. Especially since on many occasions the show did better.

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Star Trek: 2x19 A Private Little War
Star Trek: 2x15 The Trouble With Tribbles

The famous and loved Tribble episode. Lighthearted yet serious at the bottom.

This is probably the TOS I laughed the most. And it's honest laughter because the humor was great. The scene where Scotty explains to Kirk he didn't fight because the Klingon insulted his Captain but rather the ship - the look on Kirk's face feels so genuine.

Interesting to watch the original episode after the DS9 re-visit. In my mind I see the DS9 crew in the background.

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Star Trek: 2x10 Journey to Babel

Another one of the ten best Classic epsiodes.

A great personal story about Spock that tells again a lot about him. He's the best drawn out character of the whole show and this episode has implications moving forward.

The part about the delegates and the spy wasn't bad either. The Tellarites are introduced and I think this is the first time the Orions are mentioned, but not yet seen.

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Star Trek: 2x05 The Apple
Star Trek: 2x04 Mirror, Mirror

They had no idea at the time what they introduced here. And while not every Parallel-Universe story was a hit it always gave characters the opportunity to leave their comfort zone.

And Spock rocks that goatee.

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Star Trek: 2x01 Amok Time

This is as close to a perfect episode you'll get from the show.

Acting - top notch from everyone
Story - very personal on all accounts. A great display of friendship
Music - a score that became iconic

Also, the introduction of Chekov who was added for the younger audience at the time.

There is really nothing bad anywhere.

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Star Trek: 1x26 Errand of Mercy
Star Trek: 1x12 The Menagerie (2)

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-05-04T19:34:01Z— updated 2022-05-05T23:17:34Z

Do I detect a logical error in the story ?

If the Commodore was also an illusion why was Spock pleading to Kirk to not "let him stop me" ? If Spock was working on this, like it is implied, in unison with the Talosians, he should have know Mendez wasn't real, and his own reaction would be illogical, no ?
Or was he just trying to uphold the charade ?

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Star Trek: 1x11 The Menagerie (1)

From a production standpoint it makes absolute sense to use the scenes shot for the unaired pilot as you basically get a free episode. The studio already paid for it and no one then knew that it would be released decades in the future.
But instead of simply showing it they weave an intruguing and exciting story around it where Spock is willing to risk in life out of loyalty to his former Captain. At the same time he has to be loyal to Kirk and that dilemma presents us with what will become, in my eyes, one of the highlights of the whole show

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Star Trek: 1x08 Miri
Star Trek: 1x02 Charlie X
Star Trek: 3x23 All Our Yesterdays

It was a nice episode to get some emotional reactions out of Spock. But, again, instead of a romance I would have been more interested to learn more about that civilization.
As far as I understand time travel wouldn't sending back the whole population into your own past play havoc with the timeline ? With the millions of possible new outcomes it is more than likely that there will be lots of paradoxons up to the point where no timeline with that technology exists.
I know, it's beside the point. But that's what I thought about while watching this episode.

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Star Trek: 3x22 The Savage Curtain

Feels hollow and pointless. What's the deal, here ? That Good and Evil use the same methods to achieve their goals if driven by incentive ? And therefore they are but different sides of the same coin ? It's all pretty foggy.
I must say so, I never forgot the picture of Lincoln floating in open space on his chair since I watched this as a child.

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Star Trek: 3x21 The Cloud Minders

A society where the upper echelon has all the amenities of life provided through the work of those at the bottom of the food chain. Sounds familiar ? It's another one of Star Trek's metaphors that still works well in our time.

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Star Trek: 3x20 The Way to Eden

Another one of "Star Trek's Worst Episodes" candidates. And another last ditch attempt to generate viewership.

At the core not a bad idea but it's just too much. Maybe if they hadn't turned this into a musical.

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Star Trek: 3x19 Requiem for Methuselah
Star Trek: 3x18 The Lights of Zetar

Other than the fact that Scotty was really patronizing at times towards Mira this was a solid episode.

And if you haven't already known, yes, this is where the famous Star Trek Wiki got his name from.

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Star Trek: 3x17 That Which Survives

I remembered Lee Meriwether's character from this episode but nothing about the plot. Which tells you a thing or two. Lee has an incredible screen presence and she is drop dead gorgeous. Such a shame that the episode itself feels completely lifeless.

And they really went out of their way to make Spock extremely annoying, don't they ?

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