


Obi-Wan Kenobi: 1x05 Part V
BONDiNG: 2x01 The Kinks

I had kind of forgotten this show is still out there but I'm glad it's back. Can't explain why but I really like the way the characters are drawn.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x14 11001001

The episode itself is ok, not special. What I really liked is that it shows, very early, the risks regarding holodeck use. That you could loose yourself between fiction and reality. In a way you can build a bridge into todays world and how people live in social media and/or the internet in general. I wonder what would really happen if we had holo-technology.

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The White Queen: 1x01 In Love With The King

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-01-04T19:02:28Z— updated 2019-01-12T22:56:46Z

James Frain always plays such likeable characters. And he does that with such ease that it is indeed frightening.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x04 The Outrageous Okona

This episode feels like a remnant from season one. In fact it feels more like something from the sixties. A good looking swashbuckler type that has women melting through his fingers just because he smiles at them doesn't feel much like 24th century. Then again it is only natural that you have lighter themed episodes during the course of a seasons and ones that keep the budget in check.
What makes this episode watchable are Datas attempts at understanding humor. Something that adds very much to the depth of the character. And it displays Spiner's acting talents.
Little easter egg: althought only being referred to as "The Comic" keep your eye on the Display when Data looks ar the selection. If you own the HD version as you probably won't see it on the SD.

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Bosch: 4x01 Ask the Dust

Pretty much another reset with a case probably spanning up to episode nine. There will then be thrown it bits about the murder of Bosch's mother along with one or two new leads or revelations.
Honestly, I don't know if I'm up for four more seasons of this.

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Star Wars: Visions: 2x04 I Am Your Mother

A lot of Star Wars easter eggs but I still say it's the worst so far. And the ones before didn't lay the bar very high.
It's predictable from the get go, it wasn't very funny and yet again I sadly have to point out I can't connect with the character being a teen with teen problems. Which seems to be the thing this season.

From the preview picture I hope the next one will be much better.

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Dirty Old Cars: 1x11 Trashed Trans AM

I think that's the first time I saw a loss in any of those car shows.

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The Flight Attendant: 1x02 Rabbits

"I'm a totally new person" - Comes home starts excessive drinking.
"I'm going to be there and I'm not going to be late" - you instantly know what will happen.

I'm sorry but this isn't working for me. This doesn't work as a comedy, not as a thriller, not at all. I was already fast forwarding and am already tired of Cassie making stupid decisions and then apollogizing afterwards again and again.

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The Mandalorian: 3x06 Chapter 22: Guns for Hire

That was a convenient way to solve the Darksaber issue. A bit too convenient if you'd ask me. But those final scenes couldn't safe the episode from basically just being a constructed, unessessary and boring sub plot to provide guest roles for some well known names. And they were not even great characters. With only eight episodes per season they really should not waste time on those things.

The one question this episode raised for me is: could have been Mandalorians that freed Gideon after all if so many of them became mercenaries ?

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seaQuest DSV: 3x08 Resurrection

This one I didn't like. It's the same story they have already done half a dozen times. Some lunatic who thinks he can play god and recreate the world takes control over Seaquest. Add the captains-ex coming back which, again, doesn't do much.
Cmdr. Ford should have blown up Seaquest. He refuses to do it by saying he can't risk the boat reaching critical mass. Instead he does nothing, thus asuring the site will blow. Yeah, that makes sense. And the hauler reached Seaquest pretty fast at the end.
The few positives are showing some of the impact from Brody's death and I think that Lucas is becoming more and more mature.

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seaQuest DSV: 3x01 Brave New World (2)

Considering where they left at the end of season two this isn't as bad as I feared. Although the explanation of what happened is rather weak and the selection of who survived and who didn't is simply based on which actor wanted to come back I guess.

The flaws this show always had are still there but I find the playing field is a bit more interesting now. In any case it's just a dozen episodes left.

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seaQuest DSV: 2x05 Vapors

Bridger sure has a thing for Doctor's, hasn't he ? And how many deLuise's can you pack in one episode ?

Sadly this episode isn't great. There is just too much going on, everything thrown together. It's somewhere between a soap and a bad comedy. Had some very few good moments. But all in all forgettable.

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seaQuest DSV: 1x23 Higher Power

This episode gives me the impression that they weren't sure they get another season. Not good, not bad, just boring. Since most of the cast won't be back I think it doesn't matter much anyway.

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Star Trek: 3x05 Is There in Truth No Beauty?

The first product placement in Star Trek History (maybe in TV History ?). Also the second appearance from Diana Muldaur as a leading guest actor.

The story isn't bad but it didn't really grip me. And I fail to see the described ugliness in the ambassador's appearance. But that could be on purpose because beauty indeed is subject to taste.

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The First Lady: 1x02 voices carry

The constant changing from one period to another doesn't really help the pace. But I think the producers want to portray the similarities between the three Ladies despite them living in different times and under different circumstances.

If I look at the three pairs of actors I like Anderson and Sutherland the most, followed by Pfeiffer and Eckhart. It feels like Davis and Fagbenle are overacting a bit too much by displaying the Obama's traits to forcefully. Which I percieve as unnatural.

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House of Cards: 1x10 Chapter 10

Politics sure is a dirty game.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x16 Learning Curve

This isn't a bad episode but as a season finale it's disappointing. Imdb says that four episodes where held back but doesn't corroborate as to why that was the case. Even if there was a reason of ending the season short, choosing this episode as the last had no upside.

As a stand alone episode this was good material. Actually adressing the problems that come with incorporating Marquis into a crew run by Starfleet regulations and not only talking about it. Having Tuvok being the one teaching them was also the right choice as he certainly is a stickler for regulation. Of course we reach the only possible conclusion that both sides have to take a step towards the other. Funny how Neelix, of all people, is the one who has to make that clear for Tuvok who does not see this logical conclusion himself. Especially since he hasn't bend rules before.
Of course we also need a threat against the ship but that b-story with Neelix's cheese infecting the gel packs.....let's just say that was an eyeroller.

"Take the cheese to sickbay" (insert Picard meme here)

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WandaVision: 1x05 On a Very Special Episode...

Sooo......maybe Wanda isn't controlling all of this but just using it for her benefits?

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Falling Skies: 1x08 What Hides Beneath

That probably explains why that POW wanted to be killed and why the Skitters care for the children. They may suffer the same fate.

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Westworld: 3x01 Parce Domine

I have a shitty memory when it comes to any show but is this even connected to where this started from ? I don't want to go back and watch everything again but I barely recognize it. It doens't feel like Westworld. Right now this has gone from "best show of that year" to "couldn't care less". And I guess the WWII thing is the new simulation this year ?
Well, maybe I'll wait for the whole thing to finish and start from scratch at the beginning. Or, not ?

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x05 Stardust City Rag

Not quite sure what to make of this. Felt a bit like a Bladerunner / Oceans 11 mix.

The relevant stuff for the general story happened in the last five minutes and even that came to no surprise, really. I don't know if Brian Brophy was even asked to again play Maddox but seeing how little time he would have gotten I could understand if he'd said: no. Other than that this was a short arc to re-introduce (?) Seven. Because I'm not sure we'll see a lot more of her. Personally I found their disguises a bit too flamboyant.
For sure they are throwing a lot of mythology into this to build bridges but it isn't always working like it should. Because either they are burning them immediately (Icheb) or they are not really walking over them (Picard and Seven talking about their assimilation).
As I mentioned before I don't mind this kind of episode in general but it seems to be taken up space that could be better served towards the main plot.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x02 Maps and Legends

So they really did what Picard and Guinan were talking about in Measure Of A Man.

I like the Romulan angle as they are still a race that needs to be deeper explored given how long they are around in the ST lore. Is the Zhad Vash their equivalent to Section 31 ? Not sure where this Borg stuff is leading. I thought Star Trek was too over-borged at times.

This clearly isn't the federation of old if an admiral takes they position that they should decide a race's fate. I would have love to watch a show centering around that part in history and how Picard acted at the time. But I am OK with where this is at now.

Only thing I can't stand is the Abrams hommage lens-flaring. In the conversation between the Commodore and that Lieutenant you couldn't at times see them. Why does every Star Trek show have to look like that now ?

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x22 Shades of Gray

I hate clip shows, always have. Even a great show such as this can't get away with it. First 15 minutes are OK, then it goes down fast.

If I remember the production history correctly this was due to the fact that the Borg episode ate up more than the usual budget for an episode so they had to come with ways to save money elsewhere. Which ultimately led to a clip show as the season finale. It would have been an awful episode at any point of the season but as a finale it's even worse. It would have been better to shorten the season by not producing this episode. But S2 is already the shortest so maybe that wasn't possible, I don't know. (I went to check up on that, there was a writers strike happening around that time)

If there is any episode of the whole run you can leave out, it is this one. I would rate it as a bottom five of the whole franchise.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x14 The Icarus Factor

Isn't that a coincidence that Pa Riker shows up after Will mentioned him in the last episode ?
Well, it's not a bad one. It gives character background, which is never a bad thing. Althought, the way they mended their difficulties was a bit too Hollywood. Plus, those suits look silly now. And the connection to Dr. Pulaski felt out of nowhere. Granted, she's only just on board for a brief time now, but you being in love with a fellow colleagues father ? I think that would have come up. Well, maybe I am a bit picky.
One thing from the logic department: how do pain sticks cause pain on the holodeck ? Aren't there safeguards in place ? Usually they are mentioning it when those are turned of. OK, I am being picky again.
In hindsight it was obvious Riker wouldn't accept the promotion. As he will turn down others in the future. Loosing him would be like loosing........hmm. Whom, now? Who does Riker stand for compared to TOS. He's Number One. Which was Spock. Who himself is more represented by Data. Never really thought about that.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x17 Home Soil

A great story idea again somewhat ruined by a sledgehammer morale. Still way over on the better side of season one episodes.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild

That was kind of a letdown as a season finale. It only serves to prevent the destruction of Homelander for at least another season and I fear we get a repetition of season three "How to kill Homelander". I get it, he's a show favorite but it's just unimaginative. And what happens if Butcher is in the same situation, facing Ryan and Homelander, at the end of season 4 ? How do we get to a point where he either can accept he has to destroy Ryan to or for the latter to switch sides ?

But we then still have Soldier Boy. And there is the same problem arising. How can he come back with a different outcome then now ? Like I said, we just put in multiple twist to lengthen the story.

And at this very moment I don't like it.

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x05 Fly Me to the Moon
Star Trek: The Next Generation: 6x20 The Chase