



When they say: "they don't make movies like this anymore" - this is the kind of movie they are talking about.

It costs a whooping 12m USD - about 126.5m USD in todays money. However, even for that amount you couldn't make it today like they used to. Over 10000 people were involved. The battle at the end had 8000 people in it. People, not CGI generated objects. The sheer logistics of that is mind blowing. Everything you wanted in the picture had to be build or sought out. The closest to SFX you get is matte-painting. This is why it's called an epic - a monumental movie.

The story ? It's a classic in the truest sense of the word. You can call it cheesy, predictable, flawed if you like. I could understand all that. But that's true for many movies today equally.

The movie is on of the classics you have to watch if you consider yourself an enthusiast in my opinion.

I recommend reading the section with all the background infos over on imdb. It's very interesting.

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The Mask of Zorro

Not great or epic by any means but still an entertaining and fun to watch action-adventure movie. As I stated many times before I like those movies for what they are, their honestness and they way they were made.

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Unwatchable. Nothing's even remotely funny.

Vaughn's character is a loudmouth you want to see get shot after five minutes. If I had "friends" like that I would look for some enemies.

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The movie is OK, Denzel was really good as always. But the story failed to engage me. As a viewer I really didn't like the guy who's only looking out for himself. And his change of heart during the hearing was not believeable for me.

So, not good if you like aviation movies - becuase this isn't one. And as a character movie concerning an alcoholic it's too shallow.

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Rob Roy

I have a soft spot for the movies from this time. I already liked them in their time but I do appreciate them so much more today. This is when movie making was still craftsmanship and not sitting in front of computers and acting in front of green screens.

The scenery is amazing, the music is emotional. Sets, locations and costumes are great. Acting is good throughout but Tim Roth was amazing. You really want to hit him in the face everytime he's on screen.

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Cutthroat Island

If you like a good swashbuckling adventure movie 90s style with a good dose of humor and great action scenes you should give it a try. What I like most from movies of this time is that a well made movie still looks good almost 30 years later. A 30 year old movie using tons of CGI will always look old.

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Dangerous Liaisons

It's far from the best movie I've ever seen but for sure it ain't the worst one. And compared to the attention grabbing crap they are putting out today this was enjoyable. I also like watching known actors in the early stages of their careers.

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Miller's Crossing

The only Coen Brothers movie I do like. Has a great title score.

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Race for Glory: Audi vs Lancia

Can't tell you much about the movie as I only watched 10 minutes or so. But if you're not willing to read subtitles you should stay away. Because depending on who's in a scene the language is either english, german or italian.

And since it's a fictional story better watch a documentary if you want to know the real story.

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What an incredibly boring movie. Totally lost interest after an hour with no incentive to carry on.

I always thought Napoleon to be an interesting character but after watching this I couldn't care less. He rather seems to be some kind of idiot. Also, the events in this movie are rushed through in a manner that is hard to follow and therefore hard to connect with. The only positive I can offer from this movie are the costumes and the sets.

According to imdb this movie made 214m$ worldwide. With a budget of about 200m this is a colossal failure. And I totally understand why.

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I still remember how skeptical I was when I went into the cinema back in 1998. I mean, you already knew what will happen, what story is there to tell, right ? Boy was I wrong.

Because I also remember how absolutely amazed I was, how the movie took me in, how I experienced the sinking of the ship, how I cried and how I still sat in my chair long after the credits were over.

And even after 25 years the movie still gets to me, invoking all the emotions I had the first time. It's a masterpiece in every regard. Eleven Oscars, but none for the actors. Which I still think is wrong. Even with all the technical stuff deservedly getting an award, you don't have a movie without the actors. They are the ones bringing in the emotion through their performances.

Technically this still stands it's grounds. Sure you see the CGI is dated but it's still very good. Even in HD which brings in so much more details of the sets and costumes.

It's a movie I can watch every couple of years and never feel bored.

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The Mountain Between Us

I wasn't in this for the story. That was pretty much written all over it in capital letters from the beginning. It's frankly one of the most predictable movies I've ever seen. You can pretty much jump right from the crash to the end of the movie and would have no problem. It was also too long. It goes around in circles and yet never gets really thrilling. You never get the feeling of the danger they're in. What made me watch this through the end were Kate, who I like a lot, and the at times beautiful nature scenery.

So unless you're a massive fan of either one of the actors you can easily skip this in my opinion as you can watch the scenery in a dokumentation anyway.

I'm giving this a generous "6". but it's more of a high "5"

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Terminator: Dark Fate

The whole movie is one hundred percent been there, done that and took lots of pictures. There is no original new idea in there.

I loved Linda Hamilton in the old movies but she looks like she's 80 years old here and doesn't sell the character any more. And I'm really tired of those undefeatable Terminators until the last minute plot twist.

And what kind of stupid writing is it that you basically have the means to end that Terminator all the time and don't use it ?

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A Good Day to Die Hard

Just another generic action flic with over the top CGI action that uses the "Die Hard" label to draw people in.

Felt much longer then it actually is. The story is complete BS. All these father and son moments did nothing. It's really a forgettable movie.

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Live Free or Die Hard

It's an OK action flick that has a character named John McClane in it. But it's not "Die Hard" in my book.

Too much CGI stunts, which were a thing back then. But they don't age well and were already over the top in 2007. Don't like the plot much. hacking just isn't exciting. Writing was more intelligent in the first three. Farrell is a very unlikeable character and more then once I wished he would be shot. Gabriel is a weak villain - all bark but no bite. Can't do anything by himself. But that's your modern day action movie villain right there.

Like I said before, part three was the last real "Die Hard" movie. The rest were just milking the cow.

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Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Willis and Jackson as a tag-team are a great match. If there is one thing I could critisize it´s that the Evil German thing, even back than, was a bit overdone.

Unfortunately this also was the last really good one of the Die Hard series. Everything after this was just trying to cash in on the name.

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Die Hard 2

Ya, not quite up there with the first still one of the better action movies.

Of the first three this is the one I liked the least. I always attributed that to the fact that this was directed by Harlin instead of McTiernan. The highrise was better than the airport as a playground, Rickman was the much better villain. I don´t know it just wasn´t there in the second. The movie is like a copy of the original - slightly faded.

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Mission Pluto

No real information and no new pictures of Pluto. Just animation and a self centered host walking around and trying to explain ... actually, more like reading his lines. The people who could do the explanation, the real scientists, are just sidekicks.

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Die Hard

Still one of the best action movies ever. Straight forward, no nonsense. Yes there are some quirks but in general Die Hard raised the bar a lot higher and defined the genre anew.

Even better in 4k.

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Big Shot

So, Spano was a con-artist who wanted to get to the Big League on the fast lane. But it always takes two to tango. And seeing how they were so eager to accomodate him I think at least some of the blame goes to the people involved on the Islanders side.

Funny how despite everything he did save the team by renewing the Cable deal and in teh process making the team gain worth.

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So, the style of the movie is, shall we call it, interesting. It is also its greatest hindrance as it sets style over substance.

There is a basic story buried here but it only gets marginal exposition. The main focus is on the action sequences, which aren't bad, but ultimately too many of them. The score is way to dominant and the whole dialogue seems to be overdubbed in post production.

And yet, I made it through the end due to the fact, that at about 90 mins runtime, its about right for a quick run through since I own the DVD anyway.

Wouldn't call it unwatchable but at the sime time wouldn't highly recommend it either.

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Babylon 5: The Road Home

I'm torn concerning this. I love B5 it's one of the best shows ever made. Ever since its ending JMS is trying to revive and/or prolong it despite the fact he already made it perfect. During that span just producing needless movies that didn't add anything of meaning.
This one feels exactly like that. It has the been there, done that, got the T-shirt and came back kind of story. Another story arc shoehorned into the excisting one. And the conclusion is rather, well, eye-rolling. There where some funny moments but that's about it.
And there is an elephant in the room. Since many of the original cast have passed away they only could make this an animated movie. And it feels wrong and off. The voices are close but still alien. The characters don't really look like their real life versions. It didn't felt like B5.

Since JMS is still working on the B5 remake, with the possible date being pushed further along ona yearly basis, this didn't soften my concerns that we will get anything close to the original.

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Muppets Haunted Mansion

That was surprisingly entertaining. Had some really good laughs. And it's nice it didn't center around Kermit and Piggy for once.

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The Peanuts Movie

Not a big fan of the 3D animation. But the story is alright and the parts with Snoopy alone made this worth my time.

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A Knight's Tale

I had better memories of this movie. But it's been twenty years (really ?!) so I probably saw it different then.

To be honest, the story isn't very original and it's very predictable. And William isn't the most likeable character either. In a weird way the mix of medieval tale and contemporary style works. It makes it entertaining and the story almost becomes negligible. I found Christiana more beautiful but that's just me. Rufus Sewell gives you an adversary you love to hate.

The Jousting scenes are absolutely awesome. It really pays off that those were done as in-camera stunts. Everytime a knight gets hit you kinda wince in your chair.

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No Time to Die

Technically this wasn't bad. I'm giving this a "5" because the plot was an appendix to a story that pretty much was concluded after Spectre. It felt completely unnessessarry and un-Bond. A complete construct to milk out another movie. I could write more about the movie itself but even without reading through 145 comments I'm sure everything has already been said. So I just say:

I hope this was the last Bond movie, which it isn't of course.

And how can James Bond return as teased after the credits? Logically that can only mean he didn't die at the end. Because if he did and someone else becomes 007 it's not James Bond. Just let him rest.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2023-08-03T16:32:41Z— updated 2023-08-04T16:54:20Z

I actually liked it more when I watched it the first time. Making Blofeld Bond's stepbrother was a bad idea. So is throwing him into a hurried relationship with a girl he barely met. For which he wants to throw his old life away. Seems he has forgotten Vesper after all. And since there is another Bond, and probably more to come after that, it's hardly convincing anyway.

Overall it was still entertaining but I felt like they borrowed from almost every Bond movie. Evertyhing felt like it has been done before. From the stunts to the sets.

And a note on the techical side: maybe I configured my home cinema the wrong way but the score was much to present in this movie. A car chase isn't really exciting if you can't hear the engines over the music.

I rated it a seven but it really is more of a high six.

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Williams & Mansell: Red 5

Sadly, there are no drivers like Nigel in F1 any more.

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The Road to Casino Royale

Thank God they didn't make the "Jinx" movie. This was one of the worst characters that came out of Bond.

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Casino Royale

I actually hadn't watched this until now. And, man was this a ride.

This is the type of origin story we were missing until now. The plot feels genuinely believable. It's a very personal story. No megalomaniac evil mind wanting to destroy or re-shape the world with his contraptions.
Casino Royale reboots the franchise with Daniel Craig as the new Bond. And you know from the first minute this will be very different. Now, I've never read any of the Bond novels so I can't say which one is the closest. This Bond is raw, unpolished, brutal. He doesn't seem to stop at anything to achieve his goals. He cuts corners everywhere which doesn't sit well with his superior, M, again marveously played by Judi Dench. But he also learnes his lessons along the way. And for me that makes him kind of the most realistic Bond.

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