

Emerald Isle

The Matrix Resurrections

This was awful. And as someone who was a fan of the original Matrix films this makes me so sad. I was really looking forward to this movie.

There's so much of the film that feels like uneventful filler backstory. Endless monologue and dreary boring moments explaining... actually, explaining nothing. It felt exactly like a filler episode of a TV show that was slotted right in the middle of this thing. It didn't start getting even moderately interesting until over half way through and by then it had already lost me.

There are so many things wrong with this movie, but a lot of it is that it was genuinely a 'throwback' to the originals. There was nothing interesting or new about this movie. There were so many snippets of video inserted from the original Matrix (in the form of flashbacks) that it felt like a cheap cop-out. This movie had no plot so they tried to play on the nostalgia some of us have for the original movies and it utterly failed.

I'm so sad. I would have walked out of the Theater but I was watching it in my own house lol

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Red Dot

Yep I had to quit when they were torturing and killing the dog. There should be a warning on this crap when they're torturing animals. Gross.

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Finding Nemo

started studying swedish today so i'm watching nemo in swedish - this is the best movie for language learning ever!

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I really only watched this movie because I enjoyed watching the Black Widow movie and wanted to check out some more movies starring Florence Pugh.

It wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't entirely bad. Just predictable. The beginning started off strong with the story-telling, but as with most any ghost movie it starts to fall apart near the middle once we get to the same old typical 'tragic backstory.' The twist in this movie has been done a million times and I started getting a little bit bored.

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Cabin Fever: Patient Zero

i just really need to know who signed off on this plot. like the whole thing.... who is responsible for this?

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The Superdeep

this movie was so dumb. it made no sense at all. several major things that happened made literally NO SENSE in the context of the plot, so it really just seemed more like a 'because i said so' movie than one that's built on even just some basic logic. the concept had a lot of potential, but this was just a poorly written script. also annoying that you can see the voice over through the whole movie because the audio isn't synced up correctly with the video, or at times the voice over would speak too quickly and you could see that it wasn't very well done. this one was kind of a disappointment.

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such a fantastic movie. this was interesting and entertaining, very fun and emotional and maybe even a little bit scary at times. i loved the friendship between luca and alberto. this was truly a story about friendship and accepting the people you care about as they are. please just watch it. it's fantastic.

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The Devil Below

kind of a strange movie. good premise, but the delivery failed. there wasn't enough explanation about the 'monsters' to make them properly scary. arianne was supposed to come off as a badass with daddy issues but really just seemed like she didn't give a damn about anyone around her because she just pretended like nothing happened when people died. there was no 'freak out' reaction to make any of this even seem real. the special effects were good i guess? but special effects do not a movie make. kinda disappointed in this one.

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kept my interest through the whole movie and then the ending dropped off and was so unsatisfying. ryan reynolds, as always, did a fantastic job with this movie. a single man in a tiny box for 94 minutes is a hell of a limitation but he managed to pull it off and keep me engaged. this was a good movie, but it could've been great with an alternate ending.

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Leave No Trace

this was a really strange movie. very slow paced. not sure i'm the target audience because after watching the whole film i'm still wondering what the point of it was. at the same time, a lot of the filming seemed very intentional. this wasn't a 'boring' movie because of poor directing, i think it just wasn't my kind of movie and because of that i kept losing interest.

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Jurassic World

great show. i used to love watching the old jurassic park movies when i was younger and i remember when jurassic world was being released. it was so exciting seeing the dinosaurs redesigned in such stunning special effects and cgi. chris pratt also played the dino specialist super jock character perfectly. kinda a little shallow. definitely all about the action scenes and blood. 100% right up my alley.

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

this was a fantastic movie when it came out and it's still so much fun to watch 16 years later. you can tell they had a blast filming this movie, and the quality is amazing. definitely one of my go-to's for action-romance.

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this was a horrible show.

sia should have listened. her reaction to the backlash of portraying an autistic character this way shows she is not in any way qualified to be writing a movie script about an autistic character. there was no reason to make maddie play this character, when she so clearly stated that she did not want to. a child anticipated the backlash of this movie and sia couldn't?

this is downright offensive for so many reasons and also showcases restraints and holds that are illegal in some states (because they have caused deaths.) the lack of research is astounding. this movie is gross.

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elliot did a great job in this movie. the dry humor, snarky back and forth between juno and paulie, and the mix of 'reality' made this a really good movie.

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American Sniper

to be completely fair, i liked this movie when it came out. i like james mcavoy and i love anya taylor-joy. but i don't like that dissociative identity disorder, a disorder that is already viewed by too many people to be dangerous or 'not real,' is being used as the premise for a horror movie like this, especially without providing any context or benefit to help people understand that this is an acutal disorder that real people struggle with. it would be ridiculous to think anyone would come away from this movie thinking that people with DID can turn into supernatural beasts, but it doesn't help that the only character in this movie with DID is the one who is kidnapping young girls and holding them captive. it's irritating. right up there with sia's 'music.'

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The Ritual

this was really great and also really creepy, definitely not what i was expecting

i kinda thought it was going to be a creepy ghost spirit or some human hunting them down but i got a lot more than i bargained for, and it was both very strange and cult-ish. good movie.

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Back to the Titanic

I was looking forward to learning more about the titanic, and the entire documentary seemed to be just about finding one specific estate room. Probably would have been more interesting with details of the changes and the progress of erosion from previous trips vs. now. That's really what I thought I was going to get, but it was mostly clips of the crew and maybe one short comparison video. Meh.

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