

in front of my tv

Orphan Black: 5x07 Gag or Throttle

This episode was definitely an eye-opener!

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Orphan Black: 4x09 The Mitigation of Competition

Donnie is no longer re-enacting "Orange is the New Black".
Helena is back and killing bad people again!
Rachel is back to being that HBIC she's meant to be.

Today was a good day!

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How to Get Away with Murder: 1x10 Hello Raskolnikov

How does Annalise deal with her husband's death? She gets a new wig.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x04 Leslie and Ron

Not gonna lie, I'm a little upset that the Morningstar incident didn't involve a veggie burger. That being said this might be one of my fave Parks & Rec ever. The last 10 minutes were just spectacular.

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: 1x04 Fall

COURTESY REMINDER: PLEASE don't spoil the last four words for anyone, no matter if they are amazing or eh. Some people have waited almost ten years for this, so make the spoiler tag your friend on here and in real life.

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Orphan Black: 4x01 The Collapse of Nature

Shout by RoxieVelma

This episode was 100% better than all of Season 3 put together. It is so great to finally see Beth, Alison and Cosima's lives before Sarah saw Beth at the train station. I always suspected Beth knew so much more about the clones than the girls had realized.

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House of Cards: 3x06 Chapter 32

Frank: I should have never made you Ambassador.

Claire: I should have never made you President.

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The Big Bang Theory: 9x11 The Opening Night Excitation

Best episode of the season, by far. Both storylines were equally funny which is something I haven't been able to say for a while.

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Orphan Black: 4x06 The Scandal of Altruism

Wow, so many things happened in this episode, and all of it was painful. It always amazes me how they can pack so many plots into each episode and still have it make sense and connect. Plus, a HUGE question that had lingered since the pilot was finally answered. Those last few minutes of the show with the Beth flashback were so heartbreaking.

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Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths

This might have been the darkest episode of this show I've ever seen and it can be described with only one word: RACHEL. Thank goodness my girl Krystal was there for some comic relief because this episode needed it.

I can't believe another season of Orphan Black is behind us and that we only have one more left to wrap it all up. Can't wait to see the final (my heart breaks just thinking it) season in 2017!

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The Leftovers: 2x06 Lens

Carrie Coon and Regina King both deserve Emmys for that DSD questionnaire scene alone.

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Lost: 4x05 The Constant

If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant.

This will always be my favourite episode of this show. In fact, it's one of my favourite television episodes of all time. It combines two of my favourite things: a love story and science fiction. Even after all these years, the last five minutes make me cry as much as I did when I first saw it.

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Orphan Black: 4x05 Human Raw Material

First of all, I cannot believe that we are already halfway through Season 4. Seems like it's flown by. So glad to see my sweet summer child Krystal again! She's so close to finding out the truth and yet still so far. Now someone needs to find my boy Tony ASAP. They just introduced him and dropped him and I still haven't been able to forgive them for that.

Also, that scene after the baby was born where Cosima chatted with her maker Susan was one of the best of the series by far. Susan saying "I created you as a beautiful baseline to unlock the mysteries of the human genome." gave me chills.

Finally, I guess it's official that Kira is an empath with the clones which is something I've suspected since Season 2. "There are even some I don't know about." I swear before this show ends Tatiana will have played about 30 different clones. I do hope that we figure out why Kira has this ability though. I assume it has something to do with why Sarah was able to get pregnant naturally in the first place.

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Supergirl: 1x19 Myriad

Congrats writers for waiting 19 episodes before Cat mentioned Harrison Ford.
"Call Harrison Ford and tell him that I'm flattered, but for once and for all, I do not date older men. Especially when they're married."

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Community: 3x04 Remedial Chaos Theory

Definitely one of the best Community episodes.

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Timeless: 1x16 The Red Scare

If this show gets cancelled after THAT cliffhanger, NBC will be dead to me.

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Orphan Black: 3x10 History Yet to Be Written

Wow, another OB season has flown by. This was another fantastic season finale! And of course there is a cliffhanger to keep us thinking for 10 months. That final scene with Sarah was so moving and had some beautiful cinematography.

Can't wait to see what Season 4 has in store!

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House of Cards: 4x04 Chapter 43

I'll admit that I wasn't as enthused with this season after the first three episodes like I was in previous seasons, but I certainly am now. Definitely didn't see that coming.

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Doctor Who: 10x12 The Doctor Falls (2)

It's been a really long time since I've cried while watching this show. So many tears were shed for so many reasons (good and bad) making the wait for the Christmas special even more excruciating than usual.

Amazing performances by all especially Capaldi and Mackie.

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Mr. Robot: 2x08 eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12

This episode proves that this show doesn't always have to revolve around Elliot.

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The Leftovers: 2x10 I Live Here Now

WOW! So many questions were answered and so many more were created. I'm so happy that HBO renewed it.

I seriously cannot wait to see what Season 3 has in store because I need to see more of this AMAZING series ASAP.

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Orphan Black: 5x06 Manacled Slim Wrists

I'm peeing and then I'm going to kick him in the balls!

I cannot tell a lie...I think I'm gonna miss my girl, Krystal, most of all. I'd love to see Tatiana randomly make beauty vlogs as Krystal after this show ends because that was comedy gold! Also, loved the special appearance by Tom Cullen.

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Orphan Black: 3x08 Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method

Someone better save Krystal Goderitch ASAP.

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Mad Men: 7x14 Person to Person

I feel as though I need to buy the world a Coke now.

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Supernatural: 11x08 Just My Imagination

"She's got Sparkle on her face!" LOL I always love the dark humored Supernatural episodes the most.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 2x09 What Did We Do?

And now the wait begins! Hands down, this show always has the best midseason finales.

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Doctor Who: 10x11 World Enough and Time (1)

Probably my favorite episode of Capaldi's reign yet. Amazing from start to finish even if the promo I saw spoiled the ending.

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The Flash: 2x23 The Race of His Life

Shout by RoxieVelma

I suspected this whole time that The Man in The Iron Mask was going to be the real Jay Garrick but I knew as soon as I saw the eyes that it was going to be John Wesley Shipp playing him even before they removed it. I spent way too much time as a child watching the original version of The Flash and Dawson's Creek not to know that man's eyes. Kudos to the writers for letting JWS be The Flash again...even if it's on another Earth.

Also, since Barry decided to travel back and save his mother and Supergirl is moving to the CW next season, I'm guessing Season 3 is going to involve Flashpoint somehow.

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Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Cameron Frye will always be my spirit animal.

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Parks and Recreation: 7x10 The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show

I need a Paunch Burger in my town STAT!

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