

in front of my tv

Stranger Things

If Stephen King and Steven Spielberg had a baby, this is EXACTLY what it would look it.

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Criminal Minds: 12x02 Sick Day

aka that episode where Thomas Gibson got fired and you can tell it too.

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Arrow: 4x18 Eleven-Fifty-Nine

Shout by RoxieVelma

Wow, they actually killed Laurel, The Black Canary, but before she died she gave her blessing to "Olicity"?!!?!?!?!?! First Sara (but at least she came back only to go to another show), then Laurel, so I guess this means they'll kill of Lance next since he really has no purpose anymore. Oh wait, he's precious Felicity's mommy's stud muffin, so I'll guess he'll stick around and have tons to do! OMG, they can go shopping and buy Felicity and Oliver things for their apartment and clothes for their baby! When will this soap opera end and the real "Arrow" return?

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Doctor Who: Special 154 Twice Upon a Time

Fare the well, Twelve and Mr. Capaldi! You were a very underrated Doctor but you made that role your own. Also, welcome Jodie Whittaker! Cannot wait to see Thirteen in action. However, did this show really have to end with a women are bad drivers trope? Since it was Moffat's farewell as well, I shouldn't be surprised.

Not gonna l lie: I think I'm going to miss Twelve's hair most of all.

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Orphan Black: 4x02 Transgressive Border Crossing

Forever crying at Helena finding out that she was having twins and immediately wanting to tell her twin sestra.

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Orphan Black: 4x01 The Collapse of Nature

Shout by RoxieVelma

This episode was 100% better than all of Season 3 put together. It is so great to finally see Beth, Alison and Cosima's lives before Sarah saw Beth at the train station. I always suspected Beth knew so much more about the clones than the girls had realized.

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Criminal Minds: 11x16 Derek

I'm normally not a fan of flashback/fantasy alt-life episodes of any show, but this episode proved to be an exception to the rule. It also proves that this show doesn't always have to have a gruesome murder to solve to be an entertaining episode.

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Supergirl: 1x08 Hostile Takeover

Thank goodness Cat finally realized who Kara really is and they didn't drag it out for an entire season.

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KEVIN CAN F**K HIMSELF: 2x08 Allison's House

I love that we finally got to see the true Kevin and it was immediately easy to see why Allison wanted away from him and wanted him dead. Dude got what he deserved in the end: having everyone leave him and dying from his own stupidity.

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The Good Doctor: 5x08 Rebellion

One of two things needs to happen with this show: Either get rid of Salen or end the show entirely.

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Law & Order: Organized Crime: 2x08 Ashes to Ashes

I feel like we all deserve "I Survived Stabler's Beard" shirts after this.

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Killing Eve: 2x04 Desperate Times

Who amongst us has not secretly thought about doing that to someone who cuts a line?

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Chicago Med: 4x04 Backed Against the Wall

I think I might have to stop watching this show until Miss COO leaves or is murdered. I'll take either.

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The Flash: 5x02 Blocked

Petition to make "schway" go away!

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Lost: 4x05 The Constant

If anything goes wrong, Desmond Hume will be my constant.

This will always be my favourite episode of this show. In fact, it's one of my favourite television episodes of all time. It combines two of my favourite things: a love story and science fiction. Even after all these years, the last five minutes make me cry as much as I did when I first saw it.

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The Good Doctor: 1x10 Sacrifice

Congrats to Jason for finally making it out of The Bad Place.

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Orphan Black: 5x07 Gag or Throttle

This episode was definitely an eye-opener!

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Gotham: 3x14 Mad City: The Gentle Art of Making Enemies

Pretty sure Pizza Face Jerome is going to haunt me in my dreams.

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Happy New Year, Charlie Brown

The movie that makes me ask the same question each year: What school makes a third grader read "War and Peace" over Christmas break and then write a detailed report about it? Furthermore, why is Charlie Brown the ONLY one having to read it? The other kids at the party in the same grade and class aren't worried about it.

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The Great Indoors

This show tries way too hard to be funny. The laugh track is almost as annoying as the tired dialogue. We get it writers, millennials are supposedly out of touch with people 20 years older than them. Shocker! This is what happens with every generation.

At this point, I'm only "watching" because I've finished an episode of TBBT and I'm waiting on "Mom" to air. My theory is the only reason why CBS picked this show up for a full season is because they have no mid-season replacements better than this which is quite frankly the saddest news of all.

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The Big Bang Theory: 10x03 The Dependence Transcendence

Sheldon: I do like things better when famous people also like them.
Me: Same.

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Orphan Black: 4x10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths

This might have been the darkest episode of this show I've ever seen and it can be described with only one word: RACHEL. Thank goodness my girl Krystal was there for some comic relief because this episode needed it.

I can't believe another season of Orphan Black is behind us and that we only have one more left to wrap it all up. Can't wait to see the final (my heart breaks just thinking it) season in 2017!

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Orphan Black: 4x07 The Antisocialism of Sex
The Family: 1x12 What Took so Long?

Another fantastic ABC show that ended WAY too soon. If you'd like to know what would have happened in Season 2, the showrunner talks about it here:

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Orphan Black: 4x05 Human Raw Material

First of all, I cannot believe that we are already halfway through Season 4. Seems like it's flown by. So glad to see my sweet summer child Krystal again! She's so close to finding out the truth and yet still so far. Now someone needs to find my boy Tony ASAP. They just introduced him and dropped him and I still haven't been able to forgive them for that.

Also, that scene after the baby was born where Cosima chatted with her maker Susan was one of the best of the series by far. Susan saying "I created you as a beautiful baseline to unlock the mysteries of the human genome." gave me chills.

Finally, I guess it's official that Kira is an empath with the clones which is something I've suspected since Season 2. "There are even some I don't know about." I swear before this show ends Tatiana will have played about 30 different clones. I do hope that we figure out why Kira has this ability though. I assume it has something to do with why Sarah was able to get pregnant naturally in the first place.

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Gotham: 2x19 Wrath of the Villains: Azrael

Shout by RoxieVelma

"We need a bigger gun." Which begs the question: Why after getting the bigger gun did Gordon not shoot Azrael in the head?

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Supergirl: 1x18 Worlds Finest

-1 for forcing Kara/James down my throat for the thousandth time. I could have easily given this episode a perfect ten because I loved seeing Supergirl and The Flash working together to save National City. Plus seeing Silver Banshee AND Livewire working together, I was in heaven. That was until Barry had to start shipping them too. Why can't writers realize that a superhero, especially a FEMALE, can still be a hero without having to have a significant other? I honestly hope Kara's kiss kills him that's how much I hate this pairing. Of course it won't and it'll make Kara realize she loves James even more than ever before. GAG ME WITH A SPOON!

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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: 1x01 The Harmful One

At least it was more entertaining than any episode of "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior".

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Quantico: 1x13 Clear

You know when Alex at the end said "I can't do this anymore! This has to stop!"? That's exactly how I felt watching this episode. I'm seriously considering dropping this show. Nothing important happened in this episode. Unless it happened when my mind kept wondering why I was still watching it.

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House of Cards: 4x12 Chapter 51

That jaw dropping moment when your hometown is mentioned on a tv show. Congrats writers on throwing a dart at a map and finding it.

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