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Fate/Stay Night
Fate/Stay Night

Hi guys, just FYI F/SN and F/Z are now separate entries.

F/Z can be found here

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B Gata H Kei - Yamada's First Time

Shout by ManiacB

"Surprisingly good" best sums this one up. I know, take one look at the premise and you'll think "Oh boy, it's one of THOSE", and it kind of is, but with a couple of twists. Here it's actually the girl's the perverted lead of the show, stringing along the clueless guy who really doesn't get what's going on in her head 90% of the time (and who can blame him - she's nuts!). This role reversal provides a lot of the humour for the show. It's also rather sweet at times. Despite proclaiming to become the ultimate slut and get 100 sex friends, poor Yamada struggles to get even one!

Overall a surprisingly enjoyable watch and something a little bit different from harem fare. A little bit.

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Today's Asuka Show

Shout by ManiacB

I actually quite enjoy this. It's another series of 2-3 minute comedy shorts but unlike, say, Cyclops Girl Saipu (which was awful), this one can actually be funny. Probably because I actually like Asuka and her reactions/behaviour isn't what you'd typically expect.

The episodes were originally only "aired" via download to mobile platforms I believe, but they seem to now be getting re-aired on AT-X and are already being worked on by a certain fansub group.

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Galilei Donna

Welp, I gave this series 3 episodes and just couldn't get into it. For me, the premise just stretches suspension of disbelief too far and I don't find any of the characters engaging in the slightest. This has the "honour" of being the first noitaminA show I've dropped.

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Shout by ManiacB

More people should be watching this. Best anime of the season imo.
It's even been picked up by Crunchyroll so there's no excuse now!

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Seitokai Yakuindomo

Finally after almost a full seasons worth of OVAs, an actual second season has been confirmed :D

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Someone's Gaze

Shout by ManiacB

Aw man, that was very short and sweet. Very Makoto Shinkai too.

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Rumbling Hearts

A surprisingly engaging and emotional drama. Despite appearances, this really isn't just another standard "high school romance" and I would recommend giving it a few episodes before deciding if it's for you or not. The story is a little "soap opera"-ey but I still found myself caring for all the characters involved and hoping for a happy resolution. I won't spoil how the series ends, but personally I was satisfied.

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Shout by ManiacB

This was a series I found very polarising personally. There were times when I sympathised with Tomoko and times when I cringed with embarrassment on her behalf. I'm not sure I've seen any other anime that invokes "cringe humour" so well.

Overall I liked it, although it was a bit trying at times. I liked the random art shifts and some of the BGM. And the wonderful Imae-san with her late entrance in eps 11 and 12. I hope she and Tomoko become friends.

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High School DxD

Welp, season 2 is now over. It added more girls, Issei kind of got closer to some of the existing ones, lots of ridiculous Dragonball Z level powerups occured, and Boobs. Lots of Boobs.

Just as enjoyable as the first season, if a bit more silly. I wonder if we'll get a season 3!

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Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya

Shout by ManiacB

I should probably dislike this more, as it really does feel like they're milking the Fate franchise for all it's got. However, I found it quite enjoyable. The battles were pretty good and the Yuri not-so-undertones are fun too, if you're into that kind of thing... ;)

A second season will be coming soon, so the story's not over yet!

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【 Anime Fall 2013 】

Shout by ManiacB

Have you seen the Kyousougiga episodes so far? Think there's 5-6 short ones that were web streamed or something. They were alright, but not much substance to them. Maybe a TV series will sort that out.

Other than that, I'd say your list is very similar to mine.

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/a/ Recommends: Obscure and Artsy Anime

Shout by ManiacB

Yeah, people seem to love adding one-shot OVAs and Movies to TVDB. Then they get all upset when they're deleted, even though there are perfectly good entires on TMDB.

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/a/ Recommends: Obscure and Artsy Anime

Shout by ManiacB

I haven't seen all that many of these. Guess I'm not cool and edgy enough :P

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The World God Only Knows

Man, the goddess arc (this season) has been great. Best season so far!

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Psychic School Wars

The plot was a little bit convoluted but I enjoyed the romance aspect of it and the animation quality was amazing.

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Attack on Titan

So far I'm enjoying this series. It isn't without its problems (and is probably hyped more than it deserves), but I am still finding it genuinely enjoyable and at times unexpected. The combat scenes generally are fast, well animated and exciting. I also love the soundtrack. Some of the songs are really good (composed by the same guy who did the Guilty Crown one, I believe). Also, Mikasa is badass.

Things I'm not enjoying: Whilst the combat scenes look epic, the rest is fairly lacking. The backgrounds are especially bad, there is a LOT of copypasta, and I normally don't notice stuff like this. Seriously, look at any of the scenes with crowds or lots of buildings and you will see some VERY obvious copypaste. Spending so much time/money on the combat scenes has obviously affected the budget elsewhere in other ways too. There are a lot of still images when people are talking etc. Fairly standard in anime anyway I guess, but it's just a lot more noticeable here when compared to the aforementioned action scenes. And of course, there's the angst, which I could do with much less of. It's one thing to establish that mankind is on the losing side, but sometimes it really goes overboard with the "waaah waaah, we're done for" scenes. Finally, Eren is an annoying protagonist. He seems to have two modes: Angsty and Angry.

In spite of all this, as I said, I'm still enjoying this series. It's just not quite as amazing as it perhaps could be.

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Season 3 starts soon. I really hope it lives up to the first 2 series because I really enjoyed those.

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Cyclops Girl Cypu

Shout by ManiacB

Utter crap. Why the hell did I watch this?

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The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat

Overall a very confusing story that probably doesn't make a lot of sense. I enjoyed the show for the characters more than anything. The plot was just all over the place.

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Man, season 2 was intense. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I really hope Madhouse continue the story as we've once again ended in a place that is most definitely not at the end.

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Nyaruko: Crawling with Love!

Shout by ManiacB

Upped my rating from 6 to 7 after watching most of the second series. I'd say it's a lot better (and funnier) than the first. It's still quite a hit and miss series, and a LOT of the references are going to go way over your head. Still, it's quite enjoyable in it's own way.

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The Garden of Words

Shout by ManiacB

My favourite ComixWave film since 5cm per second. Visually beautiful and conveys a great mood and message too.

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And Yet the Town Moves

Wow, talk about a hidden gem. I really am loving the charm and the humour of the series. The characters are fun and likeable. Each episode is usually split into 2 smaller stories and they work quite well and are varied and engaging. On top of that we have the usual SHAFT art style.

It's a real shame that this one apparently bombed in sales and we'll probably never get more :(

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The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat

So far, trashy but fun. The plot is as standard as you'd expect from a show like this, but the animation looks very nice, the characters are likeable and cute and it can be quite funny at points too.

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His and Her Circumstances

I really enjoyed this series, it's just a shame that it was marred by some major budget issues (some episodes are practically slide shows) and not having any kind of conclusion when it ended. Anyone who watches this and enjoys it should probably check out the Manga to find what happens next ;)

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【 Anime Summer 2013 】

Shout by ManiacB

I see quite a few sequels of stuff I want to watch this season. Looks like it could be a good one.

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Hard Candy


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The Devil Is a Part-Timer!

Really enjoying this one so far. When I first read the plot, I rolled my eyes, but gave it a go anyway. The comedy is well executed and actually funny, the animation quality is decent (as expected of White Fox) and I'm enjoying the interaction between the characters. Not sure how far you can go with a short series like this, but at least it promises to be entertaining.

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