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March Comes in Like a Lion: 2x01 Chapter 46 Setting Sun / Chapter 47 Ramune

Shout by ManiacB

And we're back! I missed this show. A stunningly beautiful OP by YUKI again.
I'm looking forward to having my heart both warmed and torn to pieces by this series for another half a year :D

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Night Is Short, Walk On Girl
Made in Abyss: 1x08 Survival Training

The insert song at the end of the episode is just great!

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Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World: 1x01 A Country Where People Can Kill Others

Shout by ManiacB

As a massive fan of the original series, I was pretty apprehensive about this one. So far at least, this one doesn't seem to betray the spirit of the original. Some pretty nice visuals here and I quite like Kino and Hermes' voice actors. Getting used to the more "modern" animation style may take some getting used to and I did notice a bit of scene re-use already which I hope they keep to a minimum. All in all it does seem to be going for the same contemplative tone so here's hoping it will remain consistent throughout.

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Gintama: 9x01 The Stairs to Adulthood May Not Always Lead Up

Shout by ManiacB

Good to see some of the usual Gintama silliness again. Only they could get away with not only airing a filler/side story cour right between 2 major story arcs, but also calling attention to it.
Whilst I'm sure we'll see the final arc eventually it's nice to have a bit more material that is a bit more light hearted and silly. Oh and the ED is pretty nice ;)

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Tsuredure Children

A cute show with some likable characters, but to me it felt too short and insubstantial. Whilst I get that the idea of the show is to show off many different couples, this along with the shorter length of each episode ends up not really giving you enough time with a lot of them. It also doesn't help when you like some of the couples but not others as it can mean an episode that heavily features the latter is just not a fun watch.

I guess I wouldn't mind seeing more at some point. It's enjoyable in a "put it on and just relax/forget stuff" kind of way, but not a lot more than that.

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Shout by ManiacB

An okay if somewhat bland premise. I think I stuck with this series based on the strength of the first couple of episodes, however I found the whole formula got old really fast. I get that the whole point was to take the piss out of everyone misunderstanding each other over and over again, but after a certain point it just wasn't entertaining anymore. I didn't particularly like any of the characters either. MC was unbearably bland. Other dude was okay I guess. I don't know why everyone loves seaweed so much, I couldn't stand her, especially after a certain incident later in the series. Blondie was okay but once again held the idiot card a few too many times. Pink was probably my favourite. And the fact that I can't be bothered to recall any of their names should tell you how forgettable I found the experience overall.

The animation is okay I guess, but nothing special. There are a few fun moments where your expectations are subverted a bit, and I did actually enjoy them spending half of the last episode kind of slagging off DLC, but overall a pretty forgettable experience.

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Made in Abyss

A pretty excellent adventure fantasy series with a fascinating premise, some gorgeous visuals and music and lovable characters. This is a series that, despite the rather cutesey animation style, gets pretty dark and disturbing at points and certainly isn't afraid to subject characters to some pretty brutal stuff. However this never feels like it's done for shock value, more to emphasize the dangers of venturing into the unknown. Definitely one of the strongest of the season and I'm hoping they continue the story at some point.

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Made in Abyss: 1x13 The Challengers

A solid last episode that hits right in the feels. Pretty awesome that it was double-length too.
This has definitely left me wanting more. I hope we get it!

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Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: 2x12 Episode 12

And so the story ends. It's been a long ride.
A great series and an expertly told story. I still can't believe Studio DEEN did this one. Bravo to them for crafting such a unique and compelling story.

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 1x22 Chapter 45 New School Term / Spin-off Fighter

Shout by ManiacB

Well, we've been on quite the emotional journey so far.
The second half definitely went in an unexpected (but quite enjoyable) direction in focusing less on Kiriyama and more on Shimada and his struggles. Definitely mixed things up in a good way. Bravo to SHAFT for doing a great job with this show so far (and not SHAFTing it too much, despite what some people may say!)

Really looking forward to more later in the year.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x10 God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!

Aw man, this always ends too soon :(
Another hilarious outing by our lovable idiots. I do hope we get more of this in the future as it's definitely one of the best and funniest of it's type out there. It's the kind of show where it feels like everyone involved in creating it is having a blast. It has also (along with Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) improved my opinion of Studio DEEN massively, to the point where I might not actually assume a series is doomed if it ends up being animated by them (Like S2 of Cool-headed Hoozuki later this year, another comedy anime I really enjoyed).

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x12 Demi-chans Want to Swim

Shout by ManiacB

Well that was a cute and enjoyable series ultimately. Probably not particularly memorable in the long-term but it looked pretty nice and had some fun characters and endearing moments.
I suppose if you had come into this expecting something like "Everyday Life with Monster Girls", you may be disappointed since was more of a slice-of-life comedy rather than a raunchy harem comedy.

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Rewrite: 2x11 A Promise Fulfilled with You
Tales of Zestiria the X: 2x12 The Chosen Answer
Gintama: 8x12 Hope

Shout by ManiacB

Well that was a pretty good arc, despite being more of a lead-in for the "final battle". I guess this is all we get for now (I believe they're doing re-runs for a while?) but no doubt they will finish the story off sooner or later.

I do hope we see the Shinsengumi return in the next arc. There were still plenty of great moments and strong characters to carry this one but I do miss those crazy fools.

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Scum's Wish: 1x12 Two Stories

Shout by ManiacB

A surprisingly measured and calm finale considering all the horny angst up to this point. Can't say I cared massively about anyone by the end but I did think it was handled reasonably well in the end.

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My Hero Academia: 2x01 That’s the Idea, Ochaco

Hooray! The lovable idiots are back! Let's hope this season stays strong throughout (I enjoyed the first season - the first half was a bit slow to build up but the second half more than made up for it) and we get to see more of Deku and his classmates kicking ass in fun and hilarious ways.

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Attack on Titan: 2x01 Beast Titan

Shout by ManiacB

After a pretty long wait, it's finally time for S2. A decent first episode back, thankfully it didn't spend too much time recapping events. Good to see we're off to a decently harrowing start!

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 1x21 Chapter 43 When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom / Chapter 44 Small Murmur

That moment at the end of the ep. My heart melted.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x05 Servitude for This Masked Knight!

Being treated to a lot of Darkness service. Maybe to make up for her missing for a couple of episodes?
Not that I'm complaining ;)

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Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju: 2x04 Episode 4

Loved Konatsu's Rakugo in the second half. Was fun to hear the whole of Jugemu, which I've definitely seen referenced in other anime in the past but up until this point didn't ever get the reference or what it referred to.

I still have to keep reminding myself that this is studio DEEN too. It's even more amazing that once again this is airing along with KonoSuba (also by them) which couldn't be more different. I'm sure they'll have had different people working on each series but it's still quite amazing to see one studio who were meh at best until this point putting out two really enjoyable (and vastly different) shows.

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: 1x03 Start of a New Life! (That Doesn't Go Well, Of Course)

Shout by ManiacB

Wasn't too sure on this series at first but I think this was the episode that got me fully on board. The series as a whole is by no means amazing but the characters have been endearing and fun enough by this point to convince me to continue with this.

Obviously being a KyoAni show it still has great direction and animation quality. Not as flashy as some of their other shows but still nice to look at.

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Little Witch Academia: 1x03 Don't Stop Me Now

Shout by ManiacB

Ah man, Trigger are nailing this. Such a fun series. Some downright goofy moments this episode that made me smile.
Also, just gonna say it. Diana best girl.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x02 A Friend for This Crimson Demon Girl!

I thought this episode was a lot better than the first one and I didn't notice the QUALITY quite as much either. Some great laughs in this episode too. KonoSuba at its finest!

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 1x12 Chapter 24 What Lies on the Opposite Shore / Chapter 25 Black River (Part 1)

Shout by ManiacB

New OP by YUKI. Now it feels even more like Honey & Clover! :)

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Scum's Wish: 1x01 Scum's Wish

Shout by ManiacB

Surprisingly explicit at points (although I suppose not if you've seen the Manga?) and fairly nice art style and quality, but I'm not sure I like the premise all that much. I'll give it a go but I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy it. I suppose this is popular with the NTR fans?

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 1x13 Chapter 26 Black River (Part 2) / Chapter 27 Beyond the Door

Shout by ManiacB

Bit too much recapping in this one. SHAFT obviously had some time to fill :/

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Seiren: 1x01 Hikari Tsuneki, Chapter 1: Decision

Shout by ManiacB

Picked this one up on a whim. People have compared this to Amagami a lot and I can see why.
Whilst I don't think it's necessarily on the same level as that, it's been entertaining and cute so far. Wouldn't go as far as to call it great but then Amagami was no masterpiece either.

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