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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x13 The Eternal Phantom World

I have no hesitation in saying this has been the worst KyoAni show I have seen. People were harsh on Tamako Market but that was Citizen Kane compared to this. Thank god it's over now and we can look forward to the likes of Hibike S2 etc.

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ERASED: 1x05 Getaway

Not sure I fully bought the second half of this episode. I have no problem with him skipping forward again (judging by who's in the opening It was only a matter of time), but for the whole second half things felt a bit awkward and oddly paced to me.

Hopefully just a minor blip in the series. Maybe I just need to get used to the "future" characters again? It just felt a bit jarring after several episodes in the past that seemed a lot better paced and directed.

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Samurai Champloo: 1x14 Misguided Miscreants (2)

The song that plays during Mugen's flashback might be my favourite bit in the series. Beautiful song.

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Monogatari: 4x05 Sodachi Lost (2)

Poor Sodachi is pretty messed up. Some solid work from her seiyuu too, could really feel the torment in her speech.

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Charlotte: 1x13 Memories to Come

Not a bad conclusion I suppose. The last few episodes have felt very rushed and a bit disjointed though. Not to say this one would have been better as 24 episodes because I actually don't think it would have been. But I couldn't call it a masterpiece by any stretch.

Oh well, it was worth it just for best girl Nao.

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Non Non Biyori: 2x10 I Practiced Really Hard

I just love Candy Store and Ren-chon. This episode warmed the heart :)

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Non Non Biyori: 2x06 We Made Friends With Fireflies

Honestly, few things relax me as much as this series. The end scene with the fireflies, wonderful :)

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Durarara!!: 2x18 Roses Have Thorns

Shout by ManiacB

Noooo! Don't hurt poor Shinra! :(

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Rick and Morty: 2x01 A Rickle in Time

Wubba lubba dub dub! We're back! And a great first episode back too.

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Happy Valley

Dark, suspenseful, scary, impossible to put down.
Be warned, this contains some nasty stuff, but it's a truly excellent drama.

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True Detective: 2x04 Down Will Come

That last 10 minutes though...

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Gangsta.: 1x01 Naughty Boys

Kickass OP. Decent first episodes. This one could be good!

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SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of 'Dirty Jokes' Doesn’t Exist

Shout by ManiacB

I think we might have a winner for this anime season's prestigious "most dumb and needlessly lengthy title" award!

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Charlotte: 1x01 I Think of Others

Not the best of first episodes to be honest. MC so far has been one of the most despicable and unlikable characters I've seen. Glad he got some comeuppance this episode but he has a LONG way to go before I have anything resembling a positive opinion of him. What an arse.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 2x48 Long Journey, Farewell, My Friends

The last few episodes have definitely been epic in scale and fitting for a finale. I'm glad I stuck with this one although I definitely felt it's length at times. Like @deanzel I preferred the Pillar Men arc and they got through that in 16, rather than 48 episodes.

Still, the finale made it worthwhile. Let's hope for more JoJo at some point!

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x13 Spring Always Comes to Life Buried Underneath a Pile of Snow

Shout by ManiacB

Meh, that's a shame. Bit of a non-ending after all that. I wasn't necessarily expecting a full conclusion to things but it almost did feel like there should have been another episode after this one.

Oh well, I guess it's either "read the novels" or hope for another season someday. I definitely enjoyed this one though and studio feel did a great job at upping the animation quality from the first series. Yui still best.

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x08 Even Still, Hachiman Hikigaya is…

Studio feel? More like studio FEELS.
Still pretty amazing that the same studio who did the likes of KissxSis would do such a great job here. Bravo guys!
Also, 8man says what we were all thinking about sensei. You smooth operator, you.

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The Fruit of Grisaia

Woah, is this confirmed as coming this Summer (@sp1ti? :P)? All I can find is early indications that it's coming "soon".

I'm eagerly anticipating this series. The Visual Novel it is based on was really, really good. Of course, the anime adaption could turn out to be terrible, but I'll be watching it anyway :P

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Seitokai Yakuindomo

With this series, you'll know very quickly whether it's for you or not. It's a series primarily driven by one type of comedy, and that's lots and lots of sex jokes. Surprisingly, the actual content of the series isn't that explicit, just the dialogue. The jokes can be hit and miss but they're delivered at high speed so it doesn't really matter if a few fall flat.
The quality of animation is pretty high overall and makes for a pleasant watch.
The protagonist isn't the most charismatic lead in the world but he's also not a complete pushover and acts as the all-important straight man to the constant onslaught of the girls' dirty jokes.
Overall an enjoyable watch as long as you enjoy this kind of humour.

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Rumbling Hearts

A surprisingly engaging and emotional drama. Despite appearances, this really isn't just another standard "high school romance" and I would recommend giving it a few episodes before deciding if it's for you or not. The story is a little "soap opera"-ey but I still found myself caring for all the characters involved and hoping for a happy resolution. I won't spoil how the series ends, but personally I was satisfied.

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Hidamari Sketch

This show is lovely to watch. The show itself is just slice-of-life where nothing much happens, but somehow it still ends up being a really relaxing and enjoyable watch. For me, it's probably a combination of the unusual art style that studio SHAFT is well known for (see other shows like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Bakemonogatari and many more), and very cute and likeable characters.

If you want a relaxing slice-of-life show, this is one of the best.

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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Awesome series. Some people accuse it of getting stale and repetitive but I never found that to be the case. A great mixture of dark humour, unusual art style (of which studio SHAFT is well known for) and social commentary - some of it only really applies to Japanese/Otaku culture but there are still a lot of things that ring true no matter where you live.

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Definitely a "for fans" series. If you're a huge Key fanatic (like I am), you'll probably find humour in this one. It's almost entirely "in-jokes" for Key series, so if you don't know that many (or any) then I doubt you'll get much out of this.

Still, at a breezy 4 minutes per episode, it's not like it's a huge time sink either way.

Oh, and a second season is on the way, with the Angel Beats cast joining in on the silliness :D

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Shout by ManiacB

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Non Non Biyori: 3x01 I Played the Frog Song

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that this is back. Pure relaxation, direct dopamine.
The fact that this and Yuru Camp are airing in the same season is an absolute treat. My only concern is whether I can ration these episodes for when I truly need a pick-me-up, which given the state of the world at the moment, is often.

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Chihayafuru: 3x23 Like a boatsman adrift

Oh god that was intense, and hurt a lot. 3 seasons and 9 years of build up.
I'm glad that this season Chihaya has finally actually realised how the people around her feel and is actually responding to it. But it hurts to see all these characters I love so unhappy :(

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KONOSUBA – God's blessing on this wonderful world! Legend of Crimson

I saw this in the cinema twice and I regret nothing.

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War

Shout by ManiacB
BlockedParent2019-06-02T20:08:21Z— updated 2020-07-13T23:06:36Z

I ended up enjoying this series far more than I expected. The initial premise sounds like it would lose its novelty fast and it kinda does, but the series does enough new and different in the latter episodes to keep it fresh. I grew to like the 2 protagonists more as time went on which is always a good thing.

By no means an essential watch, but overall a pleasant and enjoyable watch.

Edit: After season 2, my recommendation for this series is a lot stronger. It does a great job at further developing and endearing the cast to us and now I just want a Season 3 too! Guess I'll have to read the manga.

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The Promised Neverland: 1x07 011145

Y'know, maybe it's just me, but this show is really frustrating me. It's a cool idea and I feel it could be very interesting, but there's something about the pacing and mood of it that just feels off to me. The conversations often just feel stilted and weirdly-paced and there are some pretty questionable uses of animation as well (not just talking about the overall quality although that isn't great either). It feels like this studio is being more ambitious than they actually have the time/skill to pull off.

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