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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x11 Rem

Really enjoyed this episode, felt like a worthy pay off to all the strife up until this point. Rem was especially lovely at the end. Considering that I groaned slightly in episode 4 when the "twin loli maids" were introduced, and initially couldn't remember which one was Ram and which one was Rem, the series has done a great job of developing both of their characters and showing their individuality and struggles.

Hopefully Subaru will finally get his date with Emilia-tan now! Both him and us have both waited long enough!

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The Promised Neverland: 1x10 130146

Okay, I'll admit the last couple of episodes have been a lot more compelling. Consider me engaged again... unless they crash out on a bad/non-ending.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x10 Inexperienced Heart, Going Deeper

Wasn't particularly interested by the main story about the bird people, but ZOMG a kiss at the end? Progress? In my shoujo?

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x13 The Eternal Phantom World

I have no hesitation in saying this has been the worst KyoAni show I have seen. People were harsh on Tamako Market but that was Citizen Kane compared to this. Thank god it's over now and we can look forward to the likes of Hibike S2 etc.

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Durarara!!: 2x13 Love Thy Enemy

Shout by ManiacB

Might just be me, but that felt like a much better "first" episode back than last time. Hopefully things will stay engaging and good this time.

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Little Witch Academia: 1x03 Don't Stop Me Now

Shout by ManiacB

Ah man, Trigger are nailing this. Such a fun series. Some downright goofy moments this episode that made me smile.
Also, just gonna say it. Diana best girl.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x03 Operation Copy-Paste Memories

Ugh, this episode sucked. I'm really not enjoying this series so far. The pseudo-science about memories in this one was way too unbelievable and badly handled. It's also one of those episodes that only thinks to start foreshadowing something just before it happens (e.g. Mai's flashback to when she was a kid, just before she happens to meet them again). Even KyoAni's normally above-average direction and visual prowess aren't enough to make this one engaging, it seems. If this was done by any run-of-the-mill studio nobody would bother watching it.

It doesn't help that thus far, none of the characters have been particularly likable or show any level of character depth. Really, the only thing this series has going for it is the fanservice and that's not really enough. One more dud episode and I think this one is dropped.

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Nisekoi: 2x04 Mother

Never thought I'd say this, but I think I might have to defect to #TeamChitoge. Sorry Onodera, you're still lovely but Chitoge is destroying everyone right now.

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KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 2x10 God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!

Aw man, this always ends too soon :(
Another hilarious outing by our lovable idiots. I do hope we get more of this in the future as it's definitely one of the best and funniest of it's type out there. It's the kind of show where it feels like everyone involved in creating it is having a blast. It has also (along with Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) improved my opinion of Studio DEEN massively, to the point where I might not actually assume a series is doomed if it ends up being animated by them (Like S2 of Cool-headed Hoozuki later this year, another comedy anime I really enjoyed).

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Interviews with Monster Girls: 1x12 Demi-chans Want to Swim

Shout by ManiacB

Well that was a cute and enjoyable series ultimately. Probably not particularly memorable in the long-term but it looked pretty nice and had some fun characters and endearing moments.
I suppose if you had come into this expecting something like "Everyday Life with Monster Girls", you may be disappointed since was more of a slice-of-life comedy rather than a raunchy harem comedy.

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x05 I Can't Use My Special Abilities

Shout by ManiacB

I think I'm on the verge of what could be called "hate watching" this series now. I find pretty much all of the characters insufferable and the plot is infuriatingly stupid. Seriously, I don't know what could be considered "good" for this series aside from the pandering fanservice, which I think is kind of wasted if you don't even like the characters in the first place!

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ERASED: 1x05 Getaway

Not sure I fully bought the second half of this episode. I have no problem with him skipping forward again (judging by who's in the opening It was only a matter of time), but for the whole second half things felt a bit awkward and oddly paced to me.

Hopefully just a minor blip in the series. Maybe I just need to get used to the "future" characters again? It just felt a bit jarring after several episodes in the past that seemed a lot better paced and directed.

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Miss Monochrome - The Animation: 2x13 Monochrome²

Shout by ManiacB

This is probably the series I've watched the most passively this season. There was some humour to be gleamed from the first season but this one has just been so boring. Maybe the novelty of the setting has just worn off but it just felt like watching a whole load of nothing.

Can't believe there will be another season...

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Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya: 3x08 Observer

Shout by ManiacB

And now we have Gil: Kid version! I suppose it shouldn't be surprising how much stuff this "borrows" from Fate/hollow ataraxia, since it looks like the whole series was spawned from a skit in it.

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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers: 1x10 Desperate Situation

Shout by ManiacB

They HAVE to do another season of this. I expect we'll wrap this seventh brave thing up by the end of this one, but their adventure hasn't really even started yet!

Certainly an interesting approach to take.

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Charlotte: 1x04 Moment of Earnest

Obligatory baseball episode GO.
Also, dat pizza sauce. Not quite on the same level as Akiko's Jam, but not far off!

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Charlotte: 1x03 Love and Flame

Shout by ManiacB

Warming to the series now. I enjoyed this episode and Nao continues to be best.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x01 Encounter... Changing the Color of Fate

Shout by ManiacB

Cute first episode. Will keep watching since I loves me some shoujo :P

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Durarara!!: 2x14 Life is But a Dream

Shout by ManiacB

One thing that definitely works against this show sometimes is having so many characters. Some of them are great, but some of them are just annoying so when you get an episode like this, filled with all the characters you don't like, it's not very fun :(

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Charlotte: 1x01 I Think of Others

Not the best of first episodes to be honest. MC so far has been one of the most despicable and unlikable characters I've seen. Glad he got some comeuppance this episode but he has a LONG way to go before I have anything resembling a positive opinion of him. What an arse.

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Cross Game: 1x50 More Than Anyone in the World...

Well, that was quite a journey. A perfect end to a fantastic series. The episodes just flew by and it was over all too soon.

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Kaguya-sama: Love is War: 2x11 Yu Ishigami Closes His Eyes, Part 3 / Miyuki Shirogane and Yu Ishigami / Kyoko Otomo Doesn't Realize

Shout by ManiacB
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-06-21T23:19:58Z— updated 2020-07-13T23:04:21Z

Well, this episode was certainly a deparutre from the norm. Nice to see Ishigami's characetr fleshed out a bit though. And nice to see him actually finding a place to belong with the Cheerleading club, especially as initially it looked like just another gag about him joining something he was completely unsuited for. Colour me surprised!

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IRODUKU: The World in Colors: 1x13 The World in Colors

Quite a sweet and well-done ending that bookends the series quite well.
I liked this series but wasn't blown away by it. It felt to me like the middle of the series dragged on a fair amount - I actually wonder if a story like this may have worked better as a movie.

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Bloom Into You: 1x03 Still up in the Air / The One Who Likes Me

So far this is still exactly my cup of tea. Some nice relationship growth between the main girls, with no ridiculous over-the-top drama to speak of. Just nice, down-to-earth stuff that makes sense, and some nice "aww" moments too.

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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: 1x01 The Storm Dragon, Veldora

Found the first ep pretty entertaining. I know Isekai shows have been done to death already but hopefully this one will have enough unique ideas to at least be a fun romp. Seems there are a lot of characters still to meet but I did like the Tsundere dragon intro!

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High School DxD: 4x01 Holiness Behind the Gym

Shout by ManiacB

I'm pretty worried for the rest of the series now. Animation quality was pretty crap, and I really don't like the new character designs.

Passione as an animation studio seem pretty poor in their output so far.

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Mob Psycho 100: Special 7 REIGEN The Miraculous Unknown Psychic

That feeling when you probably should have checked that the random OVA you grabbed ages ago and just got around to watching was actually a 1 hour recap.

Still, I've seen worse. Reminded me to get hype for S2!

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March Comes in Like a Lion: 2x06 Chapter 56 Small World / Chapter 57 Letter

Last few episodes have been really sweet seeing Rei desperate to help Hina, but so heartbreaking too. I just want to give her a hug and tell her it's all going to be okay!
Hopefully now that she's pissed she'll be going on the offensive and those vile girls will get their comeuppance

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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid: 1x03 Start of a New Life! (That Doesn't Go Well, Of Course)

Shout by ManiacB

Wasn't too sure on this series at first but I think this was the episode that got me fully on board. The series as a whole is by no means amazing but the characters have been endearing and fun enough by this point to convince me to continue with this.

Obviously being a KyoAni show it still has great direction and animation quality. Not as flashy as some of their other shows but still nice to look at.

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Gintama: Special 13 Gintama: The Semi-Final - Don't Spread the Wrapping Cloth Without Thinking Ahead

Hurray! Great to see more Gintama, even if it's only a couple of OVAs. And featuring Tsukuyo too? You spoil me!

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