Omicron Persei 8

Better Call Saul: 5x06 Wexler v. Goodman

No one commenting on how Kim goes from "I don't trust you" and "We need to end this" to "Maybe we get married?"??? Because that was a rollercoaster of a soliloquy! Kim needs an Emmy nom at least.

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The Promised Neverland

An excellent anime. I am not good with keeping up with Anime trends but was lucky enough to come across this one. Well done.

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Radiant: 2x05 Silent Rain, Distant Hearts -Rain-

Mellie's tearful explanation of her feelings made this episode one of the most poignant of the entire series. It was so REAL! Exactly the same conversation you could expect in real life. It was beautiful and brilliant.

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Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

If you have seen My Girl with Mccauley Culkin, this brings about the same effect. Its a heart warming, tear jerker.

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Mr. Robot: 4x06 406 Not Acceptable

Vera is such an underrated character. The rawness of his hate, anger, and depravity is boundless. The acting was brilliant. Honestly, deserves more screentime of not for the fact we all hate him which is a testament to how good he is in this role.

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Never heard of this one. It's a hidden gem. Great story. Some stuff doesn't make sense but if you forgive some inconsistency it's one of the best historical fiction anime.

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Dr. Stone: 1x18 Stone Wars

The kingdom of science kicks butt!

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Redo of Healer

Accidentally stumbled on this and it's insane and sadistic and I love it! Definitely not for kids, not even for most adults. Crosses the line left and right so be warned.

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Dr. Stone

It's slow paced but I liked it.

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Hi Score Girl: 2x02 ROUND 17

This show is a walk down memory lane for me. The video games of my youth. The love triangle is an unnecessary but at the same time both the girls are relatable. Hidaka is cool, and hearing her thoughts in words, her hopes and dreams really adds to her charm. Oono, despite being mute is relatable due to her melancholy and life pressures. Does this anime break any new ground? No, but it's still thoroughly charming.

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Fruits Basket

This show is surprising. It's great and warm about people and the intricacies of how people relate. It shows people and their struggles in life and uses the female lead as the anchor for it all. It is a show about love but not quite about romance. There is no action to speak of yet its thoroughly entertaining.

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Kemono Michi: Rise Up: 1x06 Loser x Master

Shout by N Q

That vampire fight was fun!

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Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Like a previous reviewer, I really like that the tone was more serious. It might not be fast paced but it makes up for it with some character development.

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The Pilot's Love Song

Personally, I really liked it. Like an anime Top Gun.

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Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles

Admittedly, this series takes a predictable path of most Isekai. Still the pacing is good and they don't spend a ridiculous amount of time giving speeches about stuff that isn't necessary to drive the story. I like it and definitely hope for more than one season.

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Love the rebel cowboy cop side of the show. Some of the political issues it goes for seems far too contrived and convenient. Despite this, it delivers on the action and grit.
It's definitely a mixed bag but it's also one of the better cop shows in the last few years.

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Hi Score Girl: 2x01 ROUND 16

I liked how they recapped the relationship without being too heavy handed, but it didn't really go anywhere. It still had charm and heart as always. I am hoping for a little more progression this season.

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Seraph of the End

Story is pretty good BUT the MC is obnoxiously arrogant and ignorant. Hard to get behind him. Thankfully there are more likable supporting characters.

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Ascendance of a Bookworm: 1x06 Meeting

I'm not even sure why I like this show but I do.

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Slow build that has some good points, but ultimately fails to deliver a satisfying ending.
They build up storylines that go no where. There are several scenes that dont drive the story and make me wonder why they are even there?
I feel like it could have been good. Lack of purpose, a cohesive storyline and direction killed this movie. A shame really.

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Talentless Nana

Definitely smart and different. However for me it was difficult to like. I just couldn't get behind the MC villain dynamic. It was entertaining in some ways, but didn't leave me feeling good.

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Shironeko Project: Zero Chronicle

Strange story and lack any real direction. Feel like the whole season could have been done in 2 or 3 episodes then had a real story going forward. Hopefully if they get a 2nd season its sorted out, but if they dont get another season its not big loss.

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Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero

This is some pervy weird stuff.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-

Season1 I would rate a 7, but Season2 really fell off. All talk and no action. Just a lot of dialogue where characters talk about philosophy, their perspective, their motives, or explaining history or dynamic. has grown tiresome.

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Sakura Wars the Animation

I randomly came across this and played it. First 10 mins I'm like WTF is this? An anime about Showgirls? Shortly afterwards there was fighting mechs and demons. Weirdest mix I have seen in some time. First episode wasn't awful, but I really don't see how this can stay interesting with such an awful premise.

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Like the previous review, this is trash. I have always had a soft spot for David Schwimmer (sp?). Maybe it's just from his character from Friends, but this is borderline unwatchable.

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It's pretty bad. Story isnt very good and the sexual gags become tiresome. Just an awkward attempt at titillation, but failing miserably over and over.

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Magias Academy Ataraxia Hybrid × Heart

This is trash. Not sure if it's considered hentai but definitely close enough.

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God? Save Our King!

Pure crap. It's corny and leans very homosexual.

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Black Jack

Basically, this anime is about a brilliant doctor who is a monster asshole. It's pretty old school and the doctor isn't very likable. Add to this juvenile plots, ridiculous medical premises and poor dialogue, you have the makings of something truly next level garbage. Do yourself a favor and pass on this anime.

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