



Shout by Deleted

This tells the story of Linda Lovelace a porn actress of the 70's that became known because of her performance in the film Deep Throat. She was abused by her husband in many ways and he was the one that forced her to enter in the industry.
The 70's were well portrayed and the first half of the film is similar to Boogie Nights, showing how the porn industry was at the time.
Amanda Seyfried gave a good performance as Lovelace, as Peter Sarsgaard as her husband Chuck Traynor. Sharon Stone is almost unrecognizable as Lovelace's mother!

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De facto a Sharon Stone está quase irreconhecível, principalmente no inicio do filme.
Enquanto todas a personagens ao longo do filme vão envelhecendo, a da Sharon é que parece que vai ficando mais nova (só a reconheci no final do filme).

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Good documentary. Watch also Senna and Rush to get a complete pic of F1

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Grand Prix (1966)

Add this one to the list too

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The Lego Movie

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It is awesome when we watch an animated film that is for all ages! I doubt there is any adult who does not like this.

The LEGO Movie is a super creative, entertaining and very well done film even on the smallest detail of all. Visually amazing! You just wanna jump into the screen and see how that world is!

I never played with Lego when I was a child, my thing always was more Barbies haha but the truth is that when you leave the theatre you just wanna go to the nearest store who has Lego and buy it for you to play with. And that's the magic of this film!

With and heartwarming touch and a good moral. You are never too old to be inventive or creative, you just have to never loose the child that theres inside of you and continue to play throughout life with all your heart.

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Eu N Ã O gostei.


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Mary Poppins

I don't know why but I always thought I would hate Mary Poppins. That's why I never saw it but since I am very interested in go see Saving Mr. Banks I think is was the right time to finally watch it.

Now I realize that it wasn't as I thought it would be and I don't hate it. Actually I quite enjoyed what I saw! Disney Classic.

It's Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

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Eu tinha ideia que gostava muito da Mary Poppins,pelo menos quando era pequeno, mas agora não gostei nada do filme

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(500) Days of Summer

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt, why are you so adorable?

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Zooey Deschanel, why are you so adorable?

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