Amsterdam, the Netherlands


I loved the first episodes of season 1... but season 2 really got to a high level of WTF...

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The Recruit

This series season 1 is absolutely superb. The humor is sarcastic to the max in a way that it's almost a comedy. But never getting there. It's extremely well done. It's lovely unrealistic, never gets too serious and yet manages to captivate you into binge watching the whole thing.
Can't wait for season 2.

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too bad it got cancelled :( it started of so good...

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Full Circle

Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-07-16T19:49:03Z— updated 2023-09-26T12:08:49Z

I was really looking forward to the next big Claire Danes project.
After the first few minutes of episode 1 I am already hugely disappointed. Wtf at the shaky cam footage? They are so obviously making it on purpose extra shaking that it almost makes me feel sick to the stomach - or at the very least annoyed.
Very much doubt I will continu watching this, if theres anymore of that shaky cam sequences.

MODERATION EDIT: Don't be disrespectful.

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Miracle Workers

Season 1 was weird, but original and I enjoyed it.
Season 2 is..... wtf is this? Seems they want the series to get cancelled. Good that it still gets to a third season, but I hope they really fix their stuff for season 3, because season 2 is simply just not funny and hardly interesting.

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Mary Kills People

Great show. It has a bit of a sad atmosphere, because Mary has a lot of interaction with terminally ill patients. But if you can get around that, the story is quite good and compelling. There are 3 seasons and it brings everything to a close.
In some ways it reminds me of Dexter, in some ways of Good Behaviour.

Recommended to (binge) watch.

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Secret Invasion

Superb acting by a great cast (except for Kingsley Ben-Adir / Gravik who ghas the expression and deepness of a door post).
But the story line is all over the place and is basically oldschool series V / Visitors in a marvel setting.
Also really dislike what they did to Maria / Cobie Smulders, there was more possible with her character. I guess she was too white to get a place in whatever may comes next.
Episode 1 : 6 out of 10 stars, mostly because of hoping it's a setup to... well... more.
Episode 2 : 4 out of 10... maybe 3 even. Nope. Not much more really coming.
Episode 3: 5 out of 10 ? more of the same. The cast also seems to be struggling what direction the writers and director want them to go.

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Alaska Daily

Kind of to my surprise i really enjoyed this. I binged season 1 completely. Ok, its a bit predictable and its nothing really original, but overal it's quite well done. It takes on both racial inequality AND the woke cancel culture bullshit both at once. Great job. Quite refreshing to call out the woke over the top angry screamers, who dont really care about being right, but just screaming the most loud to become right.

Hilary Swank is really carrying this series though. Without her there would be not much there in al fairness. Most of the story line per episode seems to be written by some students doing their first scripts and are having trouble to come up with something totally fresh and new. The underlying storyline over the whole season 1 is decent enough though.

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I really dont understand why this mini-series was not actually picked up as a pilot to a real series. It really deserved at least another mini-series or shortened season. Great story and great basis for a very interesting plot. I do not agree on the "bad acting" comments at all.

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Person of Interest

I really enjoy this show, the humor is top notch, and a good amount of action.

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Falling Skies

my God... episodes are getting worse and worse and worse.
Season 4 is really a total disappointment.
I hope they will make an end to the series soon, before it gets cancelled without a proper ending :(

Acting seems to be going downhill, even by the regulars in the cast, conversations are so predictable they hardly have to say anything anymore at all anyway and this whole Messiah crap is really getting to me (Frank Herbert, anyone?). Seems the creators are totally out of inspiration and have started copying random other series and movies and throwing it into a mixer and then hope for a proper story coming out of it. That is definitely a fail.... they really should have brought an end to this series at season 3, instead of dragging a great series on and on into oblivion.

season 1 and 2 were superb, now it's just stretching things thin :(

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This is like a modern version of Lethal Weapon on nearly every kind of upper known the man :) Very much enjoyed the first few episodes. Sure its all over the top. Like.... by a lot. But in a fun way. Just dont take it all too serious. The series doesnt take themselves very serious either :)

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The White Lotus

I really do not understand how this series is getting such high praises.
I havent smiled more than .... maybe once?
It's more like obnoxious, annoying. Its boring. Not funny.

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A bit disappointing series. It starts interesting, then adds loads of characters and many side stories, adds a lot of moral messages and then in the end it's of course the evil white men (all white men in the series are at fault in one way or another) who dunnit. The series is slow-paced and at some point starts to be very predictable. And it could really have done without several of the point less side stories.
This is one of the lesser BBC mini series.

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Mythic Quest

Somehow managed to get through 3 episodes. My gf summed it up to "it's asif we're just only watching other people work". It's not funny. No haha, not even a smile's worth. It's simply not funny. And it's also nothing near realistic as to how developers or testers work on any software product. How did this ever get a second season?! Apple obviously has too much money to throw around and a lack of creative master minds.

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I've enjoyed this series a lot, each season has its own distinct set, characters and a small set of main issues. Season 5 was a bit less good, season 6 was omg dreadful. It was slow and nearly painful to get through season 6. And then came....... season 7. In 1 word: WOW. Loved it. They totally aced that season. Ok, the tiny plothole still occurred here and there, but at least its not a total insult to everyone's intelligence (compared to for example the utterly retardedness in Blindspot). Season 6 was a good basis for the events in season 7, so you cannot really skip season 6 altogether, but I postponed getting into season 7 as I was not expecting a huge improvement over the endless drama of the previous season. Praise the Lord, my expectations were too low :-)

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Superb series.
- Original.
- Interesting story line.
- Impressive acting
- Surprising.
- An amazing look into the brain of a schizophrenic - or not?
- not a just-another-super-hero series

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The Catch

If you like this series, be sure to check out "Good Behaviour". It's a much better series in any possible way

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I managed to watch a few episodes, but then just lost interest. Perhaps for people who like old fashioned crime series or true batman fans. There are simply too many annoying characters in this show; top of the bill being Fish. I gave up. It's not really a bad series, but totally not even close to being my favorite either. I simply prefer series like Continuum, Person of Interest, Blacklist and The Americans.

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The Catch

This series feels a bit like White Collar in many ways, just with a woman in some weird semi-victim role. The acting is a bit so-so; I wonder if it will get a second season. It's a good time-filler though and not too important if you need to step out for a minute or so. Not bad, if it gets renewed I'll keep watching.

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One of my most favourite shows, great sarcasm, wits, very smart/intelligent, great personalities and hell I'd love to be like Harvey :)

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Stargate Universe

I really hope they finish the show with a movie, like they did with Firefly
or continue the show by creating some movies, like they did for SG-1

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The Veil

A rather unintelligent plot that tries to make itself sound really smart. It is entertaining to watch, but mostly (only) thanks Elisabeth Moss.

The childess nonsense behavior that's being forced between the 2 male spy handlers Malik and Max says it all.

Which also actually is an unfortunate sign of yet another Disney series infected by the woke mind virus:
- all white men are evil. literally, every white guy you see is evil and you will be shown in detail how evil
- every black guy is disrespected by said white guys (and white women too by the way for good measure)
- every muslim is just a victim of western behavior and you should not call them radicalised because they are only fighting for their... uhh... not sure for what, just fighting, even amongst themselves and killing everyone in the process, if necessary by exploding nukes
- a woman doesnt need a man, it does not matter who the father of your baby is, as a woman you just want a kid ( - no not even sarcasm from my side, it was literally said )

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Well... what to say about this. It's not bad. It's not superb. It has a bit of a Da Vinci's Demons - vibe to it. Not surprisingly also a Stars series, come to think of it.
The ending was just so predictable... I saw it coming somewhere in episode 2 already. The whole evil duke of norfolk personality made little sense to me and overal it was just.... well.... not so smart or special.

Anyway. I still enjoyed it enough, dont get me wrong. Just over-hyped.

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The Tower

this is a great police series, but its crazy (white)male unfriendly. whatever the situation, the white man is the bad guy, or at minimum 'a' bad guy. seriously fck off........

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Twisted Metal

Im not a big fan of Anthony Mackie.
Too many annoying one-liners where he seems to want to sound like Will Smith.
The opening scenes are a bit too much Mad Max meets Death Race. But ok. That seems the whole goal of this series.

Also a shame that immediately the whole racism card needs to come up again with 'John Doe' saying "talking to a mildly intimidating white lady" why the skin color is important?

Anyway. If you dont take this stuff seriously, then its entertaining enough. Set your expectations low and you might even be surprised.

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I basically binged this entire series. I enjoy cop-shows, but this outshines nearly any out there.
Only a few get close. Banshee being one.
There are very few weak episodes in this series.
Season 6 is a bit too graphical for my taste, but at least its a very good and proper ending and gives a close to basically all story lines.
Very enjoyable.

Woke report: the woke virus had not hit us yet when this series was made. So no crazy woke crap.

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Special Ops: Lioness

Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-11-26T00:11:23Z— updated 2023-12-11T22:43:52Z

I was a bit worried about yet another woke crap series - but..... aside one totally racist "I am not having this conversation with a white guy" remark, this is actually how things should be: just a really good series! there is a high Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan vibe to it.

Not sure why Morgan Freeman is on the poster here on Trakt, he's nowhere in the series. At least not in the first 6 episodes. Completely binged this....

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Power Book IV: Force

I got interested in this series because of Lili Simmons who was stunning on Banshee, alongside Anthony "Homelander" Starr

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