Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Miracle Workers

Season 1 was kind of fun. Stupid mostly, but at least Original. I had some doubts about which way it would go, but ok. Overal season 1 was enjoyable (enough).
Season 2 was just plain stupid. Hardly any 'haha' or even a grinn. I just find myself being annoyed with the utter stupiddity and lack of humor. Extremely disappointing. Season 2 also totally changed the premise, no longer Miracle Workers, but just 'retardedness on Earth'. Waste of time. Season 3 came and uhm. Yeah. Whatever. Seriously, who genuinely enjoyed this???

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Mythic Quest

Somehow managed to get through 3 episodes. My gf summed it up to "it's asif we're just only watching other people work". It's not funny. No haha, not even a smile's worth. It's simply not funny. And it's also nothing near realistic as to how developers or testers work on any software product. How did this ever get a second season?! Apple obviously has too much money to throw around and a lack of creative master minds.

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The Boys

This series is refreshingly different from DC and Marvel shows. I stopped watching immediately - at first- after the scène where the girlfriend gets obliterated. But gave it a second chance later, while watching alone. It's too much gore to be girlfriend-approved material.

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Doom Patrol

I enjoyed the firs episode a lot, felt like a 'totally different' type of superhero series. Potentially as good as Deadpool.... that feeling only lasted that first episode and a little bit into episode 2. After that it turned crap. The lack of visible emotions on the robot and the bandage man dont help, but it all just feels so fake and ... just uninteresting. I do not care for the main characters at all, I dont feel their 'pain' so to say.
Only the girl with all the personalities is an interesting character and seems also a good actor.
I struggled through the next 5 episodes, fast forwarded episode 7 and 8 and... now I deleted the rest. I'm out.

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The Expanse

Really superb show. It has many elements from many shows I enjoy, but putting them all together in the mix it comes out totally unique. Closest resembling show might be Dark Matter; which is not a bad thing :)

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Silicon Valley

Is this really a comedy? If yes, then the humor is beyond me. I watched 3 episodes and I didnt smile even once. Feels more like a misplaced documentary of a silicon valley startup. Or something like that.

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Falling Skies

my God... episodes are getting worse and worse and worse.
Season 4 is really a total disappointment.
I hope they will make an end to the series soon, before it gets cancelled without a proper ending :(

Acting seems to be going downhill, even by the regulars in the cast, conversations are so predictable they hardly have to say anything anymore at all anyway and this whole Messiah crap is really getting to me (Frank Herbert, anyone?). Seems the creators are totally out of inspiration and have started copying random other series and movies and throwing it into a mixer and then hope for a proper story coming out of it. That is definitely a fail.... they really should have brought an end to this series at season 3, instead of dragging a great series on and on into oblivion.

season 1 and 2 were superb, now it's just stretching things thin :(

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The Dresden Files

the first few episodes were extremely cheesy. after episode 3 I had doubts if I wanted to continue to bother with the other few or not.
1x05 is the only good episode in this series.

the biggest 'miss' in this series is that there is no proper pilot.
you just get thrown in there. no character build up, no red line in the series. just a number of stories or scripts based on a book line thats made into series....

too bad, there was some nice potential there, but it's really not surprising it got cancelled

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Class of '09

hate the stupid needless time jumping. so annoying.

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Seems they just tried to stretch out this show for way too long. Probably would have been great if they'd have kept it to one long season, or maybe at most 2 seasons. Maybe they can make this into a remake and keep it to a mini-series

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The Holiday

Dumb acting. Stupid story line. Misplaced over the top dramatic music. Unlogical mini events that have no real follow-up making it - in my opinion - a woman's story thinking that guys would just let stuff go until a day or so later.
The stupid stuff is also that a police officer who has no actual real basis but then just randomly thinks every single one of her female friends is f*cking her husband. One after the next. And other unrelated drama being pulled in endlessly.
I dont think I've ever seen any other group of 'friends' who are so guinely screwed up.

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The Veil

A rather unintelligent plot that tries to make itself sound really smart. It is entertaining to watch, but mostly (only) thanks Elisabeth Moss.

The childess nonsense behavior that's being forced between the 2 male spy handlers Malik and Max says it all.

Which also actually is an unfortunate sign of yet another Disney series infected by the woke mind virus:
- all white men are evil. literally, every white guy you see is evil and you will be shown in detail how evil
- every black guy is disrespected by said white guys (and white women too by the way for good measure)
- every muslim is just a victim of western behavior and you should not call them radicalised because they are only fighting for their... uhh... not sure for what, just fighting, even amongst themselves and killing everyone in the process, if necessary by exploding nukes
- a woman doesnt need a man, it does not matter who the father of your baby is, as a woman you just want a kid ( - no not even sarcasm from my side, it was literally said )

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The Couple Next Door

This is an interesting series and it keeps you interested from start to finish. Eventhough the whole plot is predictable from basically minute 1.

Unfortunately the woke virus has struck this series badly. Every white guy is a bad guy; every white woman is naieve but finds a way to empower herself; the black guy is a victim of everyone else but he has his revenge on the evil white world; religious people are all crazy/obsessive/etc.
It's sad as it brings down the series for me, by a lot.

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It's just popcorn entertainment. And with alcohol, a lot of alcohol. So you dont notice how weak the stories are. For example episode 1x02 where he break in, has obviously stolen items in his posession and then police arrives and arrests the bad guys. Uhhhh right. Reality will be that police arrests at the very least the burglar, and in doubt arrests everyone to take them to the police station and figure things out later. I see people referring to The Finder, I was thinking more about Pointman (1995), but I guess that shows my age mostly :)
Anyway. It's watchable. Just corny and not very intelligent.

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Well... what to say about this. It's not bad. It's not superb. It has a bit of a Da Vinci's Demons - vibe to it. Not surprisingly also a Stars series, come to think of it.
The ending was just so predictable... I saw it coming somewhere in episode 2 already. The whole evil duke of norfolk personality made little sense to me and overal it was just.... well.... not so smart or special.

Anyway. I still enjoyed it enough, dont get me wrong. Just over-hyped.

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I very much enjoyed the first few seasons. Great fun and almost like watching a behind the scenes of the Trump precidency screwing up everything possible to be screwed up. Then at some point in season 5 or 6 it all became just too much hate, really like watching the Trump administration.
Selina was at first a little bit of a narcissistic screw-up of a underdog that you sort-off still wanted to root for. Then she became more and more that c-word and non-stop treating everyone like garbage. Then it became too much. I just started to strongly disliking her, especially the way she was treating her daughter... the showrunners probably should have given her at least a little bit of humanity still... too bad they didnt. I believe that is what killed this series eventually. Season 6 was very weak.
On the plus side, at least season 7 brought us a proper and good closing of the series.
Poor Gary.

Amazing cast, superb acting.

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The Tower

this is a great police series, but its crazy (white)male unfriendly. whatever the situation, the white man is the bad guy, or at minimum 'a' bad guy. seriously fck off........

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Sneaky Pete

season 1 : great.
season 2 : shite
season 3 : superb!

Too bad it ended after the third season, though it's understandable that the inspiration and stories were done.

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Da Vinci's Demons

I loved season 1.
Season 2 with this endless b.s. about book of leaves started to be annoying and was a huge change from season 1.
Season 3 was just crap. Not a good change from how interesting season 1 was.

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Twisted Metal

Im not a big fan of Anthony Mackie.
Too many annoying one-liners where he seems to want to sound like Will Smith.
The opening scenes are a bit too much Mad Max meets Death Race. But ok. That seems the whole goal of this series.

Also a shame that immediately the whole racism card needs to come up again with 'John Doe' saying "talking to a mildly intimidating white lady" why the skin color is important?

Anyway. If you dont take this stuff seriously, then its entertaining enough. Set your expectations low and you might even be surprised.

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Mr Inbetween

Quite enjoyable series. If you like series like Banshee, Justified and Barry, deffo give this a try. Quite short episodes, so a whole season is gone before you know it.
Season 3 is the last and has a pretty decent ending to it.

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I absolutely loved season 1. Season 2 not so much. Loads of plotholes and totally illogical scenes, not very intelligent dialogues and just pointless violence that really seems specifically setup to become a violet fight. Its just nothing like season 1.
Season 1 - 9.5 out of 10
Season 2 - 5.5 out of 10

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I basically binged this entire series. I enjoy cop-shows, but this outshines nearly any out there.
Only a few get close. Banshee being one.
There are very few weak episodes in this series.
Season 6 is a bit too graphical for my taste, but at least its a very good and proper ending and gives a close to basically all story lines.
Very enjoyable.

Woke report: the woke virus had not hit us yet when this series was made. So no crazy woke crap.

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Detective Forst

Season 1 started as a typical police series, but from episode 4 everything went off the rails. Too much coincidence where the main characters only get more and more intertwined without logic.
Note that this series is not family friendly, there is a lot of nudity and violence.

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Michael C Hall is showing to be (again) he's a truely good actor, carrying all of this.
Several of the supporting actors are mediocre at best. Several of the kids are truely great though.

The series is very complicated with many characters who all have their own secret agendas.
Plottwists galore. A typical Coben's series. In many ways I enjoy this more than Fool me Once or The Stranger.

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Room 104

Too much weird shit for me.
Feels a lot like art school students got some budget and this was the result

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The Clearing

Watched the first 2 episodes and started to fall asleep in the third episode. The first episode had something interesting to it all, but it was all very, very slow. The constant flashbacks were already getting annoying halfway through episode 1. On the positive side, it is quite easy at least to figure out when a flashback is going on.
Less positive is the permanent freaking-out-mom-style of the main character.
The whole semi religious freak show as a means of brainwashing is getting very old. Combine that with a pace that even BBC First usualy keeps higher, this series is.... just boring.

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I was very afraid of another unwatchable piece of woke cr*p, but to my surprise - so far, 3 episodes in - it's not too bad. There's too many black washing of characters, but that's it.

The series itself is also quite decent, though it's aimed at kids/young families. It's really a remake of the 2010 movie. It lacks some sparks amongst the main characters (insert woke here) but it's been better than i dared to expect, again - so far.
Still it's a huge step down from the movie, which is to be expected when cramming every episode an entire story in a 35 minute episode.

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