Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Ocean's Eight

How can it be Ocean's if Ocean is not there. Good lineup of actresses though, although its disappointing rihanna was casted also into this.

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The Martian

I absolutely loved the movie. The plot holes were almost negligable and as a whole it seemed to be.... realistic! This movie is Cast Away meets Gravity meets McGuyver.

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

This is probably one of the most stupid movies I have ever seen........... and still it is captivating. Bill Murray is carrying this whole movie of course, but superb roles by Willem Dafoe and Cate Blanchett and Owen Wilson and Anjelica Hustun.......... only Jeff Goldblum his role is a bit underwhelming.

Anyway. For a stupid movie - it's pretty good.

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The Menu

It kept me glued to the screen, but with absolute disgust. I wanted to stop this restaurant-version of Alice in Borderlands. Seriously what a f'ed up story. Maybe I should rate this nightmare of a burger joint higher for the amazing acting performances, but... ugh. No. Just dont waste your time on this movie and just order a cheeseburger with fries.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

The action in the movie is good, special effects are well done. But. The movie is so incredibly stupid....... plot is retarded, story line is nearly not present, and supersupersuper hero Batman is of course much stronger than any other DC hero. Cyborg perhaps makes even less sense, other then being the woke addition having no other function then just that. Add to that, Ezra Miller as The Flash is perhaps even more annoying then the guy in the series...... so yeah. Great movie. Perhaps good as background noise while doing something else. I gave it 6 out of 10 for the action sequences, but the movie by itself is perhaps a 4 out of 10 max.

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Jodorowsky's Dune

I've always been a huge fan of the Dune universe. I've played the original Dune game on the pc, read the Frank Herbert books (all of them - not sure if I read the books first and then played the game or vice versa) and of course also - mother of all RTS games - Dune 2 and later Dune 2000.
Most of the movies and productions in this 'franchise' have been a bit disappointing so far; I did enjoy however the 2 low budget TV movies "Frank Herbert's Dune" (2000) and "Frank Herbert's Children of Dune" (2003).
I hope the newly announced Dune for next year will be really the first true big motion picture which will do justice to Frank Herbert's creation

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Alien: Covenant

How can there be 7 votes giving it 36% now in 2016, when the movie is due in 2017???

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Big Game

It seemed like a movie for 12-14 y/o kids, if there wouldnt be so many bodies.
Everything was just retardly stupid about this movie. The plot, the milestones, basically everything that happened.....
A plane crashes, everyone aboard is dead after the crash, but the fuselage is still 100% intact, and people are still sitting on their desk-chairs inside of the plane........? Right.
Stupidity all around in this movie. I'd expect this movie was written on a Thursday night in the pub, while everyone was getting drunk, the initial idea was not bad, the start of the movie could have even become a decent action movie, but then everyone got drunk and the whole plot and storyline went downhill from there.

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The Wolf of Wall Street

this is one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen. It's boring as h*ll. Even the sex is boring... tedious, too much talking about nothing (and the dialogues aren't all that super either), predictable, drugs and sex to be an end isntead of a means for the story to be told (and as I said, even the sex is boring). Even DiCaprio could not save this incredibly crap movie.

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Furious 7

I wonder whats going to happen to this movie now Paul Walker died...

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The Beekeeper

Uhm...... holy cr*p. Haha this is like watching a crazy late 80's or early 90's action movie.

Dont expect a proper story. Dont expect a serious plot. Dont expect intelligent dialogues.
Then this is a pretty cool action movie. Statham at his best since The Transporter.

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Poor Things

The movie is a bit too artistic to my taste. The only thing (superb) is the stunning body of Emma Stone. Acting performances by Emma and Mark Ruffalo are great as well, but overal it's just a little bit too much Frankenstein-meets-Shakespeare for me.
I'll stick with a "7" out of 10, but only because I had a game on my laptop nearby to keep me entertained while watching this slow and artistic movie.

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The Outfit

i cant decide on my rating to give it a 6 or a 7. Mark Rylance carrying this all the way. Without him this would have been perhaps at max a 5 out of 10 or worse. In all honesty the movie is a bit boring and slow. But it's still captivating.
I'll stick with a 7 as it's still "good enough" entertainment.

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The Collective

Dreadfully bad acting. stupid conversations. the corniest supporting music that sounds like it was royalty free to keep budget low.
It seems most budget was spent on Don Johnson.
And speaking of budget..... Ruby Rose really needs to spent some money and take some acting lessons. And that Mercedes Varnado should go back to being a waitress or something. I think I havent seen a worse actress in a long while.

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Don't take the movie too seriously and it's actually very enjoyable.
Of course it's a story copy/paste from at least 144 other movies which are exactly 100% the same plot and story.

The woke level is amazingly low, as in 0. Quite surprising.

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Emily the Criminal

Its not the best movie, it's not the smartest movie. It is also far from realistic.
It is entertaining.
Wokeness level is ok.

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Road House

I actually enjoyed this movie more than I expected.
On the woke meter: acceptable.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

On one side it was better than I expected, but still.... not very good. Chris Pine was not charming enough and not naughty enough. I guess overal the movie was "ok", but nothing really more than just that.

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The movie is a bit 20 in a dozen, but at least has some more realism to it where DEA (shouldnt it be the US Marshalls?) doesnt have an endless budget to do whatever they want protecting a witness.
The thing I really hate about it is the "exciting sounds and music" playing all the time. Too much. Too loud.

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Not great, not bad. Entertaining enough, but not as good an experience as for example Catch me if you can was.
All acting was a bit flat, nobody seemed to take things seriously enough or... something like that.
Love Elisha though :)

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The Squad: Home Run

It all started like some endless woke shit. Tnx God things improved quickly.
Jean Reno is just listed to get additional people watching this, He has a tiny role, so do not watch this for him.
It is a pretty decent action movie. A bit too predictable, but not bad.

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Antigang: La Relève

It all started like some endless woke shit. Tnx God things improved quickly.
Jean Reno is just listed to get additional people watching this, He has a tiny role, so do not watch this for him.
It is a pretty decent action movie. A bit too predictable, but not bad.

EDIT: this entry is a duplicate. There's another antigang la releve

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Wow, what a star cast with even Tom Riley and Jimmy Carr. Curious about this.

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The Recall

Except for the eye candy Laura Bilgeri and Hannah Rose, this movie is.... crap :) I guess most of the budget was used to make Wesley Snipes get up out of his wheelchair.
Especially the asthma scene in the boat was....... o m g. Who wrote this utter nonsense?
In general the whole story is not even that bad, but dialogues and script are.

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Role Play

This is basically a better version of the True Lies (utter bullshit) series. Too bad it's not as a series, but a movie.
It does underperform in many aspects unfortunately.
First hour of the movie was quite enjoyable, then it got a bit too much like 'its time to wrap-up the storylines'. That was too bad. Would have worked much better as a limited series. Or maybe another season of The Flight Attended.

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Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire
Sixty Minutes

The preview scene on Netflix where the guy runs into the metro with a chair still stuck to his ass, is the only good/funny scene of the movie. Everything else is just mediocre at best.
If you are into this type of movie, then check out Black Lotus with Rico Verhoeven.

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A Haunting in Venice

The movie is a bit blend, not to say boring. A typical who dunnit movie in a historic setting. Visual effects were good, atmosphere creation was interesting, but the characters i found less compelling. Dialogs were uninspired and the Harry Potter kid with his near katatonic behavior was distracting and even annoying.
And sorry to say but I'm getting tired from Michelle Yeoh in basically everything. She's a little bit too productive.
Overall the movie is entertaining enough, but it's all just mediocre at best.

On the plus side, no bullshit woke crap. No gay or trans promotion or misplaced discrimination of white people.

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Ugh. Dont have much more to say about it then that.

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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Maybe with some different main characters - with a lot less ''brooklyn, yeah baby''-vibes - this could have a better movie. Or at least some actors who can act. Woke-broke-etc.
Also strongly dislike what they did to Wheeljack.
And the whole dinobots whose origin story got totally raped into "maximals" sucks too. I was looking forward to Grimlock and the others.
This was quite disappointing.
Stratosphere was probably one of the few good things about this movie.
The only good casting done here was Pete Davidson as Mirage. He really fits with that character.
Arcee didnt really strike me at all, so cant comment.
Funny that I didnt even recognise Petre Dinklage and Ron Perlman's voices. Michelle Yeoh was very obvious.
All in all : huge disappointment.
After Bumblebee I thought they had finally 'got it'. Seems not.

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