

New York, NY

Outlander: 5x01 The Fiery Cross

Giving us a little Scottish “L-O-V-E” gave me life.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x08 Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sabrina Is Legend

Hilda getting her revenge was EVERYTHING.

My one criticism... and maybe someone could help me resolve this in my mind: Where did the second Sabrina - the one who freed our original Sabrina from stone at the beginning - come from? If Sabrina was trapped, how did a second one ever come into play?

My head hurts from this time travel stuff.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x07 Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Judas Kiss

Well that got a bit dark...

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x06 Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches

I’ve always felt that my favorite part of the series were the aunts, so this was a tough one for me. Zelda and Hilda better make it out okay.

Also, I’m still waiting for Salem to be a bit more helpful.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x06 The Wingman

SO glad that Alexis is staying. =)

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Survivor: 40x01 Greatest of the Greats

Not sure how I feel about these fire tokens, but a great start to an exciting season!

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Burnt Offerings

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Burnt Offerings’:

  1. Excuse me while I Google the entire meaning of this film.

  2. It had so much potential that it never reached. However, I noticed a lot of distinct horror film elements that are used today — and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were inspired by this film.

  3. It was certainly creepy (especially the ending). Karen Black was great. But there needed to be more Bette.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x04 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Hare Moon

Nick is a piece of sh:asterisk_symbol:t. Sabrina... girl, you need to stop chasing him. He doesn’t deserve you.

Otherwise, great episode. Loving the coven rivalry and how the stakes have risen.

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American Horror Story: 9x09 Final Girl

People have some major criticism for this season, but I actually enjoyed it. As opposed to other seasons, the storyline was a lot more linear without a bunch of extra, unnecessary crap thrown in to distract us from what was important.

All the characters were likable. The tone was different from past seasons. You never knew what to expect next (at least I didn’t). It was a fun homage to a beloved era. And it had a super satisfying (and surprisingly hopeful!) conclusion.

I’ve gotta say: ‘AHS 1984’ is actually a bit underrated. I believe it accomplished exactly what it set out to do.

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American Horror Story: 9x02 Mr. Jingles

Loving the 80s theme. But I feel like this could’ve been a :asterisk_symbol:little:asterisk_symbol: more of a slow burn. I think too much is happening too fast. Curious to see where this goes over seven more episodes.

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The Good Place

A cute, quirky show - with tons of heart - that wasn’t always perfect, but ended perfectly. Definitely well worth the binge.

Janet was THE best of this series.

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American Gods: 2x08 Moon Shadow

I take back what I said about the plot moving too slow. Because there is no plot.

This finale was one big ball of absolute nonsense. And my biggest takeaway from the season is that Shadow Moon does a whole lotta nothin’. SUCH a frustrating character to watch.

I don’t even know if the show itself knows where it’s headed or what it’s truly about. And I don’t know if I’ll be tuning in to season three.

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American Gods: 2x07 Treasure of the Sun

Finally, the show picks up the pace by focusing on one if its more compelling characters... and then kills him.


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American Gods: 2x04 The Greatest Story Ever Told

Wtf am I watching? The cryptic stories and irrelevant philosophical moments are getting so very tired. I don’t exactly understand how Mr. World is supposed to be threatening in any capacity, other than his creepy little hat and slow, menacing lurch. And I’m not sure at all what everything is ultimately building up to.

The fact that this is halfway through the second season and we still don’t know much about Shadow (and his supposed importance) is a testament to the slow-ass, snail’s pace of a plot.

I hate that I always feel so compelled to stick with shows I’ve begun, no matter how fast and hard they decline. Bring back Gillian Anderson and Kristin Chenoweth. Yup, probably won’t happen.

Crossing my fingers that this becomes bingeable at some point.

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American Gods: 2x03 Muninn

Am I the only one who doesn’t care about the stakes in the show?

What exactly are the stakes again?

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Jojo Rabbit

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Jojo Rabbit’:

  1. Simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m in awe of this film. I did :asterisk_symbol:not:asterisk_symbol: expect it to go as dark as it did. Absolutely phenomenal work by Taika Waititi. Scarlett was fantastic as well.

  2. The child actors did such an incredible job. Roman Griffin Davis (Jojo) and Archie Yates (Yorki) knocked it out of the park!

  3. The tying of the shoes. Broke. My. Heart. Oh, but the dancing. We should all be dancing more.

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Saturday Night Live: 45x06 Harry Styles

Harry did such a great job!

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Little Women

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Little Women’:

  1. I didn’t love it. I didn’t hate it. Wasn’t familiar with the story. Went in for the cast, came out reaffirming that this just isn’t my kind of film.

  2. The movie struggled to hold my attention for the first half, but proceeded to grab me in towards the end.

  3. I wish I liked it more. The cast is superb.

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Santa Clarita Diet

Yet another superb show that Netflix neglected and discarded.

Such a quality, quirky series with a fun take on the tired zombie genre, ending on a cliffhanger that’ll never get resolved. I thought it was FANTASTIC.

Between, this, Sense8, and The OA, I’ve lost respect for Netflix as a streaming service. I may still watch their other programming, but I’ll cheer their competitors on even harder.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘1917’:

  1. How the hell did they even film this? A cinematic achievement, indeed. The scope of it all is insane.

  2. The two young actors were fantastic. Cared about them and their fate almost immediately.

  3. Other reviews mention the film lacking despite its technical marvels. I wholeheartedly disagree. The storyline may have been simple, but I found it compelling, emotional and inspiring. And the score was fantastic. It wasn’t only filmed well.

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The Good Place: 4x11 Mondays, Am I Right?

Eleanor and Chidi STILL have ZERO chemistry — and I honestly think their relationship has been detrimental to the show.

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Now I understand why Phoebe’s winning all these awards.

Such a lovely, touching, heartbreaking and hilarious series. I want to see more so bad, but at least we know that she knows she’s loved.


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Terminator: Dark Fate

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’:

  1. Linda Hamilton killed it, yet again, as Sarah Connor. Who knew she could get even more badass? Seeing her with Arnold again was magic.
  2. THAT is how you do a climactic final battle. ALL the fight scenes were actually pretty damn awesome. Bravo.
  3. “I won’t be back.” That hurt, Arnold.

Extra Note: This was the best Terminator film since T2, hands down.

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The OA

One of THE most original, emotional, underrated series I have ever seen. Netflix choosing not to continue the story is an absolute TRAVESTY. For a show that inspires belief, faith and hope, I believe I’ll still see this story told eventually.

If you’re thinking about checking it out despite its untimely cancellation, do it. Yes... it’s complex and deep, but you’ll be all the better for it once the final credits roll.

See ya again in another dimension, OA. (But I’m still holding out in this one.) :blue_heart:

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‘Legion’ is full of absurdity - which I believe is completely and utterly intentional. It’s unlike anything else on television and its highest points are pretty spectacular, in all its originality and creativity. The show in itself is a piece of art, not always understood but awfully fun to look at. Sometimes.

When it’s not fun, it’s often confusing, seemingly headed in no direction at all, and full of side characters that lack a substantial amount of depth. There’s one character who isn’t introduced until the final season whom I found more compelling than those who were there since the series’ debut.

In the end, I appreciate ‘Legion’ for what it was - even though I’m not entirely sure what that is.

That’s ‘Legion’ to me. 6/10

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Legion: 3x04 Chapter 23

I’ve had my qualms about how the wackiness of this series can be so wasteful and detrimental to the story. Here, it was absolute genius.

The best episode of the entire series, so far.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’:

  1. It was definitely fun (how could it not be?), but I was hoping for a little more finality to what‘s supposed to be the end of the Skywalker saga. It would’ve been nice to see Rey training a new generation of Jedi with Finn as one of the teachers.

  2. I reeeaaally missed Yoda in this one, but loved that the Emperor had one final stake in the story. He’s been such a driving force since the beginning.

  3. Rey is such a great character - and I would say her presence was just as epic as Luke’s in the original films. I enjoyed the other newbies, but nobody reached Han/Leia status. And Kylo/Ben was a little lacking from start to finish. Ultimately, the new trilogy wasn’t perfect - but it was a fun ride through a wonderfully-nostalgic and iconic world.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x01 Smoke Signals

The beginning of the end, but back and fantastic as always! I’m sure gonna miss this family.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x16 End of the Line

Frustrating, yet solid, season finale. Actually looking forward to see where this goes.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x15 Channel 5

Dwight: “Still filmin’, Al?”

YUP. Yes, she most certainly is.

When. Will. These. Tapes. Go. Away?!

Otherwise, not a horrible episode. I liked the idea of the Gulch, but now who knows.

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