

New York, NY

Fear the Walking Dead: 5x14 Today and Tomorrow

I am SO.. so very sick of Althea and her stupid :pound_symbol:%&@! tapes. It’s beyond overdone. She could be such an interesting character if she stopped dwelling on such nonsense. It does NOTHING for the story. Ugh.

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Frozen II

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Frozen II’:

  1. It had its highs (i.e. Olaf’s Frozen recap) and its lows (i.e. Kristoff’s song), not really taking it to the heights of the original (to be expected). Ultimately, the story felt a little rushed to me.
  2. The two Elsa songs were strong, but the rest of the soundtrack felt a little lacking. Maybe that’ll change with another listen.
  3. On a good note, I enjoyed the deepened backstory and character development here. Another sequel would start from a very different place.
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Won't You Be My Neighbor?

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’:

  1. It was heartwarming to see someone of that time, who might have been considered “square” or “old-fashioned,” be so wonderfully accepting of so many different types of people.
  2. It wouldn’t be easy to be a Fred Rogers in this age, but what the world would be if there were more like him.
  3. This was an enjoyable, bittersweet documentary.
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A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’:

  1. I need to watch the Fred Rogers documentary now.
  2. I was expecting a little more, but it was a cute film with a refreshing message.
  3. Only Tom Hanks could play Fred Rogers and Walt Disney.
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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x12 Ner Tamid

FINALLY. A quality episode that piqued my interest.

Diggin’ the addition of the rabbi. Enjoyed him from the start.

Also, Mo Collins is tremendously underutilized. I’d watch her drive a truck and ramble on for an entire hour.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x11 You're Still Here

WTF did I just watch???

Is there a (rational) reason Alicia isn’t killing the dead? Did I miss an entire episode somewhere?

Why would Victor decide to basically dance around the walker in the tear gas until he can’t see?

Why would Wes kill the dude for a manuscript AND THEN NOT TAKE THE MANUSCRIPT?

And, finally, why does all their deep, self-explorational banter ALWAYS SOUND LIKE THE SAME THING?

This show is becoming increasingly difficult to watch. I may be in the minority, but I don’t find Morgan interesting whatsoever. His cryptic dialogue is beyond tired. Same same same. There are ZERO compelling arcs driving the story forward. Nothing is happening.

Rant over.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Parasite’:

  1. Wow. Just wow. Super original and exceeded all my expectations.
  2. Whyyy couldn’t the people in the basement come to an understanding with the family?! It totally could’ve been a win-win. So tragic.
  3. Creepy to think whoever lives in that house will have a secret tenant. Hopefully Ki-woo’s plans work out one day.
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Knives Out

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Knives Out’:

  1. That ending was absolute ACES. Maybe one of my favorites.
  2. This film was anything but predictable. At first, I hated that we knew how Harlan really died so soon. Turns out, I knew nothing.
  3. I love that... not only is the cast chock-full of super famous actors, but that they take a backseat to allow Ana de Armas to shine as the lead.
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’:

  1. Glad that they finally showed Leia using her Force powers. I know some people weren’t fans of that scene, but it had to happen eventually.
  2. The Yoda/Luke scene was perfect. Really brought back those ‘Empire’ vibes.
  3. After my 10-film Star Wars movie marathon, I’m finally ready for ‘Rise of Skywalker’.
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’:

  1. Reviving such an epic saga from the 70s/80s ain’t no easy feat -- and they’ve succeeded here.
  2. I was expecting more from Kylo Ren. His lack of menace is one of my biggest criticisms.
  3. Rey is a great character and her force-fetching the lightsaber from the snow was perfection.
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Return of the Jedi

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Return of the Jedi’:

  1. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed the Ewoks.
  2. It was particularly great seeing Luke and Leia’s bond strengthen.
  3. It looks like Anakin brought balance to the force after all.
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The Empire Strikes Back

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Empire Strikes Back’:

  1. Films don’t get much more :asterisk_symbol:epic:asterisk_symbol: than this. After this rewatch, I completely understand how this is hailed one of the best films of all time.
  2. Somebody told me recently that the original films don’t hold up anymore, especially for a new generation. I highly disagree.
  3. Seeing this in a theater - in 1980 - must’ve been magnificent.
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Star Wars

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars’:

  1. Thank you, George Lucas.
  2. I find it so incredible how much the prequel films - as well as Solo and Rogue One - provide SO much needed backstory to this original classic from the 70s. Others may disagree, but I think they did a damn good job.
  3. I’m in awe of the legacy this little film started.
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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Rogue One: A Star Wars Story’:

  1. Powerful ending that provides great insight into where the original starts off.
  2. The CGI’d characters were definitely off, but awesome.
  3. The last scene with Darth Vader was everything.
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Solo: A Star Wars Story

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’:

  1. The Darth Maul cameo was quite a shocker — and has inspired me to maybe check out ‘The Clone Wars’ series.
  2. I understand the decision to end these side origin story films. I love the universe, but I couldn’t really get into this as much as I hoped to.
  3. Regardless of my lack of enthusiasm, I enjoyed the peek into the beginning of Han and Chewie.
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith’:

  1. As many have said already, this is certainly the best of the trilogy films. Perfect bridge to the classics.
  2. Ian McDiarmid deserves an award for what he brought to Palpatine.
  3. Could another actor have done Anakin better? Probably. But I’m a fan of Hayden and I think he did a great job.
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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones’:

  1. The Yoda/Dooku battle fuels my soul.
  2. This might be my least fave film of the series. That may change after I watch ‘Rogue One’ or ‘Solo’. Maybe not.
  3. Is it just me, or is it kinda hard to follow the politics of this whole prequel trilogy?
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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace’:

  1. As a rewatch to prepare for ‘The Rise of Skywalker’, I was properly amped up. Not as horrible as it was always made out to be.
  2. Its biggest fault, to me, was the lack and loss of Darth Maul.
  3. Ian McDiarmid and John Williams are legends. (Duel of the Fates is everything.)
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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x09 Channel 4

As a big ‘Walking Dead’ supporter, I hate to admit it... but, this was - hands down - one of the worst episodes EVER in this universe.

I am OVER Al and her :pound_symbol:%$&ing stories. Nobody cares anymore. Toss the camera aside. Storytime is over. I could barely stay awake.

With a decline in viewership, it’s time to reinvigorate your audience. This is not how that’s done.

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John Wick

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘John Wick’:

  1. After so much hype and excitement to finally see this film, I was ultimately disappointed.
  2. I was not a fan of the music, at all. I felt it was relentlessly distracting, taking away from the movie more than contributing to it.
  3. I think the pacing and nonstop action is what did it for me. Everything just happened so quick. (i.e. I had a difficult time believing John was upset enough to avenge the dog when he barely had time to connect/bond with the dog.)
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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

One of my biggest television pet peeves is when a character can explain a situation a trillion times better than they actually do - and they don’t. When they can very easily defend their actions, successfully and succinctly - and they don’t.

That was Hughie here. Frustrating to no end. Starlight doesn’t deserve you.

Rant over.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘El Camino’:

  1. Yeah, it was kinda unnecessary. But it was nice to follow Jesse Pinkman and see him get a much-deserved happy ending.
  2. It was also cool to see Cranston as Walter White once more.
  3. Everyone needs a friend like Skinny Pete.
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The Eyes of My Mother

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Eyes of My Mother’:

  1. This is a stark reminder that I’m never letting any strangers into my home or car.
  2. I thought the ending was maybe a little too abrupt, but satisfying enough.
  3. Overall a good film (7/10). Effective in B&W. Bleak, sad, and all kinds of messed up.
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Doctor Sleep

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Doctor Sleep’:

  1. This film totally stands on its own and as a satisfying sequel to a classic. Not an easy task.
  2. The Shining throwbacks gave me life.
  3. I loved the villain and Abra was badass.
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Creepshow: 1x03 All Hallows Eve / The Man in the Suitcase

One of the best eps so far. The suitcase story had a solid ending.

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Creep 2

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Creep 2’:

  1. Like the first one, it’s difficult to tell where the story is gonna go.
  2. I was surprised at how this felt completely different from its predecessor, while successfully continuing the same story. Less creepy, more psychological.
  3. I agree that these are some of the best, more original “found footage” films.
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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Creep’:

  1. Just when I thought I knew where this was going, I was wrong. Super unpredictable.
  2. Mark Duplass does creepy incredibly well.
  3. Aaron couldn’t have been more frustratingly dumb.
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The Shining

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Shining’:

  1. I just wanna give Shelley Duvall a hug.
  2. The score is probably the biggest star of this film.
  3. Some of my fave parts were with the old-timey side characters that remind of The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
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My Review of ‘Misery’ in 3 Sentences:

  1. After this rewatch, I was reminded even more how incredible Kathy Bates is.

  2. After this rewatch, it dawned on me that Paul Sheldon handled everything rather calmly the entire time.

  3. This will always be one of the best Stephen King films.

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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

My Review of ‘Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’ in 3 Sentences:

  1. I wasn’t fully satisfied, but I wasn’t bored - thanks to some solid spooky visuals.

  2. The Bellows family story - the source of the action - felt rushed and incomplete.

  3. One major downside is that several character fates will never be revealed by a sequel that’ll never happen.

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