

Toronto, Canada


One of my favorite heist films and one of my favorite Ryan Reynolds films all in one.

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90 Day Fiancé: 7x03 What Am I Worth To You?
Final Verdict
The Escape

Found this on Amazon Prime.. it's... short. I mean it looks good. i'd check out something more extended and none of that story shows up. All you see if a woman being chased and she runs from them then it's over.

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A Scanner Darkly

The visual style PERFECTLY captures the scenes as described by Dick. The floating faces always recognizable as faces but never as anyone specific. :chefs kiss:

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Andromeda: 2x21 Immaculate Perception

ahh the introduction to Tyr's son. An excellent episode

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The Rookie: 2x08 Clean Cut

man they are really expanding the cast this season. It really cuts into the policework but we have extended family, we're seeing other employees. I mean i saw Alan Tudyuk's name and then when he showed up at a crime scene I assumed he was a mastermind. Then Sara Rue showed up barely recognizable, I think she's lost even more weight, and this is really growing. I'm not sure how I feel about that though.

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See: 1x01 Godflame

For a show I had zero interest in this was a very effective pilot. It got me over a hump of ennui and it sold me on a premise of everyone being blind. I think episode two answers most of my questions about plastic bottles and metals which I remember being SUPER annoyed by when I watched this.

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Evil: 1x04 Rose390

Once again we have a great episode but I don't know what show this is supposed to be.

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Evil: 1x03 3 Stars

Much better than the last episode but it suffers from a problem this entire season suffers from. It's a playing between Catholic realism and debunking. The episode should be good. All the elements are solid but it doesn't feel great like it should be. It's a step up from last episode though.

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Prodigal Son: 1x03 Fear Response
The Good Place: 4x07 Help is Other People

Season 4 is hitting on all cylinders.

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Evil: 1x06 Let x = 9
Evil: 1x05 October 31
Prodigal Son: 1x02 Annihilator

An excellent movie. Michael Mann does character tension excellently. Jamie Foxx was excellent, and Tom Cruise was an unexpected delight. On subsequent viewings it's still a very strong very comprehensive film filled with characters that we don't really know that well but we do empathize with. I dont' really feel like I know Max but I do feel like I understand every thing he does. Not a lot of stupid decisions here.

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Australia's Cheapest Weddings: 1x01 Episode 1

What an EPIC episode. It's an emotional version of Rich Bride, Poor Bride. It's SO intense watching one wedding for nearly perfect with no effort and another wedding take hit after hit after hit with a lot of effort. And then there's a H1 Visa situation.

In the end I now want to go to Auz just to meet Sue in the bowling club. She's the best.

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John Dies at the End

What an oddly warped movie. I've heard things about JDATE but i finally caught the movie and it's just as wacked out insane as everything implied it would be. I walk out of the "theatre" just in a weird state of shock at all the stuff I've just seen. I definitely enjoyed it for what it was.

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Time Toys
The Dead Zone: 6x07 Numb

An excellent Sarah focused episode.After that Sarah-less episode.

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The Dead Zone: 6x06 Switch
The Dead Zone: 5x04 Articles of Faith
Carnival Row: Special 1 Official Prologue - Philo's Story

If you want to make a prologue use original footage not just random clips.. don't be cowards.

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The Dead Zone: 1x06 The House

Shoutout to the black man for pointing out "People don't want you in your neighborhood? People could say that to me for what I look like". Because by this episode I'm getting the real Johnny is black vibe and I'm glad to see it called out in even that minor way.

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The Dead Zone: 1x05 Unreasonable Doubt
Defenders of the Earth: 1x01 Escape from Mongo

Fun opening. Great introduction to our cast with the promise of more to come. That said the characters of that time suffer from sensitivities that weren't common at the time. Characters like The Phantom and The Shadow have white savior issues and a little of that leaks into the phantom introduction scenes. But I'd definitely watch more.

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The Good Wife: 1x20 Mock

A solid episode filled with consequences and so called "good intentions". I wasn't a fan of the way Kalinda was dismissive of an immigrant problem. Now to be fair unlike Cary I don't expect her to be particularly sympathetic to an India immigrant. I think his presumption that she spoke Hindi was rather offensive even for the timeperiod. But Kalinda not caring "because my parents came here legally" just stinks of not knowing that's she's a minority and minority people get mistreated. This isn't like someone illegally crossing the border or overstaying their visa. This is a person who paid to immigrate legally but got swindled. This is a very different type of illegal immigrant. This could have been her parents if they trusted the wrong lawyer. I find that one scene particularly frustrating.

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The Good Wife: 1x15 Bang

Eli Gold is one of the best characters in the show. Top 3 with Alicia and Kalinda.

The Sarah Palin joke in this episode is the funniest thing of the season.

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Spider-Man: Far From Home
The Perfect Date