Shout by C B R B E Y O N C E

Black Mirror: Season 3

3x04 San Junipero

I just LOVE 80th, so I especially appreciated that episode, San Junipero just looks and feels so good and so right... Characters are lovely, I was really invested in the episode mainly because of characters. Plot and the whole idea for the episode is just beautiful and makes sense in every way possible. Music and sounds are priceless, 80th, 90th, 2002, absolutely loved it. More of that, when you finish the episode, it more likely will leave you with pleasant urge to think-over the stuff you just saw. I can remember some episodes from 1st and 2nd season really getting into my mind too, but this one, has a sweet and warm after taste, makes you wonna live, work and hope for the better future.
P.S. Notice how your understanding and reaction to Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is the place on Earth changes during the episode. You can hear it from the car on the street in the early beginning and at the end of the titles.

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@fenkins all of the songs have double meanings. One more reason this is an amazing episode in so many ways.
