Review by Vero

I love this show and I loved this episode. The New Rogues aka "Harrison Wells Cast audition". He has to be the best actor in the multiverse. I loved the different versions but come on, I want Harry to stick around. He and Cisco are one true pairing. I love their dynamic together. So funny. I would've chosen Hells Wells. God, that was absolutely awesome.
Besides, I love Killer Frost's powers. I hope she doesn't turn evil, but helps Barry and the gang around.
Plus, Barry and Iris together, sure felt kinda weird, plus making out in front of your dad, who so happens to be the adoptive father of your boyfriend. I guess you have to cool it a bit Iris, although it wasn't like they were trying to shoot a porn film or something. it was just cuddling bit any old how, it feels weird.
And Start back. They sold me that Start was back and all we've got was a flashback and a hologram. And Mirror Master and Top were kinda awesome, I presume. Actually, I paid more attention to the subplot that to the actual metas. And what about this, Barry found a way out of this pickle without help from the gang. It also felt weird, though.
Looking forward to see Killer Frost next episode and that weird monster we've got now.

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