Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-11-08T01:01:44Z— updated 2016-11-14T14:51:16Z

Boring James tries to be heroic after men with alien weapons destroy his father's camera "that he is never seen actually using." I prefer the episodes with him barely in it. Plus with Supergirl, Martian Manhunter and Superman around, James thinks he is needed as a hero....
I don't ship Chyla with the lesbian detective either though. Since I was hoping her and Maxwell Lord would go somewhere. He hasn't been seen once this season.
Otherwise there's some fine action despite too much James, love subplots and Kara annoyed at her new alien friends antics at work. Which were funny though. Like him not understanding why you can't have sex anywhere you want.

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@jim222001 ah, so you ship alex with a person who hates aliens/supergirl? lol smh

@alexdanvers well because they had chemistry and fun scenes together. I feel her and the Detective is forced. "You're right, I did like women all along."

@jim222001 they had 0% of chemistry hahahaha btw Greg Berlanti -creator/producer of supergirl- said in a recent interview that Alex Danvers being gay is been developed since season 1 so i guess maxwell never had chance w/ her

@alexdanvers Alex has chemistry with the detective ? They rushed Alex as a lesbian as soon as she was introduced.
