Review by Vero

No, seriously, there's no freaking way he's Prometheus. He can't be him. When the he'll did he just learn to fight like that? At the comic con? Or does whisky just bring up your inner ninja? I loooove Ninjas! There's no way this can happen. They're just messing with us. And what about the episode. It felt like season 1. The list, Oliver and the tennis balls. Man, I missed that. I needed that. And was it me or did Prometheus look weider this ep? I mean, the way he reacted when Artemis arrowed him...
It's too early for them to tell us who Prometheus is. I bet it's a red herring. Prometheus looks like he was trained by the League of Assassins. There's no way Quentin would fight like that, unless drinking whisky makes you become an angry ninja turtle. I guess that the actual Prometheus actually drugged him in order to kill those guys the same way Malcolm did with Thea. It has to be that. Otherwise, I find it weird that he just went into Lance's room, cut him and left the alloy star there. Creepy. That's super disturbing. And Billy Malone fangirling too much right after realizing Felicity works for the Green Arrow. Suspicious. I don't know. I guess it's too easy to think he's Prometheus. They present a new guy and we immediately think it's him. Him or Adrian Chase. I still think it has to be someone from the early seasons. How on Earth would Billy know the names on the list? I don't know. This ep was cool, but Lance is just a puppet. He can't be the bad guy here. I still go with the theory that's Tommy. Malcolm kind of revived him in the Lazarus Pit. That could be the reason why he didn't want Sara to be resurrected, because he already tried that with Tommy. I have no freaking idea, but it sorta makes sense, doesn't it? At least, it makes more sense than it actually being Lance.
Now, let's take a minute to honor Oliver's collection of arrows. He's like Homer, he has an arrow for everything. And we get to see the arrow huge again!

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